Tuesday, May 27


Final Exam - 3rd Period

@Classroom 7:55 a.m.


Final Exam - 4th Period

@Classroom 10:05 a.m.


Wednesday, May 28


Final Exam - 5th Period

@Classroom 7:55 a.m.


Senior Panoramic Picture

@Commons 8:30 a.m.


Final Exam - 6th Period

@Classroom 10:05 a.m.


Thursday, May 29




Final Exam - 7th Period

@Classroom 7:55 a.m.


Graduation Rehearsal

@Commons 10:30 a.m.


Senior Picnic

@Practice Field 12 p.m.


Saturday, May 31



@Reliant Stadium 2 p.m.


Click here to access the WHS Calendar for more events.   


Westside High School would like to extend a special thanks to Men's Wearhouse for its special care and kindness its staff showed our students.  If it wasn't for their help, we would not have had as many well-dressed students.



Come improve your game at The Westside Basketball Camp. This week long camp helps improve individual skills. Click on the links below for more details.


Camp Flyer

Camper Contact Information

Release & Waiver




Come on out to Westside High School's Volleyball Camp. The camp is divided by grade levels. Incoming 6th and 8th graders are from 8-11 a.m., while incoming 9th graders are from noon-3 p.m. 

The cost is $125. Late registration will be at 7:30 a.m. on June 16 in the Westside High School Performance Gym.
Please view this link for the registration form.

 If you are looking for something to do this summer, then check out what HCC is offering high school students.  Click here for more information.


Currently, Westside is looking for host families for: 


-A boy from Germany who plays soccer
-A boy from Spain who plays soccer
-A boy from Germany who is a swimmer
-A girl from Germany who is interested in music
-A boy from Serbia who plays basketball


Hosting a foreign exchange student is just like having your own child attend Westside. These students have become a part of the fabric of Westside through participation in academics, athletics, and clubs & organizations. 


The friendships they have developed have further enriched their stay in the United States.  Everybody involved will tell you that it is truly the experience of a lifetime, for both the host families and exchange students.  


If you are interested in hosting, or have questions about hosting, an exchange student for the 2014-2015 school year, please contact Erik Ostergren at eostergr@houstonisd.org or call 281-920-8075.

The 2014 Yearbooks are on a first come, first serve basis of the $80 payment (cash or money order only).  There are 12 left.
Also, we are selling the surplus of 2012 and 2013 yearbooks for $10 per book, while supplies last.


For questions, please email or call Mr. Malinsky. Voicemail can be reached at 281-920-8000 x6061, and email inquiries to cmalinsk@houstonisd.org.


The Westside facebook page is better than ever!  Drop by and catch up on events through pictures and posts.

Don't forget to like us.  Click here to go right now! 


The Wolf E-News archives are now posted on the Westside website. If you ever need access to an older edition for information or entertainment, you can now have it with the click of a mouse!  


Click Here to Join
Our Mailing List


MAY 26, 2014
National Merit Commended Scholar, AP Scholar, HOSA President. Aimee Pepper's resume of awards, accolades, and involvement from Westside High School is indeed impressive. Yet, those who have the privilege of getting to know the North 2 senior, also know that she should be awarded another commendation: amateur comedienne. When mentioning her interest in pursuing a degree in the medical field, Aimee facetiously remarked that she would have to answer to Dr. Pepper-a name she knew would inevitably make everyone chuckle. Her witty delivery of such a lofty goal encompassed the kind of young woman Aimee has become: serious and sunny, focused and funny, curious and compassionate. Aimee Pepper is the Spotlight Student of the Month because she is a multi-talented Westside High School student who will indubitably make her alma mater quite proud when she heads to UC Berkeley this fall.

Aimee Pepper's quest for excellence started early in her high school career. As a freshman, she was a member of the WHS band when they became the first 5A band in HISD history to advance to the area marching competition. 

"I remember huddling up in a big circle, before the directors delivered the news," Aimee said. "We all went crazy. Some of us even started crying." 

To Aimee, the band is more than just a social or extracurricular organization-it is "its own community within the school." Aimee has been an integral part of that community during her four years at Westside, serving as woodwind section leader, uniform crew member, and uniform manager.

Aimee has also been an active member of HOSA and Student Council throughout high school. She has served as the V.P. of Activities in WHS Student Council her junior and senior years. As for HOSA, it has helped to shape her future. 

"When I entered HOSA as a junior, I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life," Aimee said. "Through my experiences with HOSA, I have come to realize that as a doctor, I can help people and pursue a career in the subject matter I am passionate about."

Aimee will continue her educational career at her dream college: The University of California at Berkeley. Last year, she visited the Bay Area and knew that she wanted to return for her post-secondary schooling. Aimee will be majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology, and she hopes "to pursue a medical degree after I complete my undergraduate studies, and to do a Doctors Without Borders trip sometime in my lifetime." Her initiative to succeed is more than intrinsic-it's genetic. Two of the biggest influences in her life are her older brothers, Ross and Kyle. 

"[Ross] was always a role model for me and inspired me to work hard and dream big. He encouraged me to apply for colleges slightly out of my reach," Aimee said. [Kyle] has inspired me to have fun and enjoy high school while it lasts."

Obviously, Aimee has been able to take advice from both brothers and meld it into purpose-driven four years at Westside. Aimee Pepper will soon trade the hallways of Westside for the West Coast, but the wolf prints she leaves will be hard to fill!
On May 18, Inertia, along with dancers from Houston Ballet, Urban Souls & UofH & SHSU, participated in the filming of "The Dream @50". This is a year long project for producer Richard Karz to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King's iconic "I Have A Dream".

Filming segments around the world, Mr Karz made his stop in Houston, where Inertia, and their families danced for hours at Discovery Green, while cameras recorded the day. The finished project will air on PBS next February.

It was a great way to end the year, as he had Inertian's past present and future, mom's, dad's, brothers, sisters and cousins all dancing together and celebrating the day. 
June 2, 2014
8:00 - 11:00 and 1:00 - 3:00

Classes Start
June 3, 2014

July 7 - 11

Students will have the opportunity to take up to 4 courses for a total of 2 credits. Freshmen and sophomores will only take classes with a teacher, while juniors and seniors will take classes in Grad Lab.

There are no tuition classes at Westside this summer, so students who want to get ahead will have to take classes either in Grad Lab, HCC, Lamar, etc.

8:00 - 8:55 1st Period
9:00 - 9:55 2nd Period
10:00 - 10:55 3rd period
11:00 - 11:30 LUNCH
11:35 - 12:30 4th Period
12:35 - 1:30 5th Period
1:35 - 2:30 6th Period

Classes offered with a teacher: Current 9th and 10th Graders:
English I, English II
Algebra I, Geometry
Biology, Chemistry
World Geography, World History, U. S. History

STAAR Tutorials for the following classes:
English I, English II, Algebra, U. S. History

TAKS Tutorials for ELA and Math

Classes offered in Grad Lab: Current 11th and 12th Graders:
English I, English II, English III, English IV
Algebra I, Geometry
Biology, Chemistry, Physics
World Geography, World History, U. S. History, Government, Economics
We value your feedback!

Please direct comments or questions to Craig Malinsky
at cmalinsk@houstonisd.org.

Visit us on the web at www.westsidewolves.org.

It is the policy of the Houston Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, veteran status, or political affiliation in its educational or employment programs and activities.