Aledo United Methodist Church eNews
October 24, 2014

Making disciples of Jesus Christ to transform the world by loving, knowing, and serving our God.




Service Times

8:30 Praise

9:45 Contemporary

11:00 Traditional
Sunday School
9:45 and 11:00


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Senior Pastor
Rev. Lee Trigg

5K  |  Kiddie-K  |  Dogs Run Too!

This Sunday, October 26
4:00pm at Bearcat Park

You may register at the Connection Center or at the race.


Enjoy the afternoon outside with exercise, 

food, entertainment & fellowship! 


We are also collecting items to make "Blessing Bags" for people in need. We will have a donation area at the race.

The bags will be assembled and distributed at a later date. 


Travel size items needed:

Beanie or knit hat, socks, knit gloves, hand warmers, Chapstick, lotion, comb, toothbrush and small toothpaste, deodorant, soap, snack bars, On the Go flavored powdered drink packets, nuts, pop top canned fruit and meat, chewing gum, gallon Ziplock bags, Walmart gift cards (if you would prefer instead of shopping).

Contact Chris Dorrell with questions about the race or the "Blessing Bags".


I am on a quest to be healthier. I am trying to lose weight, to exercise more, to eat better. Folks who know me well will tell you this is nothing new. In fact, I've been on this quest for most of my adult life, at least for the past 20 years or so. I've had varying levels of success throughout the years, but it seems like I always manage to make it back to where I am now. Part of it is that I like to eat, and the other part is that I don't particularly enjoy exercise. Oh I enjoy walking my dog and riding my bike, but carving out the time to do those things on a regular and systematic basis, well that's another story.


But things are different now. I am getting old enough now that the incentive is not just to look better or for my clothes to fit better, but rather simply to feel better. And to ensure that my wife and I still have many years together, that we will grow old together, that we will be here to enjoy our grandchildren. And so I have vowed - once again - to be healthier, to take better care of myself, to be a good steward of the body with which God has blessed me.


It's gone pretty well so far, but I have found myself the past couple of days entering into a difficult time. Interestingly that time comes not at the beginning, when you might think. For me the hard part is not the first few days. I have cravings, to be sure, but I am motivated by the dream of good health that set me on the path. Those first few days I start seeing the needle move on the scale, and it is exciting. No way am I going to fail this time! But for me the difficult time is the ordinary time. Things are going fine. But nothing dramatic is happening. From time to time when I step on the scale, it will register a pound less, but not always. My clothes, which felt a little better almost immediately, feel the same today as they did yesterday. I look in the mirror and don't see much of a difference in what I saw at the beginning of the week.


That is when it gets tough. That's when I'm tempted to jump off the program. That's when the cheeseburger or chips and queso really sound the best. That's when it starts getting harder and harder to find the time to exercise. That's when it becomes easy to forget that this is not a sprint, it's a marathon, and marathons require faith.


I think it's much the same with many aspects of our lives. It's easy to stay focused when we are on top of the world. And it's easy to stay focused when the bottom is falling out from under us. But in the everyday humdrum of life, that focus is easily lost. In the midst of going to work, taking the kids to school, football practice, baseball games, and dance recitals, it is easy to forget that our marriages require work and constant attention. In the midst of building a career, of climbing the corporate ladder, it's easy to forget that our children are not capable of raising themselves. And in the midst of the work of getting through each day, it is easy to forget that our relationship with God needs nurturing, and that without that nurturing, it quickly becomes irrelevant.


And so in these ordinary times, I think it is all important to recommit ourselves. I think it is crucial to constantly take stock of how blessed we are and what is really important to us. And in the end, I believe it is in the ordinary times that we grow and finally discover who we really are.


See you Sunday.





Rev. Lee Trigg 


Tonight at 6:00pm in the Chapel

Young at Heart is kicking off again this fall with a potluck dinner tonight! Meat will be provided; please bring a side dish to share. We will be working on a calendar of events, so bring your ideas to share and be a part of the planning. Young at Heart is open to all whose bodies are aging, but hearts remain young! No age limit!


Monday Night Football

October 27 at 6:00pm

All men are invited to join us on our monthly fellowship outing every fourth Monday. This Monday we will meet at The Fox & Hound on Bryant Irvin Road at 6:00pm for dinner followed by watching the Cowboys vs. Redskins game. If you would like more information, please contact See you there!

Wednesdays at 6:30pm (October 29 - November 19)

Clint Church will be leading a 4-week study on Adam Hamilton's book, Making Sense of the Bible. Sign up and pick up your book ($18) at the Connection Center so you may begin reading prior to our first session on October 29. Contact for more information.

Wednesday, October 29
Kids! Wear your Halloween costume and take part in an evening of fun. At 6:15, the kids are invited to join us for a costume parade. From 6:30-7:30 we will offer games and activities for children of all ages. Don't miss this evening of Fall Fun! Donations of candy are needed and can be dropped off at the church office.
Veterans' Sunday is November 9
If you have service men or women that you would like to honor and remember on Veterans Day, please be sure an fill out a card at the Connection Center.
What is Stephen Ministry? Aledo UMC has several trained Stephen Ministers - members of the congregation who have received at least 50 hours of care-giving training to minister to people going through difficult times. A Stephen Minister will meet with you, privately and confidentially, on a weekly basis to listen, care, support and encourage you, and to remind you of Christ's presence in your life. There is no fee for a Stephen Minister. They are folks who feel called to walk alongside those in crisis or those just going through a tough time, due to job loss, divorce, or other challenges.

If you would like to learn more about Stephen Ministry, for yourself or someone you know - inside our outside our congregation - please talk to Pastor Lee or Trudy Smith, our Director of Congregational Care & Connections.

Sunday, November 2 from 3:00-5:00pm

Lee and Melissa would like to thank the people of Aledo UMC for their warm welcome and their service and dedication to the congregation. Come and go any time between 3-5 (430 Prairie Run, Aledo). There will be a Veggie Tales movie playing for little ones!

Sunday, November 9 - During All Services
Aledo UMC will be recognizing our third grade students by presenting them each with a Bible from the congregation at this important point in their faith journey. Please contact to include your child in the Bible presentation. We want to make sure all children are recognized!

7:00-7:45pm in the Choir Room

If you would like to sing with our choir on a short-term basis through the holidays, we would love to have you join us any time. You do not need to know how to read music, just have a song in your heart! Contact Thomas Williams for more information

Month of October
Remember to return your filled grocery sack to the Center of Hope or Doyle Moss Insurance by October 31. As always, your generosity is appreciated!
Monday, November 10 at 6:00pm
Peggy Badlato, with Family Pathfinders, will be speaking to the Men of Aledo UMC about mentoring other men in need. Family Pathfinders works with previously incarcerated men who are re-entering the workforce and need a mentor and friend.
Sunday, November 16 at 12:15pm
Attention adults who love kids! Please join us for our Children's Ministry Council meeting. All parents, volunteers and anyone desiring to support children's ministries is encouraged to join us in the Gathering Room of the Education Building. Bring a side or bread to share. Melissa will bring a pot of soup! Email for more information.
Concerns:  Jack Mitchell; Sharon Hampton's brother-in-law, Paul Whitebread; Lee Ancona's father, Cooper Ancona, and mother, Harriet Ancona; Alejandro Gomez' son, Aly Gomez; Rita Maddux Potter's father, Wayne Maddux; Lane Stuck, friend of the Psencik family; Tammy Leifeste's cousin, Keegan; Susan Tollefson's mother, Virginia Huggins; Martha Cross' mother, Elena Pulido; Cynthia Mayfield's friend's grandson, Darron; Jim Hester; Barbara Stagner; Jackie McDonald; Lisa Bransom's brother, Paul Alexander

Sympathy:  Paul and Amy Lockhart and family on the death of her mother, Donna Remus; Larry and Vicki Eldredge and family on the loss of his father, Glenn Eldridge

Special members who are unable to worship with us:  Wynell Stevens

Long-term prayer concerns:  Billy Coyle's mother, Elsie Coyle; Kikee Kupper's father, Briscoe Dunn; Sandy Greenough's brother, Billy Gray, Jr.; Diane Kelm's sister, Holly Holtz, and friend Jamey Rider; Kristen Hicks; Reagan McDonald; Trish Bull's aunt Cheryl and nephew Toby; Rita Maddux Potter's mother, Genelle Maddux; Dina Thomas' mother, Sue Swanson; Sally Mizell's mother, Martha Ball; Carrie Hester; Mary Hart's brother-in-law, Wesley Caywood; Dan Hagan's father, Joe Hagan; Kathy Mayotte's aunt and uncle, Jane and Gary Garrett; Jerri Savuto; Connie Dryden; Jane Gann's father, DuWayne Otterness; Julie Watts; Kathy Mayotte's father, A. Ken Hartle; Kristin Jarrell's father; Jean Smith; Stella Lee's daughter, Sherroll Shirley; Chase Peysen; Kent Stasey's mother, Mary John Stasey; Leon Fleming; Mason Gomez; Linda Mallory; Fanci Coyle's father, Harvey Horton; Alison Evers; Gavin Trietsch; Butch Fernstrom; All Military Personnel