August 12, 2016
  Aledo United Methodist Church   
Making disciples of Jesus Christ to transform the world
by loving, knowing, and serving our God.
This Sunday's Message: "The Great Divide"
Luke 12:49-56
The Road Less Traveled
A few weeks ago I shared with the kids during worship that my family has a new cat. Her name is Scarlett, and it has been interesting to watch as she forges relationships with our other cat and two dogs. Melissa and I have had at least one cat - usually more than one - throughout our marriage. Every one of them has been different....

Family Game and Movie Night
Wednesday, August 17, 6:00-8:00pm
Bring the whole family for a night of fun for all ages. There will be snacks, games, a movie and youth activities. We hope to see you there!

Back to School Bash
August 20, 6:30-8:30pm
Mark your calendars and come celebrate the start of the 2016-2017 School year with Aledo UMC at Splash Kingdom. Get your free tickets at the gate. Invite your friends to join us!

Books, Backpacks & Blessings
Sunday, August 21
Plan to join us for two special services on August 21, as we prepare our students, teachers and administration to head back to school.Kids are invited to bring their backpacks for a blessing of the backpacks, and we will pray for our students, teachers and administrators.

Wednesday Nights are Back!
Beginning Wednesday, August 24
4:00 Quad Opens
5:30 Fellowship Dinner
6:00 Children's Choir & Youth Worship
6:00-6:45 - Worship (7-12th grade)
6:30 Children, Youth & Adult Programming
6:45-7:30 - Small Groups (7-8 // 9-10 // 11-12)
7:00 Chancel Choir
Wednesday Night Programming
Children's Programming  K-6th Grade
Children's Choir Does your child like to sing and move? All children 2-5th grade are invited to join Miss Abbi Bell for choir on Wednesdays at 6pm in the gathering room. We will be learning music to sing in worship. Email Thomas Williamswith any questions.
Children's Programming Join us from 6:30-7:30pm for fun activities such as water games, cooking, and science exploration. K-4 will meet in the Fellowship Hall. Grades 5-6 will meet in the Rock House for fun activities and mission work. To volunteer or ask questions email Jennifer McDaniel.

Youth Programming  7th-12th Grade
4:00-5:30 - QUAD opens for hangout
5:30-6:00 - Dinner
6:00-6:45 - Worship (7-12th grade)
6:45-7:30 - Small Groups (7-8 // 9-10 // 11-12)

Wednesday, Aug 24 - Color Wars (colored powder games)
Wednesday, Aug 31 - Change
Wednesday, Sept 7-21 - Reckless (life of Peter)

Adult Programming
Parenting by Faith - (In the Chapel) Led by licensed professional counselors, this workshop will help parents guide their kids through the journey of childhood and adolescence.
Right of Refusal - (Room #14 in the main building) This Bible study will focus on learning to say "no" in a world that increasingly demands "yes" from us. Led by Pastor Lee.

Fellowship Dinner Menu - August 24
Cheesy Chicken Broccoli & Rice, Salad & Dessert

Acolyte Training
August 28, 12:oopm
Calling all 5th grade students and parents! There will be acolyte training for the 2016-17 school year on August 28th after the 11am Cornerstone traditional service. Lunch will be provide. Training will last 30 mins. Please email Thomas Williams to sign up.
Voices of Praise
Sunday, August 31
Do you love to sing and move in the spirit? Do you want to grow as a worshipper? Do you like gospel and modern sacred music? Then Voices of Praise is for you! This new small ensemble is looking for people that have a song in their heart. There will be an information meeting August 31st at 6pm in the sanctuary. If interested please email Thomas Williams.

Support Prison Ministries
Several members of our congregation are part of ministry teams that go into Texas prisons, offering Christ's love and redemption. Purchase a $5 meal ticket at the Connection Center, a tangible reminder to an inmate that they still have value and are not forgotten. Also, add your name to the prayer chain at the Connection Center and make a commitment to pray for all those involved in the weekends. An Epiphany weekend is coming up over Labor Day, for incarcerated teenage girls, as well as a Kairos weekend in October, ministering to imprisoned men. For more info, contact Trudy Smith.

Share a Prayer
Do you have a Prayer Concern you would like to share with the staff or with our church family? Please fill out a Prayer Request card (found in the back of the pews) and drop it in the white prayer box in the church lobby. The box is checked weekly. You are always welcome to contact our Congregational Care Director, Trudy Smith, with prayer concerns.
Save the Dates!
August 27: Choir Retreat
October 1: Lord's Acre
In your times of prayer throughout the week, please remember the people named below.

Concerns: Jennifer McDaniel's cousin Kayla Perry; Mary Mock's sister Dorothy Black; Sydney Smith; Ted Jordan; Tom Lunsford; Joy Moore: Krisi Hefner's uncle Scott Morehead; Janie Faris; Al Clark
Special members who are unable to worship with us: Art and Micki Authier; C.D. and Mattie Graham; Wynell Stevens
Long-term prayer concerns: Carrie Hester; Glenn Rogers' great-nephew, McCrae Trammell; Lori Kahil's father, Jeff Muessig; Rita Maddux-Potter; Stella Lee's daughter, Sherroll Shirley; Katie Alexander; Jana Gates' sister-in-law, Debra Lewis; Larry Wicker; Dan Tollefson's uncle, Phil Tollefson; Steven Cole's mother, JoAnn Cole; Kikee Kupper's father, Briscoe Dunn; Kathy Mayotte's father, A. Ken Hartle; Connie Dryden; Jean Smith; Chase Peysen; Leon Fleming; Mason Gomez; Fanci Coyle's father, Harvey Horton; Gavin Trietsch; Butch Fernstrom; All Military Personnel