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July 15, 2015
In This Issue
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Employment Opportunities
July 19, 2015
Bow Valley Provincial Park, 
east of Canmore AB
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#200 1240 Railway Ave
Canmore, Alberta, Canada
T1W 1P4

Box 157 
Bozeman, Montana,
United States 59771
Top Story

Metro - Alberta's new environment minister confirmed Monday the NDP government will move to better protect the Castle Wilderness Area, as environmental groups have long been calling for.

Also In The News.... 

Struggling amphibians get a beaver boost
Jackson Hole News and Guide - One-third more toads, frogs and salamanders are found in wetlands created by beavers.

Clark Fork River cleanup brings new life to headwaters
Missoulian - project on 47 miles of the upper Clark Fork is removing tons of heavy metal sediments deposited in a flood in 1908 and restoring the landscape.

Montana Public Radio - Groups are concerned about a Canadian company's request to explore for gold, copper and molybdenum in Emigrant Gulch on the Custer Gallatin National Forest. 


Black bear kills down, while human-wildlife conflicts soar

Vancouver Sun - While the world wrings its hands over the fate of two bear cubs, it turns out the number of black bears killed by conservation officers is down by half since the 1990s, according to government statistics.


B.C. wilderness marred by rough-cut mining exploration roads
Globe and Mail The creation of more roads into undisturbed wilderness is alarming in this day and age when we have other means of exploring without unrepairable damage to the ecosystems.

CBC - Alberta - and Canada - are quickly falling behind on their promise to protect land and fresh water, according to a new report by CPAWS.

Employment Opportunities

Position - President
Organization - Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
Deadline - Until filled

Position - Canadian Program Director
Organization - Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
Deadline - August 4, 2015, or until filled

Position - Co-Director
Organization - Earthfire Institute
Deadline - Until filled

Go to Y2Y's website for a full list of employment opportunities.

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