October 2013

Welcome to the FIRST

The newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church


Dear Friends,


Next month we will celebrate the TENTH ANNIVERSARY of the very first meeting of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church. At the end of this newsletter, I will share a link with you to the one-page "MINUTES" from the November 7-9, 2003 Meeting in Leuven hosted by Paul Schotsmans.


To celebrate the anniversary we are launching a NEW MAP of CTEWC. This map will allow you to find other CTEWC participants elsewhere in the world.   Jillian Maxey is working on populating it with thirty of our Planning, Regional and Forum participants, but on November 1st we will launch it and give you the opportunity to submit your information, so that you too can be found on the CTEWC Map. So get ready for November FIRST!


In this issue..... A committee of Agnes Brazal, Andrea Vicini and Gina Wolfe have been working now for many months to host a SECOND interactive video conference on Friday, November 15, featuring one of the paper sessions of the biennial conference of the Ecclesia of Women in Asia (EWA), which will be taking place in Bangalore, India.


The theme of the conference is "Liberating Power: Asian Feminist Theological Perspectives".


As you can see below, the Bangalore EWA Conference will be engaged at Glasgow, Dublin, Boston, Chicago and Santa Clara, and we are still developing possibilities with Johannesburg and New York.


So, if you live near these localities and want to participate, or if you want to include your institution in the interactive videoconferencing, please contact the coordinators posted below.


Certainly we will be posting this in November First, but we want you to know about the plans now. SPECIAL THANKS TO GINA, ANDREA AND AGNES and to the site HOSTS!


Second, CHECK OUT THE FORUM! There are several great essays there, from Osamu Takeuchi's essay on the forthcoming Tokyo Olympics and the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant. There's an essay by one of our PhD candidates Sr. Marie-Rose Ndimbo on the poor of Kinshasa and there's an essay by William Mattison on the twentieth anniversary of Veritatis Splendor.


Third, see the Regional Reports from Asia, Latin America, and North America.


Fourth, special Congratulations to Anne Patrick and Christiana Z. Peppard on their new books!


Lastly, in celebration of our anniversary, I invite you to read the minutes from our first meeting 10 years ago


All the best,




Top Stories
Ecclesia of Women in Asia (EWA) will be hosting a video conference on Nov. 15

On Friday, November 15, there will be an interactive video conference featuring one of the paper sessions of the biennial conference of the Ecclesia of Women in Asia (EWA), which will be taking place in Bangalore, India.



The theme of the conference is "Liberating Power: Asian Feminist Theological Perspectives".

EWA, an academic forum of Catholic women theologians in Asia, promotes doing contextual feminist theologies from the perspective of the excluded and in dialogue with other disciplines, religions/faiths.


The three papers that will be presented in the video conference session are:     


"The Power of Transformation and Transforming Power: A Malaysian Female-to-Male Transgender Person's Narrative" by Sharon A. Bong (Malaysia)   


"Deafness and Deafhood in Mark 7.31-37: 'Seeing/sign World' of Filipino d/Deaf and their Narratives of Dismemberment and Empowerment in this 'Hearing/word World'" by Kristine C. Meneses (Philippines)     


"Doing Indecent Theology: Ecclesia of Women in Asia on Power and Resistance" by Jeane Cana Peracullo (Philippines)    

For more information including the venues, local times, and contact persons, please go to: 



CTEWC Forum: The DRC, USA and Japan
This month we have three new forum essays.  Check them out over on the website and be sure to post your comments.

Marie-Rose Ndimbo (DRC),
Kinshasa: A Social Drama for the Poor

Bill Mattison (USA), Veritatis splendor at 20

Osamu Takeuchi (Japan),
Olympics or Getting out of the Nuclear Accident
News from North America

The North American regional committee is pleased to report that its proposal for a three-year interest group at the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA) was approved. The interest group, "Beyond Trento: North American Moral Theology in a Global Church," will offer a space for participants to consider how the emerging transnational consciousness fostered by CTEWC initiatives potentially transforms the shape of North American theological discourse and ethical praxis. The interest group will also provide a forum through which CTSA members can engage the scholarship of the international members who now regularly attend the Society's conventions, as well as emerging international scholarship less familiar to CTSA members.  The group's inaugural session in June 2014 (San Diego, California) will feature presentations by Anna Floerke Scheid of Duquesne University and Bryan Massingale of Marquette University, considering how international theological contexts and voices impact North American research and pedagogy in Catholic ethics. L�cas Ch�n (Trinity College Dublin) will offer a response.


The regional committee is grateful that i

n January 2014 at the Society of Christian Ethics, the Ethics and Catholic Theology Interest Group will feature presentations on the methodological importance of international experience for doing moral theology.  Agnes Brazal (St. Vincent School of Theology-Adamson University, Philippines) and David Clairmont (University of Notre Dame) will present, with David Cloutier (Mount St. Mary's University) responding. Conveners John Berkman (Regis College, Toronto) and William Mattison (Catholic University of America) hope to increase clarity and understanding regarding the ways experience can and does function in moral theology. The session will be held Friday, January 10, 2014 at the conference convening in Seattle, Washington. MORE 


News from Asia
India: Read the Report and Final Statement of the 3rd National Consultation on Gender Relations in the Church and Society

The national consultation was held at Atmadharshan, Mumbai (East), on August 9-11, 2013. The theme was "Living 'Nirbhaya": Towards a Violence Free Society. There were 44 participants consisted of priests, women and men religious and laity from across the country.  Archbishop Dominic Lumen of Imphal, Bishop Agnello Gracias, auxiliary Bishop of Mumbai Arch Diocese and Sr. Rita Pinto RSCJ, National President of CRI Sister's section encouraged the group with their participation. Below is a summary of their report.
Read the report and statement.

The Philippines: SVST-Manila accepting 2nd Batch of PhD Scholars

Having launched its PhD program summer of 2013 with eight doctoral students-four in theological ethics and four in systematic theology-the St. Vincent School of Theology (SVST) is happy to announce that it is offering again tuition fee scholarships to a 2nd batch of qualified PhD applicants from the Philippines and other developing countries. The deadline for scholarship application is January 31, 2014. More info 


News from Latin America

Pablo Blanco shares two great announcements regarding efforts dedicated to strengthening the bonds between the Latin American Bishops Conference (CELAM) and the faithful in Latin America   

The first is the launch of a virtual platform under the title "Episcopo.net", a project by CELAM that aims to virtually connect all bishops in Latin America.  


Secondly, Pablo Blanco has been named general director of the journal "LatidoAm�rica," recently launched by the Press and Communications Department of CELAM. It attempts to be a medium through which to make known better attitudes, practices, projects, and initiatives that are already taking place in Latin America and the Caribbean. It attempts to document wherever people are making innovative and lasting contributions, communities that are forging new ground, new institutions and social organizations that are seeking alternatives and opportunities for a better life for all.

More information on both initiatives is available on the website.


Gustavo Irraz�bal shares the following two publications in light of the 50th anniversary of Vatican II:

G. Irraz�bal, "Tras el Concilio. Perspectivas de la doctrina conciliar sobre la conciencia", Teolog�a 111 (agosto 2013) 69-94.

And a reflection on Acton University 2013, from the Acton Institute, Grand Rapids:

G. Irraz�bal, "El poder de la libertad", Criterio 2395 (agosto 2013) 22-23.  


Other News


Ann E. Patrick has a new book out: Conscience and Calling: Ethical Reflections on Catholic Women's Church Vocations (Bloomsbury, 2013)   






Christiana Z. Peppard also has a new book out: Just Water: Theology, Ethics, and the Global Water Crisis  




For other new publications of note, visit:


Two new job announcements from Boston College and University of San Diego have been posted.  Visit: http://www.catholicethics.com/resources/jobs




In This Issue
Fellowships and Grants
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Submit Your Resources
Send us your announcements, job postings, recent publications, etc. Submit here

Browse Resources
Check out fellowship, conference announcements, calls for papers, publications, etc.  Visit the resource page.

Jim Keenan S.J.



Jillian Maxey



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