Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto


Spring Newsletter 2015
This edition of the OISE Alumni & Friends Newsletter features exciting news and updates from OISE including remarkable accomplishments by alumni, faculty and students.

Thank you for staying connected

OISE Dean Julia O'Sullivan recently teamed up with two First Nations communities and the Martin Aboriginal Education Foundation (MAEI) to announce the results of an innovative literacy project at two First Nations schools in southwestern Ontario. The project - titled Wiiji Kakendaasodaa means Let's All Learn in Ojibwa 


Dean O'Sullivan's report describes outcomes of Wiiji Kakendaasodaa, a collaborative four-year project to improve the reading and writing achievement of First Nations elementary students attending Hillside School administered by Kettle and Stony Point First Nation and Walpole Island Elementary School administered by Walpole Island First Nation.  OISE alumna Dr. Carlana Lindenman is the Education Program Director for MAEI and was instrumental to the success of the project.  


News & Updates

If your Teacher Education program is complete, and you are eligible to apply for OCT certification you must be certified with the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) by August 31, 2015.
If not, you will be subject to the new requirements ( i.e. two year program). For questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact OISE Registrar's Office, Initial Teacher Education, Admitted Students Unit at 416-978-4300 or admitted@oise.utoronto.ca.
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The OISE Alumni Association has generously contributed funds to create the OISE Alumni Association Fellowship. This fellowship is endowed in perpetuity and will support doctoral students who have volunteered with the OISE Alumni Association. The Association was one of the first OISE donors to take advantage of a U of T donation matching program, the Graduate Student Endowment Fund (GSEF). Under the GSEF program donations made in support of graduate students were matched dollar for dollar.


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For OISE grad and culinary arts teacher Keith Hoare, going the extra mile for his students means putting his own skills to the test. His goal was realized when he won the Chopped Canada competition.

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When the kids in a kindergarten class that OISE professor Angela Pyle was observing recently decided to set up a bank, she paid close attention to investigate the relationship between play and literacy.

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Appointments & Awards
For his public service and for his contributions to public education in Canada, notably in the field of early childhood development, OISE Professor Charles Pascal is one of the country's newest recipients of the Order of Canada.

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OISE researchers lead in anti-racism research, including Carnegie African Diaspora Fellow George Dei, who works with international communities to build capacity for quality education.

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Photo (L-R): Deputy Minister Deborah Newman (MTCU), OISE Alumna Merli Tamtik and The Hononorable Reza Moridi (MTCU, MRI)
Four outstanding OISE alumni and students received the Ontario Graduate Policy Research Challenge Awards from the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities (MTCU): Pierre Piche (MEd '08, PhD '14), John Graeme Stewart (Phd Candidate), Kimberly Elias (MA '14) and Merli Tamtik  (MA '09, PhD '14).

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Order of Ontario recipient Sylvie Lamoureux (MEd '95; PhD '07) carries a deep commitment to advancing education in Ontario.  "My studies at OISE played a pivotal role in me reaching my goals. Through its ongoing commitment to serving Ontario's francophone community with its French-language graduate courses and support, OISE made me more aware of critical pedagogy and research, and so much more," says Lamoureux.

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OISE Alumna and Principal Emma Nichols (MEd '05)

Congratulations to OISE alumni recognized as Outstanding Principals of 2015 by the Learning Partnership: Lara Chebaro (BSc Uof T '97;  OISE MA '99); Tamara Grealis (BEd '90); Kim Maybury (BEd '96) Emma Nichols (MEd '05); Flora Nordoff (BEd '76); Randy Palermo (BEd '91); and Alka Sahai (BEd '94).


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Elisabeth Rees-Johnstone (MEd '06), an experienced education management professional with expertise in organizational development, sales and consulting effectiveness, and the development of integrated talent management solutions recently joined OISE. She looks forward to advancing OISE's position as a global leader in lifelong learning.

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Lectures & Events
April 21, 2015
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Toronto Botanical Gardens

Garden Hall


Join fellow alumni and friends for an evening of learning and networking.

6:00 p.m. - Registration and a light meal
6:15 p.m. - Presentation and Q&A

May 29, 2015 
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
OISE Nexus Lounge 

The OISE Alumni Association invites you to showcase your work. All Submissions welcome: paintings, sculptures, photography, performances, new media, poetry and much more.

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May 29 - May 30, 2015
Sidney Smith
University of Toronto

Taught by noted U of T professors, lecturers and alumni, this lecture series captivates alumni at every Spring Reunion.  Classes start on the hour; choose your own curriculum. 

Don't miss the presentation by OISE Professor and Alumna Dr. Ann Lopez entitled, An Educator's Journey: Navigating the Spaces in Between

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Contact Us
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
University of Toronto
252 Bloor Street West
Toronto, ON
M5S 1V6
