Discover Fitness Foundation

Successful day at Ruggles Green!

We are grateful for all who supported and attended the Discover Fitness day at Ruggles Green. Over 100 people ate to support a good cause! 

Congratulations to the following for winning door prizes: 
  • Sandy Shaw 
  • Stephanie Pollock
  • Kelly Mathews
  • Stacey Fike
  • Miwa Maeda
  • Martell Owens
  • Jonathan Rockelmann
DFF fundraiser at Peak Gymnastics
Peak Gymnastics and Fitness held a week long "Recycled Leotard Fundraiser". Families brought in leotards and shorts that were too small and were re-sold at a discounted price. $2 of every sale went to the DFF. Thank you Peak Gymnastics for your support!
Monster Mash Run! 
Have you or your children ever thought of doing a 1k, 5k or 10k event? Now's your chance. Join Team DFF for Monster Mash on October 11th and we can support you to your finish line.  
Learn more and take the challenge: click here. 


"Kaili is an extremely determined and, at times, very hard-headed. This comes as both a blessing and a curse. Unfortunately, her hard-headedness was a huge problem when it came to therapy. She hated therapy and each visit was a struggle to achieve her cooperation. Now that we go to gymnastics, she doesn't realize she is actually doing therapy and has progressed by leaps and bounds!!! Our family has limited income and without the scholarship from the Discover Fitness Foundation, none of this would be possible. A humongous and heart-felt thank you!!"

 Kaili's Mother   
 June 2014
Who We Are
Discover Fitness Foundation (DFF) is a nonprofit corporation that centers in awarding athletic scholarships to children with special needs, fighting obesity, and talented athletes with financial struggles.
Change a child's life
If you are interested in giving a gift of physical fitness to a less fortunate child please consider making a donation. 

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