July 22, 2016
  Aledo United Methodist Church   
Making disciples of Jesus Christ to transform the world
by loving, knowing, and serving our God.
This Sunday's Message: "Responsible Failure"
Luke 12:13-21
The Road Less Traveled
Many of you have asked to see the full text of the story that I shared in Sunday's sermon regarding the professor and the doughnuts. I share it here with the disclaimer that I have been....

Student Ministries Sunday
July 31, 9:00 and 11:00 services
Join us as our youth lead us in worship and share what God has been doing in and through them this summer.
Student Ministries Endless Summer
July 26-31
We will be going to Burger's Lake, Six Flags, a Texas Rangers Game, and the Coyote Drive-In ending the week with a lock-in.  All information and registration for youth and adult volunteers can be found on the Student Ministries page at aledoumc.org.
Wheelchair Ramp Build
Saturday July 24, 8:00am
The location for this ramp build is just west of Weatherford on Ranger Hwy. Meet at the Aledo Park & Ride (SE corner of I20 & FM1187) to caravan to the job-site.

You will need to bring:
Cordless Drill w/ Charged Batteries, Tape Measure, Short Level (12in or so), Nail Apron, Pencil, Closed Toe Shoes, Gloves, Safety Glasses, Ear Protection (ear plugs) and Water.
All other tools will be provided.

For more information contact Jeff O'Donald at 817-917-4132.

Dina Malki to Speak
Sunday, July 31, 10:00am in the Sanctuary
The TLC Sunday school class will be hosting a guest speaker, Dina Malki. Everyone is invited to join them as Ms. Malki brings a fresh view of Islam to their class. She holds a Master's degree in Islamic Studies and Christian Muslim relations at Hartford Seminary in Connecticut. As a long-time resident of North Texas, she has presented Islam in public schools, colleges, churches, synagogues and other places for more than a decade. She is a researcher and writer. Ms. Malki writes in several publications about Islam and American Muslims. She is highly active in interfaith dialogue and is a member of the Daughters of Abraham.
Back to School Bash
August 20, 6:30-8:30pm
Mark your calendars and come celebrate the start of the 2016-2017 School year with Aledo UMC at Splash Kingdom. Get your free tickets at the gate. Invite your friends to join us!

Family Game and Movie Night
Wednesday, August 17, 6:00-8:00pm
Bring the whole family for a night of fun for all ages. There will be snacks, games, a movie and youth activities. We hope to see you there!

Need a listening ear and a prayer?
Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who have received 50 hours of caregiving training to minister to people experiencing a crisis, facing a challenge, or simply going through a tough time. A Stephen Minister will meet with you-privately and confidentially-on a weekly basis to listen, care, encourage, support, and remind you of Christ's presence in your life. Contact Pastor Lee (lee@aledoumc.org) or Congregational Care Director Trudy Smith (trudysmith@aledoumc.org) if you would like to meet with a Stephen Minister.
AUMC Steeple Repairs
During the recent storms the AUMC church steeple was struck by lightning. Professional assessment of the damage and stability of the structure is currently underway. During the next few months there will be varying stages of repair and replacement. Please bear with us as we undertake this major task. The Trustees' objective is to restore the steeple to its' original stately presence within the Aledo community.
AUMC Board of Trustees
Nursery Help Wanted
Aledo UMC needs additional paid caregivers for the nursery-Pre-K rooms during both worship services and Sunday School. We will work with your worship attendance. Must be 18 years or older. Please contact Barbara Leevy @ 817-441-8329 or email children@aledoumc.org.
AUMC Manna Room
If you would like to make a contribution to the AUMC Manna Room, below is a list of food frequently put in the bags:
Oatmeal (18 oz.)
Canned pasta (ravioli, spaghetti-o's, etc.)
Pasta Sauce
Dried Beans (1 pound bags)
Canned Chili
Tuna or Chicken Helper
Peanut Butter (16-28 oz.)
Jelly (16-20 oz.)
Canned fruit
Vienna Sausages
Canned Chicken
In your times of prayer throughout the week, please remember the people named below.

Concerns: Stanton Smith; Janie Faris; Kurstie Moran; Carrie Hester; Jere Hand; Steve Leifeste; Sylvia Larson's mother, Norma Blake; Jared Fowler's uncle, Jimmy Reay; Diane Smith; DeeAnn Day; Mary Hart; Al Clark; Julie Turner
Special members who are unable to worship with us: Art and Micki Authier; C.D. and Mattie Graham; Wynell Stevens
Joys: Greg and Rhonda Evers on the birth of their granddaughter, Hadley Renae Evers
Long-term prayer concerns: Glenn Rogers' great-nephew, McCrae Trammell; Lori Kahil's father, Jeff Muessig; Rita Maddux-Potter; Stella Lee's daughter, Sherroll Shirley; Katie Alexander; Jana Gates' sister-in-law, Debra Lewis; Larry Wicker; Dan Tollefson's uncle, Phil Tollefson; Steven Cole's mother, JoAnn Cole; Belinda Holland's brother, Rick Lewis; Kikee Kupper's father, Briscoe Dunn; Kathy Mayotte's father, A. Ken Hartle; Connie Dryden; Jean Smith; Chase Peysen; Leon Fleming; Mason Gomez; Fanci Coyle's father, Harvey Horton; Gavin Trietsch; Butch Fernstrom; All Military Personnel