Economic Report - May 2015

About The Buda EDC

Established in 2001, the Buda Economic Development Corporation is a Type B Economic Development Corporation and is funded through a half cent sales tax.


The Buda Economic Development Corporation is the only economic development entity in the City of Buda. Our mission is to provide leadership in creating and pursuing balanced economic growth, by recruiting and retaining desirable, diverse businesses and developing infrastructure, while protecting the quality of life and natural resources in the region.


Learn more about the activities and goals of the Buda Economic Development Corporation by reading our Strategic Plan.  


Economic Statistics

Unemployment Rate (Hays County)
March 2015 - 3.3%
March 2014 - 4.4% 
Labor Force (Hays County)
February 2015 - 92,399
February 2014 - 92,459
Sales Tax Deposit (City of Buda)
April 2015- $391,898.54
April 2014 - $367,915.25
Sales Tax Deposit (Hays County)
April 2015 - $913,085.13
April 2014 - $996,767.49
Data Sources:
Texas LMCI Tracer Data
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Upcoming Events

First Thursday Tonight!

Small Business Showcase
Austin, TX 
Strategic Messaging
May 18, 2015
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Register Here

More Events Here 

EDC Program Spotlight

Buda EDC Small Business Permit Program

This program is designed to provide an incentive to allow small businesses that are opening in Buda or expanding their operations but don't qualify for other incentives.

The program provides a reimbursement of 50% of certain permit fees paid by small businesses opening in Buda, with a maximum value of $1,250 per project. Businesses must be located within the City Limits or a Limited Purpose Annexation area, be a target industry, and open at least 30 hours per week.

For more information about the program and to download an application click here.


The Evolution of An Intersection -
Looking Back at the Development of FM 967/1626 

In 1995 most people who didn't live in the immediate area couldn't tell you where the intersection of FM 967 and FM 1626 was, let alone the fact that it would eventually draw the interest of developers from across the United States.


In response to the City of Buda Comprehensive Plan 2002-2012, the Buda Economic Development Corporation purchased 98 acres along the northwest corner of this intersection with a plan to implement the community's desire for additional parks and indoor/outdoor recreation opportunities.


Over the course of several years, the Buda Sportsplex concept was developed and successfully funded. Construction started in 2006 and was barely visible. In fact, this massive project included much more than what is currently seen at Buda Sportsplex Drive. Water and wastewater lines were extended 8,000 feet to serve the Sportsplex. These utilities spurred the development of future neighborhoods along FM 967.


As part of the development process the Buda EDC donated 15 acres to the Austin YMCA for the creation of the Hays Community YMCA. As the Sportsplex began to develop so did the area surrounding it, 7.5 acres of the original 98 had been set aside specifically for commercial tracts.


These tracts eventually became home to small developments that are currently home to a wide variety of businesses. The development of the complex continued and in partnership Hays CISD, Buda Sportsplex Drive was widened to serve both the complex and the school. Land was also donated to allow for the Buda Fire Station to locate at the entrance, which was vital to serving the residents moving into the neighborhoods that were quickly developing along FM 967 and FM 1626.


In 2008 when the Sportsplex was completed with 4 youth softball fields and 4 full size recreation fields, the evolution of FM 967/FM1626 was just beginning. Over the next few years, new retail centers including the recently finished 14,000 Buda Sportsplex Building would be constructed; bringing new businesses such as Proof and Beijing Bistro to Buda.


As residential growth continued to grow around this intersection, additional retailers and developers took an interest in locating in this area. Hays County and TXDOT even invested in improving the roadways. Eventually, the market demand attracted the attention of a Connecticut-based developer, who bought the southwest corner with a plan to develop a retail tract that includes the CVS currently under construction. A portion of this tract recently sold to a Louisiana-based developer who was drawn to this corner by the current and future potential.


Over the course of 10 years, the intersection of FM 967/FM 1626 has evolved significantly; with additional tracts of land in the area on the market, the potential for this area has yet to be realized. The Buda EDC is excited to have played an initial part in the development of this area and we look forward to the continued development of this area.


**Photos from Google Earth