June 2014

Welcome to the FIRST

The newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church
Dear Colleagues,

May has been an exciting month.

First, four people have applied for the Visiting Professors program
and three of these have already been processed for their host
institution. More in the next First.

Second, MT Davila hosted a planning meeting for a Latin American
Regional meeting in 2016. 15 Catholic Ethicists from across the
continent met at the Javeriana with Alberto Munera hosting us.  Andrea
Vicini and I participated as well.  See story below.

Third, at the end of May Lucas Chan and I went to Slovenia to meet
with Roman Globokar and Konrad Glombik to plan for a meeting to be
held this November in Poland. 40 European Catholic ethicists from
across the continent will be invited to this Regional meeting.

Finally, I'm writing this from the airport. Andrea Vicini and I are
heading to the annual CTEWC Planning Committee meeting. This year we
are meeting in conjunction with the CTSA convention in San Diego.
We start tonight!

 At the CTSA, there is a panel "Beyond Trento," if you're in town come
by for the discussion. We also are launching our new book on Catholic
Feminism there!

We won't be posting a First for July and August.
But if you want to get in contact with me at anytime, you know how to find me.

Take Care.

Historic Encounter on a mountainside campus:

Latin American Regional Committee Meets in Bogot�, Colombia. May 2-4, 2014

Mountainside views from the campus of the Universidad Javerianan

By MT D�vila, Chair, Latin American Regional Committee 


From May 2-4 the Latin American Regional Committee of the CTEWC met on the campus of the Universidad Javeriana in Bogot�, Colombia. This historic meeting, the first for this group, focused on discussing the need for a network of Latin American theological ethicists, the need for a continental meeting of ethicists in the future, and what would be the best structures and formats going forward to foment a strong and productive network.


The current composition of the regional committee (available here)  includes a broad range of experiences within the field of theological ethics in Latin America: lay and clergy, male and female, diverse ages, diverse areas of expertise, and representing seven countries throughout the Americas (Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Per�, Puerto Rico). Members of the planning committee presented on various topics, specifying their own context for doing ethics. Immediately, we were able to identify concrete differences in how theological ethics is promoted or supported in different contexts depending on the countries' histories in the past 200 years (and sometimes more!), but particularly during periods of anti-clerical political climates when religious or theological academic perspectives were discouraged.


The regional committee unanimously supported working toward a continental meeting of theological ethicists during the year 2016. While details such as meeting site and theme will be determined by the end of this year, we were able to generate grounding conversation on some of the concerns and issues that commonly affect a variety of contexts in Latin America:


-       Recognition of the voice of marginalized groups in the different spheres where power and decisions are made that affect entire populations. Part of this discussion included the witness of various ethicists at the meeting speaking to the transition from the church being an excluded entity from the political sphere of a number of their countries to now being present and consulted at very high levels of public health, labor, economics, and other political forums.


-       Attention on the challenges being voiced by "the other" and from below, lifting up the realities of excluded groups, while acknowledging that Latin America is a very diverse region, where challenges are expressed and lived out quite differently from people to people.


These central concerns serve to highlight and frame particular topics such as rights of indigenous peoples, Afro-American communities in Brazil, environmental concerns and drastic changes to civility and social engagement in urban and other settings. At the meeting ethicists agreed that there is always an urgent need to discuss themes such as hope, solidarity, and the option for the poor, but that these must be updated so that we are not repeating the same arguments of 40 years ago, but, rather, are contextualizing and actualizing them in ways that make them relevant and empowering for the communities we serve and inhabit.


For this purpose, we agreed to develop working groups that would meet, either in person or virtually, over the next months in preparation for the continental meeting in 2016. The goal is for this meeting to be culmination of work already in progress, where participants have already been at work together for some time.


Planning committee members Fr. Jim Keenan, SJ, and Fr. Andrea Vicini, SJ, were present during the meeting to listen to our discussions and support our efforts at building and enriching our network, something that we agreed was necessary both at the local, regional, and international level.


I have to express my deepest gratitude to all the members of the regional committee for their time and commitment to conversations that shared from their most sincere experiences and hopes for this network. And profound gratitude to our hosts at the Universidad Javerianan, Fr. Alberto M�nera, SJ, and Prof. Mar�a Isabel Gil Espinosa, who set a nourishing and welcoming stage for our conversations throughout the weekend. Generosity of spirit and intellect abounded during those days, and the Latin American network of the CTEWC will be all the richer for it!



Gathering of the Regional Committee 
Full Regional Committee and members of CTEWC Planning Committee

View more information on the meeting, Here.
CTEWC Forums from Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe, and The US

Laurenti Magesa, Tanzania , "The Synod on the Family and Africa"


Alexandre A. Martins, MI, Brazil, "Fraternity and Human Trafficking" 


Eric Genilo, India, "Legislating Compassion"


Marianne Heimbach-Steins, Germany,  Reflections on the European Parliament 


Nichole Flores, US,  "Political Emotion, Religion, and the Pursuit of Racial Justice"

Other News

Publications by Jos� Manuel Caama�o L�pez


Jos� Manuel Caama�o L�pez, Autonom�a moral. El ser y la identidad de la Teolog�a moral, Ed. San Pablo, Madrid 2013.




Jos� Manuel Caama�o L�pez, La eutanasia. Problemas �ticos al final de la vida humana, Ed. San Pablo, Madrid 2013.



Julio Luis Mart�nez, SJ - Jos� Manuel Caama�o, Moral fundamental. Bases teol�gicas del discernimiento �tico, Ed. Sal Terrae, Santander 2014.





Publication by Aldo Marcelo C�ceres  "Tres claves para comprender el pensamiento del Papa Francisco en Lumen Fidei"


We are happy to announce that we have already received several applications and will continue to read them!  



Application Procedure

The CTEWC Visiting Professorship program is open to application from any theological ethicist who wishes to teach/team-teach and engage in collaborative research work for a period of one to five months in a theological institution in another country. In the initial phase of the program, institutions in Nairobi-Kenya, Bangalore-India, or Manila-Philippines, will host the visiting professor who can teach in English. The CTEWC would cover the cost of the airfare. The visiting professor would not get remunerated but her or his board and lodging and basic health needs will be taken care of by the host institution.   


All prospective visiting professors must e-mail their application form as well as Curriculum Vitae to James Keenan, sj james.keenan.2@bc.edu and the Site coordinator in the preferred host country/ies (India - Shaji George Kochuthara, cmi, kochuthshaji@gmail.com; Kenya - Elias Omondi, sj,  eliasomondi@gmail.com; Philippines - Agnes M. Brazal, agnesmbrazal@gmail.com)


Here is a link to the application page

We have over 80 profiles on the map

If you have not been added to the map, please visit this form and we can add you!

(Note: you'll receive confirmation that your profile is submitted, but Claudio has to actually add it to the map, so it won't appear instantaneously.)  Contact Claudio with any questions. (claudio.quintana@bc.edu)

If you have submitted an application but it is not on the map, or you have an incomplete biography on our website, please contact Claudio Quintana this week. 
In This Issue
Fellowships and Grants
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Submit Your Resources
Send us your announcements, job postings, recent publications, etc. Submit here

Browse Resources
Check out fellowship, conference announcements, calls for papers, publications, etc.  Visit the resource page.

Jim Keenan S.J.



Claudio Quintana



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