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May 29, 2015

Top Stories from LTPS
LES 2nd graders set to jam and showcase musical talents on June 11...all are invited!

Nineteen Lawrenceville Elementary School (LES) 2nd graders will demonstrate their ability as composers and live performers at Young Composer's Night on June 11. Students will present original songs that they wrote completely on iPads using the GarageBand App. The evening will include a slide show and an iPad Band performance using iPad instruments, such as electric guitars, violins, and synthesizers. 


LES music teacher Dan Beal, pictured left, is coordinating the event as part of "Jammin' with JamHub," a grant funded by the Lawrence Township Education Foundation (LTEF). 

See flyer.

Young composers break for a smile during the creative process.
Melissa Dunphy
To be or not to be...iHamlet gives glimpse into Shakespeare's work
Mostly sophomores and a few juniors and seniors attended one of two iHamlet assemblies yesterday. iHamlet is an adaptation by Robin Malan, a South African playwright, and puts onstage one actor speaking the words of only one character, Hamlet, from Shakespeare's play. LTEF funded the artist-in-residence program intended to enhance the study of Shakespearean literature and drama for English and theater students. The actor who played Hamlet is Melissa Dunphy from The Philadelphia Shakespeare Theatre. Get a glimpse of her dramatic interpretation via video linked in photo. Video is a bit dark but you can get a feel for the wonderful performance. 
"Futuristic Cityscape"
LHS students fulfill high "Aspirations" - 10 have works published in MCCC literary magazine

The following Lawrence High School (LHS) students had their poetry/prose/artwork selected by a distinguished panel of judges for publication in Aspirations, the literary magazine of Mercer County County College (MCCC):


Madalyn Brummer, Klara Bieniasz, Caroline Bohra, Liam Lavelle, Linda Luo, Nadine Mayrena, Jack Pagliante, Kinsey Ratzman, Casey Ryu, and Sebastian Vargas. Linda Luo, a senior in AP Studio Art, had three pieces of artwork, including the cover art below entitled "Liberation," selected for publication.  All published entries were selected from hundreds of entries submitted by Mercer County high school students. Students' pieces were submitted for consideration by LHS teachers Cheryl Eng, Ellen Chepiga, Kathryn Henderson, Erica Ingram and Stefanie Tziarri.

Other LTPS News
LTPS Summer Enrichment and Remediation Program
Lawrence High School (LHS) is offering for-credit enrichment and remediation classes this summer for both LTPS and out-of-district students. Classes will run July 6-31, Mondays through Fridays. View the brochure here.
LTPS-TV This Weekend

Saturday & Sunday, May 30-31, LTPS-TV will broadcast five new programs on Comcast Channel 19 and Verizon Channel 37 in Lawrence Township:


LHS Boys Varsity Baseball recorded 5/9/15 (approximately 1 hour 55 minutes)

9AM, 4:30PM & 10PM

Lawrence High School takes on Princeton at home.


LHS So You Think You've Got Talent recorded 5/19/15 (approximately 1 hour 10 minutes)

6:30AM, 12PM & 8:30PM

Lawrence High School students perform in a talent show.


SW All That I Can Be recorded 5/20/15 (approximately 19 minutes)

8AM, 1:30PM & 7:30PM

Slackwood School students perform a program of music.


LIS Grade 4 Spring Concert recorded 5/20/15 (approximately 27 minutes)

8:30AM, 4PM & 8PM

Lawrence Intermediate School fourth graders put on a concert.


Lawrence Memorial Day Parade and Observance recorded 5/23/15 (approximately 38 minutes)

5:30AM, 11AM & 6:30PM

View the parade and Memorial Observance from last Saturday.


Missed a program on LTPS-TV? Many of our recent programs can be seen on YouTube at the LTPSRewind channel.

Community Programs
Lawrence Township Education Foundation
Thank a teacher with an A.P.P.L.E. from the Lawrence Township Education Foundation (LTEF) at
Lawrence Township Recreation Department
See what's happening at the Lawrence Township Recreation Department.
Lawrenceville Main Street
Check out what's coming up at Lawrenceville Main Street.

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