October 2014

Welcome to the FIRST

The newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church

Dear Friends,


We have another full agenda, but this month I want to highlight the upcoming Synod and we are grateful to post here the new issue of Heythrop Journal that helps set the stage.  All the articles are available for your taking a look at them.  Special thanks to Julie Clague for making this possible. 


On the Synod, we invite you to see Mary Jo Iozzio's Forum piece on hope for the synod as well as essays on Peace from Japan's Osamu Takeuchi, on the conditions of migrants from Mexico's Miguel Sanchez, and on a contemporary theological anthropology from Belgium's Ellen Van Stichel.  Here too a special welcome to Zimbabwe's Nontando Hadebe who just received her PhD fromSt Augustine's College in Johannesburg, South Africa for her work on gender-based violence and Trinitarian responses, who gives us a glimpse of her research.


Do not miss the Call for papers on Migration and Poverty for Dharmaram Journal of Theology


Finally from Friday November 14 to Sunday November 16, 2014, Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church is hosting its first European Regional Conference, "FAITH AND MORALS: Contemporary Challenges - Reorientation of Values - Change of Moral Norms," which will be held at the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Krakow, Poland.  Roman Globokar of Slovenia and Konrad Glombik from Poland are co-chairing the gathering of 45 theological ethicists across Europe.


More on that conference and the Synod in the November Newsletter.




Faith, Family and Fertility



To mark the imminent Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the family, and the current UN discussions concerning a new global framework for population and development, a special issue of the Heythrop Journal has been published on 'Faith, Family and Fertility':

View it here.



The publisher Wiley Blackwell has kindly made these articles free to download until 31 December 2014. The contents are as follows:



Julie Clague                             Faith, Family and Fertility: Introduction


Julie Clague                             Catholics, Families and the Synod of Bishops


Monique Baujard                    Perspectives on Birth Rates and Responsible Parenthood in France


Ethna Regan                            Barely Visible: The Child in Catholic Social Teaching


Joseph A. Selling                     Regulating Fertility and Clarifying Moral Language


Eric Marcelo Genilo SJ            The Catholic Church and the Reproductive Health Bill Debate: The Philippine Experience


Ren� Grotenhuis                     Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Practice of the Dutch Catholic Development Agency Cordaid


Azza Karam                             Faith and Health: An overview from an inter-governmental perspective


Tina Beattie                            Whose Rights, Which Rights? - The United Nations, the Vatican, Gender and Sexual and Reproductive Rights


Christine E. Gudorf                 After Cairo: New Complexities in Fertility and Development


Gillian Paterson                      'On the Other Hand...' The Catholic Church and Some Discourses on Population




CTEWC Forums from Latin America, Europe, Asia, North America, and Africa
Regional News

Actualidades de Am�rica Latina

MT Davila



Gustavo Irraz�val comparte su libro sobre Iglesia y pol�tica: Iglesia y democracia en el magisterio universal, latinoamericano y argentino, Biblioteca IAA (Instituto Acton Argentina), Ediciones cooperativas, Buenos Aires, 2014, 249pp. El volumen est� disponible en Amazon, en formato Kindle.


Tambi�n comparte con nosotros sus �ltimos art�culos:

"Sean misericordiosos". La fe y la vida cristianas a la luz de la misericordia, Moralia 141 (2014) 7-37

"La funci�n social de la propiedad en la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia", Forum 2 (2014) 53-74

"Evangelii Gaudium y la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia", Teolog�a 114 (2014) 131-143


El Padre Juan Francisco Tom�s, sdb, comparte la publicaci�n de su libro Javier Gafo: Bio�tica, Teolog�a Moral y Di�logo (Ed. Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid 2014) http://web.upcomillas.es/servicios/serv_publ.aspx



Ronaldo Zacharias comparte las siguientes novedades:

El XXXVIII Congreso Brasilero de Teolog�a Moral, con tema "�tica Teol�gica y Transformaci�n Social: A la Utop�a de una Nueva Realidad" se llev� a cabo en Sao Paulo a principios de septiembre, en el Centro Universit�rio S�o Camilo - Campus Pomp�ia.



En Octubre se realizar� el 1er Congreso Internacional de Doctrina Social de la Iglesia: "La Doctrina Social de la Iglesia en el Magisterio Reciente: Continuidad y Desaf�os". El Congreso se llevar� a cabo en Sao Paulo del 29 al 31 de octubre, en el Centro Universitario Salesiano de Sao Paulo - Campus Sta. Teresinha (Rua Augusto Tolle, 575 - Sta. Teresinha - S�O PAULO - BRASIL). http://unisal.br/hotsite/dsi/programa/


Ronaldo comparte la siguiente iniciativa:

UNISAL - Centro Universitario Salesiano de Sao Paolo en conjunto con Boston College inician el program del Instituto Para Entrenamiento de Ejecutivos en la Educaci�n Superior Cat�lica, del 27 al 29 de octubre. http://unisal.br/hotsite/instituto/


Ronaldo tamb�en comparte dos publicaciones recientes:

PESSINI Leo - ZACHARIAS, Ronaldo (orgs.). �TICA TEOL�GICA E TRANSFORMA��ES SOCIAIS: a utopia de uma nova realidade. Aparecida: Santu�rio, 2014.

PESSINI Leo - ZACHARIAS, Ronaldo (orgs.). �tica Teol�gica e Juventudes II: interpela��es rec�procas. Aparecida: Santu�rio, 2014.



Mar�a Isabel Gil-Espinosa comparte el an�lisis en la revista Zenit sobre la designaci�n de 5 mujeres a la Comisi�n Internacional de Teolog�a.




News from Latin America:

Submitted by: MT Davila



Gustavo Irraz�val shares his most recent volume on Church and politics: Church and Democracy in the Universal, Latin American, and Argentinian Magisterium (in Spanish), Biblioteca IAA (Instituto Acton Argentina), Ediciones cooperativas, Buenos Aires, 2014, 249pp. The volumes table of content is available through Amazon, and Kindle format.


He also shares with us his most recent articles :

["Be merciful" Faith and Christian life in the light of mercy."] "Sean misericordiosos". La fe y la vida cristianas a la luz de la misericordia, Moralia 141 (2014) 7-37

["The social function of property in the Social Doctrine of the Church"] "La funci�n social de la propiedad en la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia", Forum 2 (2014) 53-74

[Evangelii Gaudium and the Social Doctrine of the Church] "Evangelii Gaudium y la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia", Teolog�a 114 (2014) 131-143


Juan Francisco Tom�s, sdb, shares the publication of his book Javier Gafo: Bio�tica, Teolog�a Moral y Di�logo (Ed. Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid 2014) http://web.upcomillas.es/servicios/serv_publ.aspx



Ronaldo Zacharias sends the following updates:

The XXXVIII Brazilian Congress of Moral Theology, titled "Theological Ethics and Social Transformation: The Utopia of  New Reality", took place early September at Centro Universit�rio S�o Camilo - Campus Pomp�ia.



The 1st International Congress on Social Doctrine of the Church will take place in October with the title "The Social Doctrine of the Church and the Recent Magisterium: Continuity and Challenges." This will take place in Sao Paulo from October 29-31, a the Centro Universitario Salesiano de Sao Paulo - Campus Sta. Teresinha (Rua Augusto Tolle, 575 - Sta. Teresinha - S�O PAULO - BRASIL). http://unisal.br/hotsite/dsi/programa/


He also shares with us this exciting initiative:

UNISAL - Centro Universitario Salesiano de Sao Paolo, in a joint effort with Boston College announces the Institute for the Training Executives in Catholic Higher Education, October 27-29. http://unisal.br/hotsite/instituto/


Ronaldo's most recent publications (with Fr. Leo Pessini):

PESSINI Leo - ZACHARIAS, Ronaldo (orgs.). �TICA TEOL�GICA E TRANSFORMA��ES SOCIAIS: a utopia de uma nova realidade. Aparecida: Santu�rio, 2014.

PESSINI Leo - ZACHARIAS, Ronaldo (orgs.). �tica Teol�gica e Juventudes II: interpela��es rec�procas. Aparecida: Santu�rio, 2014.



Mar�a Isabel Gil-Espinosa shares a Spanish resource analyzing the importance of the naming of 5 women to the International Theological Commission.



Notice of CTEWC Member Publications

Dialogic Catholicity. Social Teachings of the Catholic Church

328 pages
Publisher: Kanisius, Yogyakarta 2014


The book discusses several topics concerning social teaching and its connection with interreligious and intercultural dialogue within the Indonesian context, such as:
> - Panorama of Documents of the Social Teaching
> - Twelve principles of the Social Teaching
> - Formation of Christian charity
> - Education of Peace in Indonesia
> - Catholics and Politics and historical integration in Indonesia
> - Challenge of relativism in Christian education and
> - Catholicity and dialogue
> - Doing theology of dialogue in Indonesia
> - Education of intercultural dialogue

Armada Riyanto CM
Widya Sasana School of Philosophy and Theology
Malang, Indonesia



Two Publications by  Katharina Westerhorstmann



Westerhorstmann, Katharina: Das Liebesgebot als Gabe und Auftrag. Moraltheologie im Licht des j�disch-christlichen Dialogs, Paderborn: Sch�ningh 2014 (=Studien zu Judentum und Christentum). 459 p.



N. Feinendegen, G. H�ver, A. Schaeffer, K. Westerhorstmann (Eds): Menschliche W�rde und Spiritualit�t in der Begleitung am Lebensende, Impulse aus Theorie und Praxis, W�rzburg: K�nigshausen & Neumann 2014, 536 p. 




Call for Papers:



Asian Horizons, Dharmaram Journal of Theology

Vol. 8, No. 4, December 2014

Call for Papers

Migration and Poverty


Though migration is not a new phenomenon, it has dramatically increased in recent years -more than 200 million international migrants and 750 million internal migrants as per 2010 statistics - bringing about drastic changes in global demographics, religion, culture, politics and economics. There are well-to-do people who migrate looking for better opportunities. But, the vast majority of them are compelled to migrate due to utter poverty or unemployment or political instability in their homeland. On the one hand, to many migration offers new hopes and new opportunities of growth and development. On the other hand, "Despite their hopes and expectations, they often encounter mistrust, rejection and exclusion, to say nothing of tragedies and disasters which offend their human dignity" (Message of Pope Francis for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees, 2014). Many of them are subjected to rejection, discrimination, unfair labour practices, sexual harassment, etc. That many of the migrants are illegal adds to their sufferings. Moreover, being uprooted from their social, cultural, religious contexts most of them undergo profound crises. Poverty and migration pose significant challenges to governments, human rights, justice as well as the pastoral care of the Church.


Discussions on migration often revolve around economy, national identity and national security. Moreover, these discussions are led by politicians, economists and sociologists, whereas religions and faith traditions play only a nominal role. December 2014 issue of Asian Horizons invites articles on Poverty and Migration. Articles on sociological, political, theological, ethical and pastoral perspectives are welcome.


Suggested Topics (only recommendations, not exhaustive):

- Factors that Shape Migration Patterns

- Links between Migration and Poverty; Migration, Poverty and Policy Making

- Migration and Development; Does Migration Reduce Poverty and Inequality?

- Migration and the Family

- Migration and the Challenge of a World without Borders

- Theological and Faith Traditions Surrounding Migration

- Values and Virtues that Should Prevail in the Discourse on Migration

- Migration, Poverty and the Christian Response

- Solidarity with the Migrants; Globalization of Migration and Globalization of Charity and Cooperation

- Migration and Poverty: The Role of the Church and Faith-based Organisations

- Pastoral Care of the Migrants


As usual, we welcome other articles on any area of theological interest and research.


Please send your articles (4500-5000 words, including the footnotes) at the latest by 25 November 2014. Kindly include the abstract of the article in 150-200 words and a short resum� of the author in 100-150 words.

Other regular items: "New Scholars": Abstract of doctoral theses (recently defended and not yet published); book reviews.


For more details: Shaji George Kochuthara (editor-in-chief): kochuthshaji@gmail.com

N.B. Kindly forward this to your friends and colleagues



Asian Horizons, Dharmaram Journal of Theology

Themes: 2013-2015


2014: Vol 8

March: After 50 Years: Eastern Churches

June: Asia's Ancient Christian Heritage

September: After 50 Years: Dialogue with Religions; Dialogue with Other Churches

December: Migration & Poverty

2015: Vol 9

March: After 50 Years: Ongoing Renewal of Moral Theology

June: Asia's Women Theologians

September: After 50 Years: Apostolate of Lay People; Towards Future

December: Ethics, Theology and Technology





Call for Papers for articles in the open section in the Jahrbuch f�r Christliche Sozialwissenschaften 56/2015


The Jahrbuch f�r Christliche Sozialwissenschaften is now accepting manuscripts for its volume 56 (2015). The deadline for manuscript submission is January 31, 2015.


The Jahrbuch edited at the Institute for Christian Social Sciences at the University of Munster is the leading publication in Catholic social ethics in the German speaking area. Its aim is to analyze and evaluate the ethical challenges on an advanced scientific level and in an interdisciplinary fashion. Each volume contains a thematic section as well as a thematic open section.


The Jahrbuch is published annually. The print version is available through Aschendorff-Verlag (M�nster), the online version makes all articles available after a period of 12 months (open access). Further information on the Jahrbuch are available on: www.jcsw.de.


We welcome submission to the field of social ethics for the volume 56 (2015) to thematic open section. Submissions will be subject to a double blind peer review process.


Complete manuscripts in English or German can be accepted only if they have not been published before and have not been submitted for the publication elsewhere. Based on the peer review process whose criteria are social ethical perspective, theoretical basis, relevance of the question, originality, appropriate method and approach, and clarity of the contribution, the editor will decide on publication. In each print version of the Jahrbuch, three articles can be published.


The manuscript guidelines are available on: http://www.uni-muenster.de/Ejournals/index.php/jcsw/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions


We welcome your submission via email (jcsw@uni-muenster.de). We are looking forward to your contribution.

Lecturer Vacancy at Hekima College
Hekima College

Constituent College of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa
Hekima Institute of Peace Studies and International 
Relations (HIPSIR)
Position: Lecturer (Full time)

Hekima Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations (HIPSIR) is currently recruiting 

full-time lecturer in Peace Studies and International Relations. This position is open to the diverse areas of interdisciplinary expertise in social sciences. 




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Jim Keenan S.J.



Claudio Quintana



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