Tuesday, April 8


Magnet Tour

Starting @Outback 1 p.m.


Cheerleading Tryouts

@Practice Gym 3:30 p.m.


Inertia Training Class

@X121 4 p.m.


Baseball - JV

vs. Lamar @Lamar 4:30 p.m.


Lacrosse - JV

vs. St. Thomas @St. Thomas 6 p.m.


Baseball - Varsity

vs. Lamar @Delmar 7 p.m. 


Lacrosse - Varsity

vs. St. Thomas @St. Thomas 8 p.m.


Wednesday, April 9


Magnet Tour

Starting @Outback 1 p.m.


Cheerleading Tryouts

@Practice Gym 3:30 p.m.


JROTC Awards Ceremony

@Auditorium 6:30 p.m.


Thursday, April 10


Magnet Tour

Starting @Outback 1 p.m.


Cheerleading Tryouts

@Practice Gym 3:30 p.m.


Inertia Training Class

@X121 6 p.m.


Friday, April 11


Report Cards Go Home


Magnet Tour

Starting @Outback 1 p.m.


Cheerleading Tryouts

@Practice Gym 3:30 p.m.


Softball - JV

vs. Reagan @WHS 4 p.m.


Baseball - JV

vs. Bellaire @WHS 4:30 p.m.


Baseball - Varsity

vs. Bellaire @Delmar 7 p.m.


Softball - Varsity

vs. Bellaire @Delmar 8 p.m.


Saturday, April 12


Baseball - Varsity

vs. Clear Creek @WHS 1 p.m.


Baseball - JV

vs. Clear Creek @Clear Creek 2 p.m.


Lacrosse - JV

vs. Katy Taylor @WHS 2 p.m.


Lacrosse - Varsity

vs. Katy Taylor @WHS 4 p.m.


Monday, April 14


Softball - JV

vs. Sam Houston @WHS 4 p.m.


Softball - Varsity

vs. Sam Houston @Butler 4:30 p.m. 


Water Polo

vs. Tomball @WHS 5 p.m.


Click here to access the WHS Calendar for more events.   

Graduation Announcements are ready for pick up. Herff Jones will be here on Thursday, April 17, at lunch in the Commons to distribute the orders. 
This is the only day to pick up your order at Westside. Otherwise, you will have to go to the Herff Jones office to pick up your order. 
Herff Jones must clear payments and also can accept final payments, therefore not allowing Westside to hold your order for you. Please email Ms. Kaylin Brett at kbrett@houstonisd.org with any questions.
Please mark your calendars for Friday night, April 11. The Westside Softball Team is in need of your support for our 'Blue Out Senior Night' vs. Bellaire. 
Please come and show your love and support for the amazing things they have done for this program and for Westside, this Friday at 8 p.m. at Delmar.  
This is just a reminder that PTO scholarships are available in the black file cabinet drawer in A205 or online.


PTO Spirit Scholarship - GPA 2.5 or higher (family has to be a member of the PTO) - due May 1, 2014

Alumni Endowment Scholarship - GPA 2.0 or higher - due May 1, 2014 


Posse Scholarship - Westside is looking for another group of qualified candidates to represent our school as a Posse Scholar. We have three Posse scholars about to complete their first year of college, while four more students about to complete their senior year and start their first year of college with their posse.


The Posse Foundation selects students with extraordinary academic and leadership potential who may be overlooked by the traditional college selection process. Students who are nominated by their school will participate in three rounds of interviews during the fall of their senior year. If a student is selected as a Posse Scholar, they will receive a four year full tuition leadership scholarship to attend college.  The students will also meet with their "posse" during the spring of their senior year to participate in pre-collegiate leadership training. Throughout their first two years of college, they will continue to meet with their posse and a mentor on their college campus.


There are seven schools that will be selecting a posse from Houston next year: Bryn Mawr College, Carleton College, Colby College, Georgetown University (STEM only), Texas A&M University (STEM only), University of Texas and the University of Virginia. For more information about the Posse Foundation please go to www.possefoundation.org.


Current Westside juniors can log into their Naviance account to access the link to the application. Applications will close on April 15, at 3:30 p.m. Any questions about the Posse Scholars application at Westside can be directed to Ms. Alaina Turner, College Access Coordinator.


Hosting a foreign exchange student is just like having your own child attend Westside. These students have become a part of the fabric of Westside through participation in academics, athletics, and clubs & organizations. The friendships they have developed have further enriched their stay in the United States.  Everybody involved will tell you that it is truly the experience of a lifetime, for both the host families and exchange students.  


If you are interested in hosting, or have questions about hosting, an exchange student for the 2014-2015 school year, please contact Erik Ostergren at eostergr@houstonisd.org or call 281-920-8075.


This year, Westside is fortunate to have eight wonderful exchange students. We have three students who hail from Germany; the remaining students come from an eclectic mixture of countries: Belgium, Romania, Austria, China and Canada.


The Westside facebook page is better than ever!  Drop by and catch up on events through pictures and posts.

Don't forget to like us.  Click here to go right now! 


The Wolf E-News archives are now posted on the Westside website. If you ever need access to an older edition for information or entertainment, you can now have it with the click of a mouse!  


Click Here to Join
Our Mailing List


APRIL 7, 2014
The Westside Ecology Club explored Guadalupe State Park this past weekend. Highlights included a naturalist tour of Honey Creek State Natural Area to learn about the hill country ecology. They helped band songbirds to document their migratory journeys. After capturing the songbirds in a mist net and adding tracking bands to their legs, these Westside Wolves helped release the birds back to their habitat.  They even got to hear the heartbeat of the birds which was incredibly fast. It was exciting to participate in science, firsthand. 

We want to thank the following 2014-2015 PTO Board and Committee members that were recently elected.  Their support and willingness to serve is greatly appreciated and we look forward to an exciting year ahead. 


President - Barbara Nassab
1st VP - Membership - Lori Burklund
2nd VP - Fundraising - Jane Miller
Treasurer - Open
Recording Secretary - Kiki Hummel
Corresponding Secretary - Janna Wright
VIPS Coordinator - Pam Mignogna
Parliamentarian - Kelly Cramer
Exec. Board Faculty - Peggi Stewart
Exec. Board Faculty - Donna Patch
Exec. Board Faculty - Marie Wadih 


Check Writing Campaign - Valerie Breunig
Reserved Parking Coordinator - Stewart Krosby
Homecoming Dance Co-Chair - Janna Wright & Wendy McBride
Homecoming Dance Committee - Becki White, Erin Fisk, Kim Reid, Kristina Williams-Stewart, Pam Lowry, Hazel Gray
Teacher Appreciation Co-Chair - Kiki Hummel & Paige Miller
Teacher Appreciation House Liaison (N1) - Bahereh Parsa
Teacher Appreciation House Liaison (N2) - Tara Blood & Laura Grobowsky
Teacher Appreciation House Liaison (S2) - Mona Hubbard
Teacher Appreciation House Liaison (E1) - Christine Norris
Teacher Appreciation House Liaison (E2) - Open
Spring Fundraiser/Social Chair - Debbie Rhoden
Spring Fundraiser/Social Committee - Frosy Graf
T-Shirts/Merchandise Coordinators - Ida Miller, Kendal Manale, Pam Mignogna, Meg Willett, Kim Hill
Sr. Class Representative (Prom Mom) - Open/TBA
First Day Packet Coordinators - Lenny Wong, Mary Gillan, Patricia Ramirez-Smith, Kim Hill
Grounds/Landscaping - Open
Event Set-up Coordinators - Debbie Rhoden, Pam Whitson, Becki White
Webmaster - Jennifer Major
Alumni Association - Debbie Noriega & Disa Lyon
Commons Trophy/Display Case - Tara Blood & Amy Baker
College Center Liaison - Kiki Hummel 



If you did not place your yearbook order, you are in luck! The yearbook staff ordered a limited number of extra yearbooks. They are on a first come, first serve basis of the $80 payment (cash or money order only).


Priority will be given to the senior class. Sales for seniors will begin Thursday, April 10.  Sales for all other grade levels will begin Monday, April 14.


Yearbooks can be purchased in room E244, during the first part of lunch. We can accommodate parents who wish to arrange a sale without their child knowing, or they just don't feel comfortable giving $80 to their child. For those orders and any other questions, please email Mr. Malinsky at cmalinsk@houstonisd.org, or call 281-920-8000 x6061.


As the weather gets warmer, make sure you have the right apparel for the pool season. The swim and water polo teams know what to wear and they are bringing it to us for only $5.  Yes, for only $5, you can own flip flops like the ones pictured below. This amazing footwear is available for sale this Friday, April 11, in the Commons.



According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human services, 90% of people suffering from eating disorders are between the ages of 12 to 25. Between 5 and 10 million women in the U.S. currently suffer from eating disorders. Furthermore, Gear magazine reports that 1 in 6 cases of eating disorders diagnosed are in men.

The two most well-known eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Anorexia is defined as refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for age and height and the weight loss leads to body weight that is less than 85% of what is to be expected. Bulimia is typically characterized by frequent episodes of excessive food intake followed by self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, fasting, or excessive exercise to avoid weight gain. Bulimia nervosa patients are typically within normal weight range and restrict their total caloric consumption between binges.

Patients with eating disorders are usually ashamed of their eating problems, which leads to many individuals acting on their eating disorder in secret. Because eating disorders are so prevalent, especially with the adolescent population, the Choices topic of the month is body image. Throughout this month, we will talk about self-image, confidence, self-injury, eating disorders, and learn how to love the skin you are in.

Please email me at mparsley@council-houston.org if you have any questions or comments about the topic, I would love to hear from you.  

We value your feedback!

Please direct comments or questions to Craig Malinsky
at cmalinsk@houstonisd.org.

Visit us on the web at www.westsidewolves.org.

It is the policy of the Houston Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, veteran status, or political affiliation in its educational or employment programs and activities.