Partnering For A Bright Future!
Joining Forces

The Heart of Texas Gymnastics has partnered with the Discover Fitness Foundation (DFF)! The DFF is a nonprofit corporation that awards athletic scholarships to children with special needs, fighting obesity, and talented athletes with financial struggles. By partnering with the DFF, The Heart of Texas Gymnastics is helping the children in their neighborhood to increase their self-esteem, create positive peer interactions and lead healthier, active lifestyles.  


Please read the inspirational stories below of a few scholarship recipients who have greatly benefited from the program. 

Before starting classes with the Discover Fitness Foundation, our lives were centered on medical care for Emily. We will always have to deal with medical care but now we have a chance to be part of something exciting and fun once a week. Emily is able to get the physical therapy that she needs in a fun way. We have been able to meet other families who are in similar situations and we have formed a valuable support group of friends. This program touches our lives in a positive way. We are grateful to all those who play a part in this gift to our family. Without the help of donors, we would not be able to participate in gymnastics. It is difficult to manage the life of a disabled child but this foundation has made that possible for us. 
I so appreciate the sense of inclusion this program offers.  Our son receives a variety of therapies, usually in a one on one setting with the therapist or with other children who also have autism. Coming to the gym to participate and interact with other children in such an exciting, energetic setting is a wonderful opportunity for him to learn valuable social skills among his peers. He is more organized with his gross and fine motor planning, has better balance, stamina, and most importantly self confidence. This program truly is life changing. This one opportunity has helped my son with autism on many, many levels. It has contributed to his social awareness, helped with his sensory processing issues, improved his motor skills, and given him a sense of pride and inclusion among typically developing peers. There are no words to describe how grateful we are to watch our son flourish through this program. 
Please consider making a donation

There are many more children who would love the opportunity to participate in the scholarship program. The DFF is looking to grow and increase the number of children we support.  We need your help to make this possible.


Please consider donating to the Discover Fitness Foundation and give a gift of physical fitness to a less fortunate child. Any gift amount is appreciated; $300.00 pays for one semester.



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