proud sponsor of CT PTA
Form 990-N Submission Website Will Change Feb. 29, 2016
Thank you to all PTA Reflection chairs and PTA Leaders for all of your hard work on this years PTA Reflections! CT PTA received 247 first place entries from local PTAs.
1st,2nd 3rd and 4th place winners will be announced soon! Awards Ceremony
Wednesday, May 11th
Next Years PTA Reflections Theme
"What Is Your Story"
North Haven, CT 06473
203-891-6462 (fax)
email us
Looking for interesting, interactive, stimulating activities for your child? And how about presentations for you on how to boost your child's creativity, defuse power struggles and build better family habits? Connecticut Association for the Gifted has Saturday afternoon programs that offer exciting and engaging learning at locations across the state.
*Think Big, Think PTA*
2016 Annual National PTA
Convention & Expo
CT PTA invites all PTA members to join us on
Thursday, March 24th, 9:00 am for the
116th Annual Meeting of the
Connecticut Parent Teacher Association. This is your chance to network with other Connecticut PTA's. Please encourage your PTA members to attend! This is your event!
Breakfast will be served for those who register for the Annual Meeting
Check your inbox!
This week you will receive a revised set of Connecticut PTA Bylaws. These have been approved by the Board of Directors and now move to you, our members, for adoption at the Annual Meeting on March 24th. Please read them and the accompanying explanations of significant changes, and share them with your membership. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions, and make sure to be at the Meeting so you can cast your vote!
Immediately following the Annual Meeting:10:00 am-3:00 pm
Join us for a day of *Samples* Sharing* Learning*Fun
Fundraising, Cultural Enrichment and so much more!
Bring a Friend, Open to Everyone.Plan your next PTA year right. Great ideas for your PTA
Be one of the first sixty to register for the CT PTA Annual Meeting and Expo and you will receive a gift from the CT PTA and a chance to win
one of three great door prizes.
CT PTA would like to help you recognize a Superintendent, Principal and new the this year, Teacher that demonstrates the importance of PTA & Parent Involvement.
Nominations are now being accepted.
 Membership Reminder Any local PTA who submits membership fees between Jan-Mar will be entered into a raffle to win two (2) tickets for our annual Awards Dinner or a personalized PTA tablecloth for their school.
Have all the faculty/staff at your school joined? Have you asked other family/community members to join?
Make February Grandparents month and recruit memberships from the grandparents of your students. They can take advantage a great AARP savings as PTA members!