ISF Weekly 
Issue: #22April 2, 2014
In Today's Weekly
Summer ISF 100A Open
Summer '14 ISF Courses
ISF Faculty Office Hours
Research Opportunities
Changes to the ISF major
Scholarships, Fellowships & Prizes
Internship and Employment

ISF 100 A
Introduction to Social Theory and Cultural Analysis
Session Dates: May 27-July 3 

This course draws on the classical traditions of social theory as well as contemporary analysis to examine the basic conceptual underpinnings of modern societies. That is, we explore what it means to live in the modern, postmodern, hyper-modern, or global worlds. In particular we examine the nature of industrial and post-industrial social formations, cultural perceptions, and the development of ideological constructs. Changing understandings of the shapes of power and domination is a central linkage tying these various analyses together. We ... Read-More

Summer '14 ISF Courses

ISF Faculty Advisor Office Hours



Peter Sahlins

259 Evans, 664-4315, E-mail:

Office Hours): Drop-in and by appointment. Contact Prof. Sahlins directly to schedule.

Tuesday 9-11:30 (Evans); Th 9-10 (3214 Dwinelle); 12-1:30 (Evans)



Robert Ehrlich

269 Evans, 642-0660, E-mail:

(Office hours are drop-in & by appointment. Contact Prof. Ehrlich directly to schedule)

Mondays 4:15-5, Tuesdays 3:15-4:45, Wednesdays 10-12, Thursdays 3:15-4:00, Fridays 1:30-3:30

Telebears Office Hours (4/7-4/25):  Mondays 1-2, Fridays 9-10:30


Earl Klee

267 Evans, 642-1344, E-mail:

Office Hours (drop-in): Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs, 1-3:30


Gary Wren

239 Evans, 642-2087, E-mail:

Office Hours:

MW 3-5; TTh 10-12

Telebears Office Hours (4/7-4/25): MW 1-5, TTH 10-12, 4-5 





The Olive Tree Initiative

Earn Credits for a 3-week trip to Israel, the West Bank, and Jordan this summer! 

Have an interest in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, geopolitics in the South Caucasus, or other world conflicts?  Interested in International Relations or Foreign Policy work?  Become a "student diplomat" by engaging the top policy makers, negotiators, and experts around world conflict.   Travel to Washington DC, New York City, Israel, the West Bank, and Jordan on an intensive study trip.
UC Berkeley has officially RELEASED APPLICATIONS to send students on a Diplomatic Trip for conflict analysis and resolution.  Visit   to apply and receive up to a $2000 scholarship from your campus!
The Olive Tree Initiative experience is for driven and passionate students who wish to challenge themselves and engage conflict at numerous different levels. 
Watch the Middle East promo video for more information: 
What will the application entail?
Applications will include basic information, 4 short essay questions (paragraph each), a list of any relevant coursework, and 2 letters of recommendation (1 academic and 1 non-academic - can be from a fellow student leader).  

Do I have to be a current Olive Tree Initiative student member to be selected? 
No, any UC Berkeley student who is driven to become a passionate, educated critical thinker in a challenging environment is encouraged to apply. Your application should, however, demonstrate a strong interest and some background knowledge of the region's history and politics.  
How much will the trip cost? 
The cost of the entire trip per student is around $6000, which includes all airfare from LAX, taxi, bus, food, speakers, hotel, insurances, tips, security and special access logistics, and 
4-credits of graded academic work.
Selected students will receive a up to a generous $2,000 SCHOLARSHIP from the Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education and the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs.  Additional fundraising is encouraged and community outreach has reduced costs even further! 
The program has received commendation and awards from the US Center for Citizen Diplomacy, and the California State Assembly, and the White House.  Visit 
for more information.
Research Opportunities   null



Off Campus Opportunities This Summer


There are a wealth of summer research programs throughout the US and the world. Most of these have late January and early February deadlines.  See the "for Berkeley students away from Berkeley" link on our "opportunities" page for links that will help you find the summer program of your dreams:


Office of Undergraduate Research, located in 5 Durant Hall.  For more information about research opportunities and resources at UC Berkeley, visit the Research @ Berkeley website at



When: APRIL 25, 2014


Advanced undergraduate students from across campus are invited to apply for participation in the 2014 Legal Studies Undergraduate Research Conference.


Students with projects featuring original research related to law and legality (broadly defined) are welcome to apply.


This conference brings together undergraduate scholars from multiple disciplines and provides an opportunity to present and dialogue about their law-related research. 


Examples of previous work presented include: 

  • "Media Narratives of Crime in the Favelas of S�o Paulo and Rio de Janeiro" "Identity at the Fringes of Citizenship: Experiences of Afghan Refugees in Turkey"
  • "Protecting Women from Themselves: A Feminist Legal Analysis of the Woman-Protective Antiabortion Argument"
  • "Do Copyright Protections of Fashion Designs Stifle or Promote Industry Innovation?"
  • "Space the Cell, Spoil the Child: Early History and Philosophy of American Juvenile Justice."
Applying to the conference requires submission of an abstract (300-500 words).
Applications will be reviewed and decided upon on a rolling basis until Monday, March 31st. Students are strongly urged to apply as soon as possible as space is limited. Please direct all applications and questions to Christina Carbone at 
Changes to the ISF majorchanges

ISF Honors Process (2014-2015)


All honors students enroll in the senior thesis seminar with other majors (ISF 190); there will no longer be a separate Honors Thesis Seminar (ISF H195).  Senior Honors Theses that receive honors will be no different in length and baseline requirements than other ISF Senior Theses, although they will inevitably use more primary and secondary sources, employ a more sophisticated methodology, and offer more rigorous and sophisticated interpretations. 


For more information, click here

ISF Senior Thesis Guidelines (2013-2014)


The ISF Senior Thesis requirement is the capstone experience and final product of the ISF Major.   The thesis is a sustained, original, and critical examination of a central interdisciplinary research question, developed under the guidance of the ISF 190 instructor. 


For more information, click here 

New Course Description for ISF 189

ISF 189 - Introduction to Interdisciplinary Research Methods


This class is an introduction to research methods, leading students through different units built around specific learning goals and practical exercises.  


For more information, click here 

New Course Description for  ISF 100A 


ISF 100A - Introduction to Social Theory and Cultural Analysis 


This course, required of all ISF Majors but open to all students, provides an introduction to the works of foundational social theorists of the nineteenth century, including Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Max Weber (1864-1920).


For more information click here
Scholarships / Fellowships / Prizes



Undergraduate Merit Scholarship


Funding Series: Undergraduate Funding


The Institute of International Studies (IIS) Undergraduate Merit Scholarship supports undergraduate research in any area of international studies.  Research may be conducted independently, in congruence with an honors thesis, or while studying abroad.  The scholarship recipients will be called IIS Junior Scholars.  After completing their research projects, Junior Scholars are required to submit a four-page research summary and attend the IIS Junior Scholars Conference held in May 2014.  Junior Scholars will present their work in poster format at the conference.  Students with the strongest research project, as determined by an IIS faculty panel, will each receive an additional $1000 prize.  There will also be an opportunity to compete for the Best Poster Award, an additional $250 prize. 


*Application Details


*Award Amount


Applicants must submit a one-page research proposal that addresses:


1. The research question;

2. Why it is important to the field of study;

3. Qualification to conduct the research (i.e. related past or planned coursework, languages, etc.);

4. A preliminary research plan (including the format for research, i.e. during EAP, as an independent study, etc.).


In addition, applications must include an unofficial transcript and one letter of recommendation, which can come from a GSI or faculty member.  Please ask your recommender to e-mail the recommendation letter directly to:  


The application webform can be found here



Greater Good Science Center Fellowships



The Greater Good Science Center is pleased to announce new 

fellowship opportunities for UC Berkeley students. GGSC offers annual Goldberg  Undergraduate Fellowships  and Hornaday Graduate Fellowships to students whose work relates to our mission. The fellowship program aims to attract scholars from across a broad spectrum of academic disciplines, with a particular focus on the social-behavioral sciences.



The Application period is March 3 - April 16 2014


Previous GGSC fellows have gone on to top research and teaching positions at universities nationwide, providing a significant boost to the science of compassion, resilience, altruism, and happiness. Read about former GGSC postdoctoral fellow Sarina Rodrigues and GGSC graduate fellow Laura Saslow's trailblazing work on the genetics of empathy in this New York Times article.




*   Application Window: March 3 - April 16, 2014

*   Winners Announced: May 16, 2014

*   Funding Starts: September 1, 2014



For more information, visit:



European Union Center of Excellence Undergraduate Senior Thesis Research Fellowship 


Application forms may be obtained from the web site of the European Union Center of Excellence( or directly from the EU Center office.


Please send applications as both hard copies and electronic files. Electronic applications should be mailed to and faxed copies sent to (510) 643-3372.


Please address all other questions to Noga Wizansky at

ASUC Academic Opportunity Fund (open to all majors)


The Academic Opportunity Fund awards grants for academic travel that enhances student access to valuable educational experiences beyond the classroom. The program provides opportunities for individuals and student groups to represent and further UC Berkeley's academic prestige and dedication to education. While most ASUC funding is restricted to on-campus activities, the Academic Opportunity Fund subsidizes off-campus academic pursuits - professional meetings, research conferences, academic competitions, and independent research.

For more info:



Institute for International Studies Undergraduate Conference Travel Grant


The Institute of International Studies (IIS) Undergraduate Conference Travel Grant supports undergraduate students who plan on traveling to a conference to present a research project, paper, or poster on any topic related to international affairs. (rolling deadline) 


Students from all departments are eligible and IIS encourages applications from a wide range of disciplines. The travel grant provides opportunities for individuals to gain valuable educational experience beyond the classroom and recognizes that many UC Berkeley undergraduate students engage in research projects that may require travel to national or international conferences.  Grant amounts will depend on the location of the conference (domestic or international).  Students must be registered for the term in which they are planning to attend their conference and be presenting a paper or poster at the conference.

For more info:



Student Opportunity Funds (SOF)
The Student Opportunity Fund is designed to provide support for events/activities both co-curricular and academic planned by and for Cal students. One of the objectives of the Student Opportunity Fund is to support programs that foster a greater sense of campus community and that are conducive to free intellectual exchange. Another goal is to encourage more interaction and educational experiences for students outside of the classroom, such as visiting speakers, forums on topics of general interest, and special campus panel discussions. (rolling deadline)



URAP: Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program 

The URAP program provides undergraduates with the opportunity to work with faculty on the cutting-edge research projects for which UC-Berkeley is world-renowned. Faculty who want to involve undergraduate students in their research post opportunities through the URAP program; students who are interested can apply for up to three projects. Research opportunities are posted twice a year near the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters.  



Haas Scholars Program -- a senior capstone experience for all majors

Each year, twenty highly qualified, academically talented undergraduates with financial need come together to build a supportive intellectual community during their final year at UC-Berkeley. Applicants are evaluated primarily on the merit and originality of their proposal for an independent research or creative project that will serve as the basis for a senior or honors thesis. Eligibility: 3.450+ gpa, financial need (AB540 and international OK), and graduating Fall 2014 or Spring/Summer 2015. Once selected, Haas Scholars receive close mentoring from members of the UC-Berkeley faculty, seminars and workshops to assist them in the research and writing process, the opportunity to present their work at a professional conference, and up to $12,600 each in financial support. Deadline is traditionally the last Monday in February (this year, February 24, 2013.)  



Prestigious Scholarships 

The Office of Undergraduate Research and Prestigious Scholarships manages the Scholarship Connection website, UC Berkeley's clearinghouse for information on scholarships that are funded by sources outside the University. Competition for these awards may be local, national, or international in scope, and scholarship deadlines and requirements vary. Students may search for scholarships on the Scholarship Connection online database. To stay up to date on available awards, enrolled UC Berkeley students may also subscribe to the Scholarship Connection listserv. Subscribers receive biweekly e-mail updates on scholarships and related opportunities. In addition, the coordinator, Alicia Hayes serves as the campus representative of several national highly competitive and prestigious scholarships. Among these are the Rhodes, Marshall, and Truman Scholarships. Most of these awards require a campus endorsement before the applications can be forwarded to the final levels of competition. The office offers workshops and individual advising to help applicants prepare competitive applications for these awards.  

More research program deadlines -- most are in the early spring -- appear at: 
Note that the list can be sorted by deadline or in alphabetical order by program name. Also note the search button on the left side of the page.
Internship / Employment  

NASA Ames Research Center Internships

The UARC's Systems Teaching Institute at NASA Ames Research Center is currently offering two paid internship positions for students in Business and English related majors.  These internships will focus on project management, finance/accounting, compliance, and export control.

Selected students will gain hands-on experience working with cutting-edge research and development teams and an increased understanding of the NASA mission.  Besides working closely with Ames scientists and engineers, students will have the opportunity to attend seminars tailored to their level of expertise, career development workshops, and various symposiums.


The position description for these internship opportunities are attached.  It would be greatly appreciated if you would announce these positions and post them for your students.


The initial deadline for applications is April 16, 2014.  The internships will start as soon as possible, and continue through August 2014 (with possible extension).


To learn more about the UARC and the STI, and to find a complete listing of open recruitments, please visit: or



PAID Internship Opportunity: Apply to be a mentor with CollegeSpring! 


CollegeSpring works with low-income high school students in the Bay Area and Los Angeles by providing SAT prep and college counseling services. We are searching for dynamic college undergraduates who will join our team as Mentors and Lead Mentors for our 2014 summer programming in Los Angeles and the Bay Area. As a member of CollegeSpring's staff, you will develop teaching and leadership skills, meet talented undergraduates, and make higher education a reality for high school students with low-income backgrounds. If you want to make a direct impact in the lives of high school students, you might be the person we're looking for!


To apply, Mentors and Interns must submit a resume and application on our website, by: Friday April 4th



Mentor responsibilities include: 

Lead groups of students in SAT Writing, Critical Reading and Math tutoring

Guide students through the college admissions process

Collect and use student data to better improve students' SAT Reasoning scores

Collaborate with other undergraduate mentors and the professional teachers on site

Act as a role model for CollegeSpring high school students

Must be available for the entire spring semester (January-April) AND one week of training 

Must pass criminal background check and TB test


Lead Mentor responsibilities include:

All Mentor responsibilities 

Provide content, pedagogical and relationship-building for other mentors

Report directly to Program Coordinators on the progress of mentors and students 

Manage mentors to ensure completion of all responsibilities 

Participate in leadership-development sessions throughout the summer


****PLEASE NOTE: all Lead Mentor positions will be given to students who apply that are already mentors with CollegeSpring


Time Commitment & Compensation:

Mentors are expected to commit full-time or part-time (depending on school + location) for 5 weeks

Mentors are required to attend a 1 week training that usually takes place one week before programming

Mentors receive $10/hour

Lead Mentors receive $12.50/hour

LA program dates: June 16th - July 25th

Bay Area program dates: June 23rd - August 1st



Phi Beta Kappa Writing Internship


The National Phi Beta Kappa Office is seeking new interns for their writing internship program. Students do not need to be PBK members, but they must have a recommendation from Alpha of California, the Berkeley PBK chapter. They must make a five month commitment during which they produce six articles that will be published in the Key Reporter ( The deadline to apply for the Fall 2014 Writing Internship is May 30, 2014. Please visit for more information.  The form may be found at


Fund for the Public Interest Jobs

**Fall 2014 Job Opportunities Making Social Change**

We're looking for smart, hard-working students who work well in a team and are eager to work for change after graduation.

The Fund for the Public Interest (aka "the Fund") helps some of the top progressive organizations in the country work on issues such as clean water, equal rights for LGBT Americans, and ending subsidies to corporate farms. And we're hiring!

Specifically, we're hiring Citizen Outreach Directors to run our grassroots campaign offices across the country next fall -- working on behalf of groups like Environment America, the Human Rights Campaign and US PIRG.

We are looking for smart, motivated students who want to get their hands dirty and make a real impact on some of the most critical issues facing our society.

If you are interested in applying, visit our website at, or contact me directly - 908-892-2618,


I'm looking forward to speaking with you more about our positions!