
Welcome to the first edition of the Next Century Conservation Plan's Newsletter
Forest Forward!

News to Know & Share about the Next Century Conservation Plan 

Welcome to the first edition of Forest Forward, a monthly update on the progress and programming of the Next Century Conservation Plan. Forest Forward is designed to be easy-to-read -- and, as important, easy-to-share -- with information that you can quickly pass on to your network of co-workers, colleagues and friends. 

This inaugural Forest Forward is being delivered to you and other members of the implementation committees of the Next Century Conservation Plan (NCCP). In the next 30 days, with your help, we will rapidly grow the distribution list to include people from every committee member's network. Together, by spreading the word of our work, we can generate awareness, enthusiasm and excitement for the NCCP. So, please read the stories below, develop your networking list and put these new ideas in action so that we get ready to Forest Forward!
Generating Buzz 101

There's an axiom in public relations: "Tell 'em, tell 'em what you told them, and tell 'em again." In other words, a message delivered with frequency is a message that sticks.

That's the approach we will begin to take with news of the Next Century Conservation Plan, and that's how we will generate buzz. By sharing our news frequently, clearly and across several communications platforms, we will nurture interest in and support for the plan.

It all begins with you. Here are ways you can generate buzz right from your desk. 

Email Signature 

Add one of these sentences to the signature block or footer of your professional or personal email.
  • "Ask me about the work I do to support our region's Next Century Conservation Plan."
  • "[Your Name], Member, Next Century Conservation Plan's Implementation Committee."
  • "I am an advocate for conservation in the Forest Preserves of Cook County. Learn more at"


Adapt one of these bullet points for your resume's section on civic or volunteer work.
  • Member of the Implementation Committee of the Next Century Conservation Plan, a progressive blueprint for establishing Cook County as a national leader in urban conservation.
  • Volunteer with the implementation committee of the Next Century Conservation Plan, which advocates for Cook County to make a massive commitment to restoration, to expand protected lands by at least 30%, and to make its forest preserves more accessible to county residents. 

Professional Bio

Adapt this short paragraph and add it to your professional biography.

I volunteer as a member of the implementation committee of the Next Century Conservation Plan (NCCP), an ambitious strategy developed by a commission of business and civic leaders in Cook County, Illinois.  With a goal of celebrating and nurturing the county's thriving woodlands, prairies and waters as world-class treasurers that sustain the region, the NCCP was accepted by the Forest Preserves of Cook County board of commissioners in 2015. The NCCP advocates for Cook County to make a massive commitment to restoration, to expand protected lands by at least 30%, and to make its forest preserves more accessible to the county's diverse residents. 

LinkedIn Profile

Adapt this short paragraph and add it to your professional biography.

[Your Appointment Date to Current]
I am a member of the implementation committee of the Next Century Conservation Plan (NCCP), an ambitious strategy developed by a commission of business and civic leaders in Cook County, Illinois.  With a goal of celebrating and nurturing the county's thriving woodlands, prairies and waters as world-class treasurers that sustain the region, the NCCP was accepted by the Forest Preserves of Cook County board of commissioners in 2015. The NCCP advocates for Cook County to make a massive commitment to restoration, to expand protected lands by at least 30%, and to make its forest preserves more accessible to the county's diverse residents. 

Social Media Post

Facebook post

Use as it's written or as inspiration for creating your own:

Campgrounds in Cook County are up & running! Did you know that since the first Forest Preserves of Cook County campsite opened Memorial Day weekend, more than 5,000 residents have camped overnight?  With three more opened sites and one still to come, hundreds more are expected to enjoy this new opportunity. I am an advocate for land conservation, protection and usage in our county, and so I hope you will learn more about camping and other Forest Preserves programs.
[Paste this link: When the website's image appears below your post, delete the link; the image will remain.]
Twitter post

Use as they are written or as inspiration for creating your own:
  • Extended great weather in #Chicago means there's still time to #campincook with @FPDCC
  • Planning to camp during Columbus Day weekend? Do what @redeyechicago says and take a short drive to #campincook
  • Like @ToniPreckwinkle, I plan to #campincook at one of the new campgrounds of the @FPDCC. Actually, I'll be glamping. #truth
LinkedIn post

Use as it's written or as inspiration for creating your own: 
It was an ambitious plan but the Forest Preserves is making it happen: Five new and renovated campgrounds have opened this year, and as it turns out, Cook County residents don't mind a short drive to the great outdoors after all.

A Website Makeover

This month, work will begin on a redesign of the Plan's website at to make the content more reader-friendly and up-to-date, without sacrificing its depth or attention to detail. Plans include adding new graphics, more information on Plan partners, and links to articles on such relevant topics as conservation and preservation. 

If you have authored or have seen articles that you think should be featured on the new website, such as Openland's always timely blog, "5 Things To Do Outside This Weekend," let us know. Send your referrals to
When List Building is Team Building 

Who do you know who ought to know what you know about the NCCP? 

Plenty of people, we're sure. Introduce them to the Plan and keep them informed of its progress by adding their names to your Forest Forward distribution list. Each time you receive this newsletter, we are asking you to forward it to at least a dozen of your colleagues -- people you work with regularly, have met with occasionally, or would one day like to partner with on a project.  By forwarding this news, you will help build a team of supporters for our collective work, and spread our reach even further.  When you forward the news, you also are helping to introduce the NCCP and endorse its newsletter, letting recipients know that it's good stuff worth reading. 

In addition to forwarding the news to your network, if there are co-workers within your organization who you'd like to be added directly to the distribution list, share those names and email addresses with by September 21.