Iowa Water Trails Association
September, 2016
Sep 3-4, Sep 17-18 Motor Mill Free Tours, Turkey River WT--Check Water Levels! | Sep 4 SIW "Pre-Half Chicken Dinner Float" at Wadena | Sep & Oct "Wednesday Geode Paddles" on Lower Des Moines River | Sep 11 "Pelican Festival," Coralville Lake | Sep 13-14 Iowa DNR Canoe School, Last 2016 Session | Sep 14 "Disabled Vets Paddle" in Riverside Needs More Volunteers & Boats | Sep 14 "Happy Hour & Volunteer Recruitment," IRR & IEC at Confluence Brewing in Des Moines | Sep 15-18 ICNC "Amazing Space" Grand Opening Weekend, Cedar Rapids | Sep 17 Boone County "Dragoon River Romp" Cleanup, Des Moines River | Sep 17 "IARVCP Iowa River Cleanup," Iowa City | Sep 24 "Birding Basics" Open Program Lacey-Keosauqua State Park | Oct 1 "Jones County Fall Colors Float," South Fork Maquoketa River | Oct 1 "Walnut Creek Watershed Festival," Colby Park | Oct 6 IEC Annual Conference "ECOnomics: Dollars, Sense & Sustainability" at DMACC Ankeny Campus | Oct 7 Old Time & Blue Grass Festival Paddle Trip, Maquoketa River | Oct 8 "Freedom Float: The Underground Railroad Along the River," Lower Des Moines River | Annual Iowa Mussel Blitz Takes Interesting Turn to I-74 Bridge | Funding Opportunities: Two Wildlife Diversity Grants, Applications Due Nov 1 | Retailer Demo Days Ending, Fall Deals Coming, Indoor Classes Next? | What Readers are Following & Recommending | A Look at The IWTA Planning Calendar | Thanks to IWTA Readers |

| STILL AVAILABLE FOR YOUR WATERWAY CLEANUPS! Order these reusable blue trash bags from Todd Robertson, IDNR Rivers Program Outreach Coordinator. todd.robertson@dnr.gov or 515-725-2960 |
Turtles basking on a log in a backwater near Palo
Record flooding in August? Very unusual, but true, at least for our friends in NE Iowa. Our Iowa weather has always been a bit fickle, and may be becoming even more so. Just another reason to be aware of weather and water levels before you head out to enjoy our WTs.
This issue of the IWTA Newsletter is full of events and activities through September and early October--tours, floats, chicken dinner, geode floats, a pelican festival, canoe school, disabled Vets paddle, happy hour (& volunteer recruitment), grand opening, several river cleanups, birding, blue grass, & the underground railroad. How could you not find something on that list to pique your interest?
We're heading into Mother Nature's celebrated "Fall Colors Season." Jones County has scheduled their annual Fall Colors Float on Oct 1, but we know there must be several more to publicize. Please forward your event info to iowawta@gmail.com
Please check out the items in this month's "What Readers are Following & Recommending" section. Our congratulations to Larry Stone and Orlan Love, both individuals very deserving of the recognition. A couple of items regarding activities and funding related to clean water and the Water and Land Legacy remind us that now is the time to share your concerns and ideas with your legislators. Most proposals or initiatives will be developed well before the legislative session begins on Jan 9, 2017. It's best to speak up now.
We hope you enjoy this issue of the IWTA Newsletter.
To keep your newsletter relevant, please keep your info coming.
Sep 3-4, Sep 17-18; Motor Mill Free Tours, Turkey River WT |
Caution: Following the recent flooding along the Turkey River, we thought it wise to inquire about conditions in the area of Motor Mill. Larry Stone assures us that the Mill will be open for its scheduled Free Tours, but paddlers should use caution and check water levels before paddling on the Turkey. Driving directions to the mill are available on the Motor Mill website.
Putting in at Elkader and floating down the Turkey River WT past the iconic 1860's Motor Mill is an Iowa paddling tradition. You can make it even more memorable by scheduling your float to coincide with a free tour of the historic mill, related buildings and town site. Remaining 2016 free tour dates are Sep 3-4, Sep 17-18, & Oct 8-9.
Motor Mill will be open for tours from noon to 5 pm. Takeout for paddlers is just downstream from the mill and bridge on the left, with a path leading back upstream to the site. Motor Mill Historic Site is located on Galaxy Road, Elkader.
Sep 4; Sticks In the Water Annual "Pre-Half Chicken Dinner Float," Wadena
Once again, the Sticks In the Water paddlers group has organized a Volga River float to culminate in attending the "Half Chicken Dinner" fundraising event at the Wadena Fire Station. What could be better than an early fall paddle, great food, and a good cause?
The exact route of the float is always dependent on weather and water levels. For more info, contact Nick Gaeta,
319-360-0220 (cell).
Sep 7, 14, 21, 28 & Thru Oct; "Wednesday Geode Paddles" on Lower Des Moines River
On Aug 31, "Paddle, Pedal & MORE," a Bentonsport kayak and canoe livery, began hosting weekly Geode Paddles from Bentonsport to Bonaparte on the Lower Des Moines River. The paddle outings start at 3:30 pm in Bentonsport and end at Bonaparte with a barbeque. These paddles will be held each Wednesday through October, weather permitting.
Owners Sandi and Keith Dimmitt indicate that they will need at least 6 paddlers renting kayaks or canoes to hold each Geode Paddle. Kayaks rent for $35.00 and Canoes for $45.00, including boat, paddle, life jacket, bag for geodes, food, and shuttle. Make a reservation by calling 319-592-3220. Registrants will be notified if a cancellation is necessary. Paddle, Pedal & MORE is located at 21903 Hawk Drive in Bentonsport, IA.
Sep 11; "Pelican Festival," Hawkeye Wildlife Area, Coralville Lake
The 6th annual Pelican Festival, open from 11:00 am-4:00 pm, hosted by Iowa Audubon, Iowa City Bird Club, Iowa DNR, US ARMY Corps of Engineers and Johnson County Conservation Board, will be held at DNR's Hawkeye Wildlife Area, 2564 Amana Road NW, Swisher, IA 52338 (on NW side of lake).
This free, fun family event will include volunteers with spotting scopes to help visitors view pelicans and provide pelican facts. Groups and organizations will have booths and displays, and a food concession. Several presentations will cover a variety of topics on birds, wildlife in general and safety for kids.
Event info on the Iowa Audubon website: http://iowaaudubon.org/Audubon/News.aspx
Sep 13-14; Iowa DNR Canoe School Session; Last Session in 2016!
Todd Robertson, Outreach Coordinator for Iowa Water Trails, reminds us that we're down to the last session in the 2016 "Canoe & Kayak School" series. Last chance for 2016, so sign up now!
All the sessions are oriented toward Naturalists, Scout Leaders, Youth Group Instructors-those who will be leading groups or conducting instruction. The focus is on paddling skills, hazard feature identification, teaching to different learning styles, and risk management. The sessions differ in being geared for canoe or kayak, flatwater lakes or flowing rivers. Boats and life jackets are provided. Each session has a fee and a limit on the number of participants. The annual Canoe & Kayak School sessions fill up fast, so you are advised to register early. Find more info, directions to site, and registration at http://www.iowadnr.gov/Recreation/CanoeingKayaking/PaddlerResources/InstructionSafety.aspx
- Sep 13-14; Two-Day IDNR Canoe School for Naturalists and Trip Leaders, Briggs Woods Park, Hamilton County (Boone River).
Photo by Todd Robertson
Sep 14; "Disabled Vets Paddle" at Riverside Needs More Volunteers & Boats!
Tom Sabotta, new coordinator of volunteers for the annual Vets Paddle at Riverside, indicates that the percentage of return volunteers is excellent, but a few more volunteers and boats would help ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for the Vets. Interestingly, the wider, recreational class kayaks are most appropriate for the Vets, some of whom have issues with mobility and balance. Time is growing short!
Tom encourages all past, new, and potential volunteers to contact him to confirm their participation, number and types of boats they are bringing, and participant T-Shirt sizes. Among the changes for 2016 are the provision of free T-Shirts to aid identification of volunteers vs. Vets, a 4-wheeler & trailer to shuttle boats to and from the beach area, and expanding the event to 3 sessions beginning at 8:00 am, 10:00 am, and 1:00 pm.
Contact Tom at: tsabott@gmail.com
Background: While the "TEE Tournament" began as a golf tournament for disabled Veterans, TEE actually stands for "Training Exposure Experience." The Vets Paddle is an "alternative activity," (others include bowling, horseback riding, and fishing) to expand the variety of experiences offered to the participating Veterans. The VA introduced paddling in 2009, with equipment contracted from out of state. Beginning in 2010, the event became a totally volunteer effort, combining the resources of Seatasea Watersports and members of the Saukenuk and Sticks In the Water paddler groups. Volunteers are now comprised of paddlers from many parts of Iowa, linked via email, recruiting friends to maintain the "pool" of people, kayaks, and canoes. Interestingly, the wider, recreational class kayaks are most appropriate for the Vets, some of whom have issues with mobility and balance.
Sep 14; "Happy Hour & Volunteer Recruitment," IRR and IEC at Confluence Brewing Co. in Des Moines
Invitation from Molly Hanson, IRR Exec. Director:
"Join us Wednesday, September 14th from 5-7 for a Volunteer Recruitment Happy Hour at Confluence Brewery. This joint effort between Iowa Rivers Revival and the Iowa Environmental Council will launch the 'Service Squad'.
"Here's how it works:
- Come to Confluence. If you sign up to join the Service Squad, you get a free beer ticket.
- If you donate to Iowa Rivers Revival, you get a free beer ticket.
- If you join the Iowa Environmental Council at a discounted rate, you get a free beer ticket.
- There will also be random tickets handed out throughout the evening, idea boards for volunteers to brainstorm what they'd like to see the group work on, a poster of the creek the group will adopt and take care of and tables and info from our sponsors.
"All are welcome!"
Event will be held from 5:00-7:00 pm at Confluence Brewing Co., 1235 Thomas Beck Rd., Des Moines, IA 50315. For more info, contact Molly Hanson at 515-309-3231.
Find event flyer at http://iowarivers.org/2395-2/
Sep 15-18; Indian Creek Nature Center "Amazing Space" Grand Opening Weekend, Cedar Rapids
|  | ICNC Paddle Day 2016--Presenter & boat winner, boat builder, event organizers. |
"Amazing Space" is Indian Creek Nature Center's vision for the future! A comprehensive project that will enhance Indian Creek Nature Center for generations to come, this project focuses on developing an enhanced outdoor campus and a new, completely sustainable 12,000 sq ft building.
Of particular interest to Eastern Iowa paddlers, this will be the site of the 10th Annual ICNC Paddle Day, Jan 2017.
IWTA invites you to visit our display during the ICNC Partner Fair from 1:00 - 4:00 pm on Saturday Sep 17. There will be plenty of activities, and food trucks will be on site.
Sep 17; Boone County "Dragoon River Romp" Cleanup, Des Moines River
Boone County will host its 11th Annual "Dragoon River Romp," a Des Moines River cleanup, on September 17. Canoes and transportation will be provided, followed by lunch and awards.
The Dragoon River Romp is held each year as a recreational education event. Rivers contain Iowa's greatest remaining tracts of wildlife habitat. People enjoy water. Rivers are some of Iowa's best places for many types of recreation, from wildlife viewing and fishing to canoeing, kayaking, or tubing. This program leads participants in caring for our natural resources, while helping improve the quality of life in Boone County.
Find more info and download a registration packet at http://www.co.boone.ia.us/index.aspx?page=373
Sep 17; "IARVCP Iowa River Cleanup," Iowa City
The annual IARVCP Iowa River Cleanup in Iowa City will sweep 9.5 miles of the waterway from Sturgis to Hills on Saturday, September 17.
This event will begin at Sturgis Ferry Park. Boats can be staged at 6:30 am at Sturgis Ferry Boat Ramp: After unloading private boats, proceed to Hills Access for check-in. Register at Hills Access at 7:00 am; shuttle bus leaves Hills Access for Sturgis Boat Ramp at 7:30. 7:45 am: Cleanup orientation and river safety talk at 7:45. Canoes begin launching at 8:00 am. All clean-up volunteers should be off the water at Hills Access by 3:30 pm.
Sep 24; "Birding Basics" Open Program, Ely Ford Picnic Area, Lacey-Keosauqua State Park, Keosauqua
A "Birding Basics" program will be held from 9:00 am--Noon, at the Ely Ford Picnic Area in Lacey-Keosauqua State Park.
Local birding experts Ray & Connie Morris will share birding basics, bird identification, and area birding "hot spots." Feel free to come and go during this "open house" style program. This is an official Des Moines River Water Trails event, cosponsored by the Iowa DNR and Jefferson County Conservation.
Oct 1; "Jones County Fall Colors Float," South Fork Maquoketa River
This year's annual Jones CCB Fall Colors Paddle will feature "A Paddle Back Through History" on the South Fork of the Maquoketa River from the Hwy 136 Access to Canton on Saturday, Oct 1.
Plan for 9:00-10:00 am Staging, 10:00 am On River
Invitation from Jones CCB Naturalist Michele Olson: Join the Jones County Conservation Department Staff on our annual fall colors river outing. This year we will travel back through history as we paddle 10 miles of the Maquoketa River, quietly passing by the long deserted but not forgotten town of Clay Mills. Be spellbound by Iowa's beautiful fall colors as we transition from croplands and pastures to heavily wooded bluffs, boulders, limestone outcroppings, and soaring cliffs. Bring a snack or your picnic lunch and enjoy a break as we stretch our legs on a sandbar and learn about the people and place that was once the small thriving community of Clay Mills.
Participants should bring their own kayaks or canoes, paddles, pfd's, dry bags, extra dry clothing, warm aquatic footwear, sunscreen, and sunglasses. A limited number of canoes and equipment are available for use by those who do not have their own. This outing is river level and weather dependent. Those planning on attending should pre-register by emailing or calling Michele at (319)481-7987 or naturalist@co.jones.ia.us prior to noon, Sept. 30.
Oct 1; "Walnut Creek Watershed Festival," Colby Park
The Walnut Creek Watershed Coalition, along with its community and business partners, is sponsoring a celebration of the Walnut Creek Watershed, featuring a creek clean-up, an Ecovillage of demonstrations and exhibits about the environment, storm water, water quality, and conservation. The Seventh Annual Walnut Creek Watershed Festival will start at Colby Park Pavilion with a 9:00 am yoga session, followed by a cleanup from 10:00 am-Noon. Speakers, vendors, activities and demonstrations will continue from Noon to 3:00 pm.
Many people in Iowa enjoy using our streams, creeks, lakes and rivers to fish, kayak, canoe, swim and wade. Everyone in the watershed has a stake in the health of its water, and this outdoor celebration will show how we all impact our water quality and what we can do to protect it. In addition to the creek cleanup, events will include river trash sculpture build (live), community gardening, electric vehicle demonstration, rain barrel build (available for purchase), environmental resource information, IOWATER sampling demonstrations, catching and identifying bugs, urban chickens, various children's activities, live entertainment , music, and food.
The clean-up is great for families, scout, school groups and anyone who loves the environment and clean water. All ages are welcome to join in the clean-up. Gloves, trash bags, water, and snacks will be provided. Volunteers will meet at the Colby Park Pavilion at 10:00 a.m. to head out to a number of locations along Walnut Creek and North Walnut Creek. After the clean-up, volunteers are invited to join in a trash tally, music, refreshments, and a BBQ.
Follow Walnut Creek Watershed at:
Event details at:
Oct 6; Iowa Environmental Council (IEC) Annual Conference at DMACC Ankeny Campus
The Iowa Environmental Council (IEC) Annual Conference Theme will be "ECOnomics: Dollars, Sense and Sustainability." The event will explore the bond between our environment, communities and economy, and will feature keynote speaker Jon D. Erickson, fellow of the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics and professor at the Rubenstein School of Environmental and Natural Resources at the University of Vermont. Erickson has published widely on climate change policy, renewable energy economics, environmental management and the theory and practice of ecological economics; led international research and education programs; produced Emmy award-winning documentary films on water, energy and food system transitions; and founded and led numerous non-profit organizations.
For questions about exhibitor space, sponsorship opportunities, or other info, contact Communications & Outreach Director Katy Heggen at 515-244-1194 x210 or Heggen@iaenvironment.org
Oct 7; "35th Old Time & Blue Grass Festival Paddle Trip," Maquoketa River, Canton Access to Millerton Access
Join Clinton County Conservation from Noon to 4:00 pm on October 7 for a paddle trip in conjunction with the 35th Old Time & Blue Grass Festival.
The paddle trip will cover 5.6 miles on the Maquoketa River from the Canton Access to the Millerton Access. Meet at Eden Valley Refuge Nature Center at 11:45 to register and car pool to Millertown Access to deposit a shuttle vehicle. Launch at 12:30 pm, finish approx. 4:00 pm.
After supper, Eden Valley Refuge Park will fill with music around many campfires as the 35th Annual Old Time & Blue Grass Festival begins. Saturday features stage shows with various bands, a pot luck dinner at the Nature Center and more music into the night.
You MUST REGISTER for the paddling event by calling 563-259-1876 by noon on the 30th of September.
Oct 8; "Freedom Float: The Underground Railroad Along the River," Paddle Austin Park to Keosauqua
This Oct 8 "Freedom Float: The Underground Railroad Along the River" paddling event will be held from 10:00 am--2:00 pm, from Austin Park to the Keosauqua Boat Ramp on the Lower Des Moines River.
Uncover secrets, legends, & stories of the Underground Railroad in SE Iowa as you paddle along the Lower Des Moines River. Includes tour of the Pearson House, a confirmed station on the Railroad. This is an official Des Moines River Water Trails event, cosponsored by the Iowa DNR and Jefferson County Conservation.
"Annual Iowa Mussel Blitz" Takes Interesting Turn to I-74 Bridge
|  | Emily Robbins meets with Mussel Blitz volunteers. |
The 2016 Iowa Mussel Blitz was tentatively set for Aug 24-26 at Harpers Ferry, on Pool 10 of the Mississippi River. Continuing high water levels nixed that plan.
Iowa DNR Fisheries Biologist Scott Gritters, organizer of the annual Iowa Mussel Blitz, then arranged a different type of event to allow volunteers to get their "mussel fix."
The construction of a new I-74 bridge in the Quad Cities is necessitating the relocation of nearly 400K mussels. While all of the mussel relocation is being performed by 4-5 hired divers, Mussel Blitz volunteers still had an opportunity to get "hands-on" with the interesting critters. Accessing the site from Moline, the group was met by Emily Robbins, who led a discussion of the mussel relocation project. A wide variety of mussels (29 species) have been identified at the site, including some of the Midwest's rarest, such as Higgins eye, spectacle case, and sheepnose. Participants enjoyed the opportunity to practice mussel identification and secure some dead shell specimens for their collections.
To learn more, or to volunteer to participate in a future Mussel Blitz, contact
Scott Gritters scott.gritters@dnr.iowa.gov
Funding Opportunities: Two Wildlife Diversity Grants, Applications Due Nov 1
Stephanie Shepherd, Wildlife Diversity Biologist with the Iowa DNR, has shared the announcement of two separate grant programs of possible interest to our readers. Deadline for submittal of each is November 1, 2016.
1) Small Research and Education Grants: The maximum ask is $2500 and is for small wildlife diversity focused research and education projects. Organizations that do environmental education or which have a small research question to answer should apply.
2) Habitat Management Grants: The maximum ask for this project is $7500 and is for on the ground habitat management projects that will benefit wildlife diversity. Applicants should be organizations which manage land with wildlife conservation objectives. .
Retailer "Demo Days" Ending, Fall Deals Coming, Indoor Classes Next?
|  | Iowa Paddle Shops offer great opportunities to expand your knowledge of boats, gear, and skills. |
Whether it's an organized demo day, boat rental, informal test paddle, or whatever, our paddle shop friends want to help you find the boat that fits your needs, skills, interests, and body size. When you're ready to upgrade your boat or gear, or your paddling skills, they're great places to start.
Canoesport Outfitters is holding a Labor Day sale on both new and used boats, along with gear and clothing. They will also host an Eddyline Demo with Mfr. Rep Rick Thompson on Sep 3, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm at the Lake Ahquabi Concession Stand. Find more details, used boat lists, etc. at http://www.canoesportoutfitters.com/ Find info on event schedules, skills class content, fees, pregistration on the CSO website http://www.canoesportoutfitters.com/kayakInst.php Crawdaddy Outdoors will travel to Rodgers Park in Vinton on Sep 17, 10:00 am-2:00 pm, to host its final area Saturday Free Kayak Demo of the 2016 season. This, and the ongoing weekly demo events in Waverly, are free, require no pre-registration, and offer a fleet of 16+ kayaks to test-paddle. Find more info about demos, classes, trips, and sales at http://crawdaddyoutdoors.com/
What IWTA Newsletter Readers are Following & Recommending
IWTA does not advocate for positions on issues, but readers occasionally ask questions or share articles about issues which may be of interest or concern to other readers & WT supporters. To balance IWTA neutrality, reader participation, and the exchange of potentially useful information, while minimizing the impact on IWTA Newsletter space, following are brief summaries and links to items that your fellow readers find interesting.
Larry Stone Receives Top Conservation Award from Outdoor Writers Association of America.
(Announcement & photo courtesy OWAA.)
Larry Stone, of Elkader, Iowa, received the 2016 Jade of Chiefs Award. The Jade of Chiefs Award was first established in 1958 as OWAA's top conservation award. Although only OWAA members are eligible, it is not actually presented by the organization, but by past award winners, who are known as the Circle of Chiefs. The Circle is recognized as the OWAA's conservation conscience.
For more than 30 years as an outdoor reporter for the Des Moines Register, and later as a freelance writer, Larry Stone championed clean water, good fishing, beautiful landscapes and enhanced wildlife habitat, said Rich Patterson, a past award recipient. Stone is a dedicated member of OWAA, regularly attending conferences and even recruiting his daughter, Emily Stone, to join. He is completely dedicated to conservation and unafraid to cover contentious issues in his region. "He has been utterly courageous in voicing the truth in a state and region where agribusiness dominates politics and finance," Patterson said. "For decades his communications showcased his passion for the land and his great courage revealing to his audiences land abuse often caused by industrial agriculture. He is a quiet and modest man who has devoted his life to making ours a better world."
Read more about Larry Stone in this Cedar Rapids Gazette article:
Larry's facebook blog:
Monarch Donor Honors Gazette Writer Orlan Love with $200,000 Anonymous Gift to Establish Linn County Pollinator Habitat. (Excerpted from CR Gazette article by Erin Jordan. CR Gazette photo.)
When Gazette outdoors reporter Orlan Love isn't fishing, hunting, paddling or writing, he spends his summer days raising endangered monarch butterflies. The Monarch Research Project on Friday announced a $200,000 anonymous gift made in honor of Love. The money will pay for construction of a Linn County pollinator habitat to promote the survival of butterflies and bees. "Orlan's stories about the plight of the monarch butterfly and the efforts undertaken to restore its dwindling population have inspired many in this community," project Director Clark McLeod said in a statement. Love wrote a story earlier this week - on his day off - about the project's five-year goal of quadrupling the number of tented monarch zones, which could potentially yield 300,000 butterflies.
Love didn't know at the time that a donor called McLeod last week after a fundraiser and asked about making a $200,000 gift - which came with naming rights. "He said, 'It's not for my wife and I. We want this in Orlan Love's name,' " McLeod said. "The donor felt that Orlan does such a magnificent job making the outdoors special." The new habitat located in a local park will be called the Orlan Love Pollinator Prairie.
Full article in Cedar Rapids Gazette:
CR Gazette articles written by Orlan Love:
Public Meeting Re Central Park Lake's Improvement Plan Scheduled Sep 13, 6:30 pm at Central Park Nature Center.
Iowa DNR and Jones CCB will host a public discussion re improving water quality and recreational opportunities at Central Park Lake. Restoration activities planned for the lake include removal of excess sediment from the lake, shoreline stabilization, and fish habitat and recreational access improvements. Work is slated to begin this fall and be completed in the next 2-3 years.
Central Park Lake is currently listed on the State's List of Impaired Waters due to high levels of indicator bacteria and algae. Contact Jones CCB at 563/487-3541
Upcoming Cedar River Watershed Coalition Meeting in Parkersburg Oct 28.
The Cedar River Watershed includes a wide swath of our state, and both impacts, and is impacted by, a large number of communities and citizens, as well as agricultural, environmental, and economic interests. The CRWS Coalition coordinates and supports the many governmental entities, agencies, and groups working to address and manage these impacts. The Friday, October 28 meeting is free, open to the public, and will be held in Parkersburg. More information will be posted on the CRWS website: http://www.iihr.uiowa.edu/cedarriverwatershed/
Linn County Conservation Board Floats $40 Million, 20 Year Bond Proposal; Will Need 60% Approval in Nov 8 Vote.
The "Linn County Water and Land Legacy" proposal would fund water quality and land protection, park improvements and trails. Responding to concerns regarding a lack of specifics on project funding, the Conservation Board approved a resolution establishing percentages - 55 percent for water quality and land protection, 30 percent for parks and 15 percent for trails. The proposed bond would cost the average Linn County homeowner $27 per year in increased property tax.
If passed, the proposal would be only the third such conservation bond in the state, joining similar bonds in Johnson and Polk counties. While such efforts may reflect citizen impatience with the legislature's unwillingness to fund the statewide Iowa Water & Land Legacy Fund, the local entities would still be eligible to participate in that larger funding mechanism, if and when it becomes available. In 2008, Johnson County voters passed a similar conservation bond issue - of up to $20 million - with a narrow 61 percent approval. Of the $5.6 million of bond funds spent so far, another $4.7 million has been leveraged from grants.
For ongoing developments, google "Linn County Conservation Bond Issue."
Cedar Rapids Gazette Says "Iowa Farm Bureau Should Get Behind Iowa Water and Land Legacy" During the Sep 7-8 Farm Bureau Summer Policy Conference.
"We've long argued the constitutionally protected trust fund and a sales tax increase to fill it are the best options for creating that committed and reliable water quality funding. It's time for the Iowa Farm Bureau to get on board and throw its considerable support behind the effort. Why single out the Farm Bureau? Because it's no ordinary player in Iowa politics. It's the state's largest farm group, and no major water quality initiative will succeed without farmers at the table."
A Quick Look At the 2016 IWTA Planning Calendar! Have We Missed Something?
Sep 3; Best Time To View Planet Neptune. Blue giant will be visible all night (as a tiny dot).
Sep 3-4, Sep 17-18; Motor Mill Free Tours, Turkey River WT. Free tours of historic 1860's Motor Mill, related buildings, and town site, Noon-5:00 pm on scheduled weekends, group tours by appointment. Consider combining the tour with a paddle on the beautiful Turkey River Water Trail. Motor Mill Historic Site, Galaxy Road, Elkader; call: 563-245-1516 or visit: http://motormill.org/ Turkey River WT info at http://www.turkeyrivercorridor.com/trails/water-trails/
Sep 4; Sticks In the Water Annual "Pre-Half Chicken Dinner Float," Volga River, dinner at Wadena Fire Station. Route always dependent on water level. Contact Nick Gaeta,
319-360-0220 (c).
Sep 5; Labor Day.
Sep 11: Patriot Day. Sep 11; National Grandparents Day.
Sep 11; Pelican Festival, Hawkeye Wildlife Area, Coralville Lake, 11:00 am. The 6th annual Pelican Festival, hosted by Iowa Audubon, Iowa City Bird Club, Iowa DNR, US ARMY Corps of Engineers and Johnson County Conservation Board, is located at DNR's Hawkeye Wildlife Area, 2564 Amana Road NW, Swisher, IA 52338 (on the NW side of the lake). This free, fun family event will include volunteers with spotting scopes to help visitors view pelicans and provide pelican facts. Groups and organizations will have booths and displays, and a food concession. Several presentations will cover a variety of topics on birds, wildlife in general and safety for kids.
Sep 14; Disabled Veteran Kayaking/Canoeing event at Riverside. Volunteer-led opportunity for disabled Vets to experience paddling, often for the first time. Volunteers loan boats and gear, offer informal coaching, camaraderie, and safety presence. Paddling is an "enhanced activity" offered as part of the VA National TEE Tournament, held annually at Riverside Casino, Riverside, IA; TEE info at http://www1,.va.gov/opa/speceven/tee/index.asp. Volunteers & boats needed; contact Volunteer Coordinator Tom Sabotta at tsabott@gmail.com
Sep 14; "Happy Hour & Volunteer Recruitment" event, IRR & IEC, at Confluence Brewing Co. in Des Moines. Learn how you can help protect Iowa's water, land, & natural resources. Iowa Rivers Revival and Iowa Environmental Council are creating the "Service Squad," a volunteer corps designed to help with cleanup projects, community awareness, and networking. Event will be held from 5:00-7:00 pm at Confluence Brewing Co., 1235 Thomas Beck Rd., Des Moines, IA 50315. For more info, contact Molly Hanson at 515-309-3231.
Sep 15-18; Grand Opening of Indian Creek Nature Center "Amazing Space, Cedar Rapids. New completely sustainable 12,000 sq.ft. building will be site of 10th annual ICNC Paddle Day in Jan 2017. Detailed list of events for the 4-day grand opening at : http://indiancreeknaturecenter.org/amazing-space-grand-opening
Sep 16; Full Moon. Friday, Sunrise 6:48, Sunset 7:13, Moonrise 7:23 CDT
Sep 17; IARVCP Iowa River Cleanup, Iowa City. Sturgis to Hills. Registration at http://www.iarvcp.org/. Event info available via Carol Sweeting carol-sweeting@iowa-city.org or 319-541-2385, or via Dan Ceynar, dlceynar@engineering.uiowa.edu
Sep 17; Boone County 11th Annual "Dragoon River Romp," Des Moines River cleanup. Canoes and transportation provided, followed by lunch and awards. http://www.boonecounty.iowa.gov/
Sep 22; Autumnal Equinox, 1st Day of Autumn. Sep 24; "Birding Basics" program, 9:00 am--Noon, Ely Ford Picnic Area at Lacey-Keosauqua State Park. Local birding experts Ray & Connie Morris will share birding basics, bird identification, and area birding "hot spots." Feel free to come and go during this "open house" style program. Official Des Moines River Water Trails event, cosponsored by the Iowa DNR and Jefferson County Conservation. Pre-registration is not required. For more info, call (641)-472-4421 or email dmriverwatertrail@gmail.com. On facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Jefferson-County-Conservation-719357308125209/
Sep 28; Best Time To View Planet Mercury. Low in eastern sky just before sunrise.
Oct TBD (Late Oct or Early Nov); "Dennis Wendel Mussel Move," Waterloo. Annual event to move mussels to deeper water following seasonal deflation of the downtown bladder dam on the Cedar River. City of Waterloo decides on date of reduction each year. Over 1,000 mussels were saved in 2015 by Cedar Valley Paddlers working withthe Chris Wendel family and mussel expert David Kesler. CVP Coordinator Pam Wolter at 319-231-0541 or cedarvalleypaddlers@gmail.com.
Oct 1; Jones CCB Fall Colors Paddle will feature "A Paddle Back Through History" on the South Fork of the Maquoketa River, Hwy 136 Access to Canton, 9:00-10:00 am Staging, 10:00 am On River. Travel back through history along 10 miles of the Maquoketa River, quietly passing by the long deserted but not forgotten town of Clay Mills. View Iowa's beautiful fall colors, croplands, pastures, wooded bluffs, boulders, limestone outcroppings, and soaring cliffs. Enjoy a lunch break to stretch your legs on a sandbar and learn about the people and place that was once the small thriving community of Clay Mills. Limited number of canoes and equipment available. Pre-register by emailing or calling Michele at (319)481-7987 or naturalist@co.jones.ia.us prior to noon, Sept. 30.
Oct 1 Walnut Creek Watershed Festival, Colby Park. Creek cleanup plus events, demonstrations, music, food, and activities for the whole family. Cleanup volunteers meet at the Colby Park Pavilion at 10:00 a.m.Follow Walnut Creek Watershed at:
Oct 6; The Iowa Environmental Council (IEC) Annual Conference, DMACC Ankeny Campus, titled "ECOnomics: Dollars, Sense and Sustainability." Event will explore the bond between our environment, communities and economy, and will feature keynote speaker Jon D. Erickson, fellow of the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics and professor at the Rubenstein School of Environmental and Natural Resources at the University of Vermont. Registration at http://www.iaenvironment.org/get-involved/council-events/annual-conference/2016-annual-conference-registration For questions about exhibitor space, sponsorship opportunities, or other info, contact Communications & Outreach Director Katy Heggen at 515-244-1194 x210 or Heggen@iaenvironment.org
Oct 7; 35th Old Time & Blue Grass Festival Paddle Trip, Maquoketa River/Canton Access to Millerton Access (5.6 Miles), Noon till 4 PM, Eden Valley Refuge, Baldwin, Iowa. Meet at Eden Valley Refuge Nature Center at 11:45 to register and car pool to Millertown Access to deposit a shuttle vehicle. Launch at 12:30 pm. After supper, the park will fill with music around many campfires as the 35th Annual Old Time & Blue Grass Festival begins. Saturday features stage shows with various bands, a pot luck dinner at the Nature Center and more music into the night. You MUST REGISTER for the paddling event by calling 563-259-1876 by noon on the 30th of September.
Oct 7; Draconids Meteor Shower. Minor shower, peaking at only 10/hour.
Oct 8; "Freedom Float: The Underground Railroad Along the River" paddle, 10:00 am--2:00 pm, Austin Park to Keosauqua Boat Ramp. Uncover secrets, legends, & stories of the Underground Railroad in SE Iowa as you paddle along the Lower Des Moines River. Includes tour of the Pearson House, a confirmed station on the Railroad. Official Des Moines River Water Trails event, cosponsored by the Iowa DNR and Jefferson County Conservation. Pre-registration required, participation limited. Some boats available for loan. Children under age 16 must be accompanied by adult. Register at (641)-472-4421 or emailing dmriverwatertrail@gmail.com. On facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Jefferson-County-Conservation-719357308125209/
Oct 8-9; Motor Mill Free Tours, Turkey River WT. Free tours of historic 1860's Motor Mill, related buildings, and town site, Noon-5:00 pm on scheduled weekends, group tours by appointment. Consider combining the tour with a paddle on the beautiful Turkey River Water Trail. Motor Mill Historic Site, Galaxy Road, Elkader; call: 563-245-1516 or visit: http://motormill.org/
Oct 10; Columbus Day.
Oct 15; Full Moon (Super Moon). Saturday, Sunrise 7:20, Sunset 6:24, Moonrise 6:29 CDT
Oct 15; Best Time To View Planet Uranus. Blue-green dot visible all night.
Oct 21-22; Orionids Meteor Shower. Average shower, peaking at 20 meteors /hour.
Do you have WT-related events or planning info for 2016?
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Gregg Stark
Editor, Iowa Water Trails Association Newsletter