Tuesday, October 22

Boys Cross Country District Meet

@Seven Lakes HS 7 a.m.


Freshman Volleyball vs. Carnegie

@WHS 5:30 p.m.
JV Volleyball vs. Carnegie
@WHS 6:30 p.m.


Wednesday, October 23

Homecoming Dance Ticket Sales

@Commons 11:10 a.m. 


Var. Volleyball vs. Sam Houston

@Butler 4:30 p.m.


Senior Skate Night

@Dairy Ashford Rink 7:30 p.m.


Thursday, October 24

Nat. Merit Recognition Breakfast

@Library 7:45 a.m.


Homecoming Dance Ticket Sales

@Commons 11:10 a.m. 


Fr. Football vs. Sam Houston

@Sam Houston 4:30 p.m.


JV Football vs. LaMarque

@WHS 4:30 p.m.


Friday, October 25

Fr. Volleyball vs. Sam Houston

@WHS 5:30 p.m. 


JV Volleyball vs. Sam Houston
@WHS 6:30 p.m.   


Varsity Volleyball vs Madison

@Butler 5:45 p.m.


MTV The Musical

@Auditorium 7:30 p.m.


Saturday, October 26

Varsity Football vs. Sam Houston

@Delmar 1 p.m.


Click here to access the WHS Calendar for more events.   


The Westside Band Boosters is once again making Homecoming Mums for Westside students. These beautiful Homecoming Mums are custom made by band parents and come in three sizes:  15" (garter for the young men), 24" (friendship), and 36" in length.  A table will be set up in the Commons during lunch periods with order forms and mum samples.  Stop by during your lunch period to get more information, to pick up an order form or to turn in your order. The last day to order mums is this Wednesday, October 23.




On Saturday, November 16, the HISD Asian-American College and Career Day for middle and high school students and their parents will be held at Bellaire High School from 8 a.m. to noon.


Students will have the opportunity to meet local Asian professionals in order to get their perspective on career opportunities and what it takes to succeed.  Asian-American professionals will share their own expertise with students, providing meaningful college and career-related advice. Parent sessions will be held in English, Vietnamese, and Chinese. Registration details may be found here.


The Westside Softball Team is hosting the Rise with the Pack 5K Fun Run on Saturday November 2, 2013.  There are events for the entire family, including the dog!  Click here for more details.



The Westside High School Music Boosters is holding its Annual Poinsettia Fundraiser that benefits the Band, Choir, Orchestra, and Color Guard programs.

Beautiful Red Poinsettias that are approximately 16" tall, with five to seven blooms per plant. They come in a 6-inch pot trimmed in green foil for only $15, each.  Furnished and lovingly grown by residents at The Brookwood Community.

Order from October 1 - October 25 by contacting Leslie Devillier at 713-724-1786.  Pick-up is at Westside High School on Tuesday, December 10, from noon - 8 p.m. in the foyer of  the Auditorium.

National "Buy Your Yearbook Day" is this Wednesday, October 23. Don't miss out on a piece of Westside history.


Yearbooks may be purchased on-line by clicking here. 


The Wolf E-News archives are now posted on the Westside website. If you ever need access to an older edition for information or entertainment, you can now have it with the click of a mouse!  


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Our Mailing List


OCTOBER 21, 2013

Practice after practice and routine after routine, Rachel Long's time as a leader on Westside's Pride dance team ends this year. 
After just one year on Pride, Rachel earned her place in history as the only sophomore to earn a lieutenant's position. During her junior year, she rose in the ranks to first lieutenant, and then to captain her senior year. 
"I've been dancing since kindergarten and I've been on the drill team since 8th grade," Rachel said. 


Over the summer, Long doesn't just hang up those dance shoes and lounge around, she jumps even more into the spotlight and does out of school programs and competitions.  
"Over the summer I auditioned for the HTE dance academy and out of about two hundred people, only twenty made it and I was one of those lucky twenty!" Rachel said.

She will be rewarded by dancing and sightseeing in New York, later this year.  Rachel said she is really looking forward to the event, but still is focused on making her last year at Westside be her best as she and the rest of Pride focus on their schedule.  During the school year, Pride participates in a multitude of performances, including shows, football games, and UIL competitions.  At the most recent UIL competition, Rachel scored a one on all of her solos, which is the highest possible score.  
Rachel plans to take her winning ways beyond high school and hopefully fulfills a big dream.
"I'm going to attend The University of Texas or Texas A&M where I want to keep dancing and hopefully go on to open up my own dance studio to do what I am passionate about and love," Rachel said. 
The 2013 Homecoming Dance will be held at Westside on Saturday, November 2, from 8-11:30 p.m.  To celebrate the "Battle of Land and Sea", the Commons will be transformed into a seaside beach party.  Tickets are $20 per person and includes entry, refreshments, party favors and a free photo booth.  Plus new this year: Fabulous door prizes!  We will be giving away an iPad Mini and a set of Beats Headphones. Students who purchase tickets this week will get a bonus door prize ticket!

Dance tickets will be sold during lunch this week from Wednesday through Friday. Next week, tickets will be available during lunch every day except Wednesday. A completed contract with parent signature is required to purchase a ticket and the student must present their Westside ID at the time of purchase. Westside students may purchase a ticket for a a non-Westside guest with a special contract

Only Westside students are eligible to win the door prizes and must be present at the time of the drawing to win.  Grab a friend or gather a group and make your dance plans today. Purchase your tickets this week to get the bonus door prize ticket!
The PTO awards several spirit scholarships each year to graduating seniors. To be eligible to apply, families must join the PTO by November 1st. This deadline is fast approaching and each year students are disappointed that they are ineligible to apply. Join now! Go to our PTO Webstore to join online, or print this form and mail it in today.
Westside High School is on the leading edge of comprehensive high school education with it's special programs in - Health Sciences, Integrated Technology, Engineering, Culinary Arts, Business, Fine Arts, Environmental Science, Media Relations, Advanced Placement, and Dual Credit opportunities. 
Your support of this wonderful school and everything it has to offer our students is greatly needed.  The PTO supplements and enhances the school's operating budget by providing support for - Capital Improvements, Technology Upgrades, Scholarships, Professional Development, Homecoming Week Activities, Back to School Bash, Open House, College Night, Campus Beautification, and Teacher Appreciation. 
Support now by donating to Support Westside Success either by credit card using the PTO Webstore Page or by printing this form and sending in your donation. All donations received by October 31, will have their names on the PTO Website and on the donor acknowledgement sign to be displayed prominently next to the main office.  
WHS PTO is a 501c3 organization.   Your donation is tax deductible according to the current tax code.  Many employers offer matching programs for charitable contributions. Please check with your HR department and mail us forms if applicable. Your donation is greatly appreciated!
If you have a creative flare with pumpkin carving, then this is for you!

The Orchestra Program is sponsoring a pumpkin carving contest.  Teams of up to four will have 20 minutes to complete a masterpiece.  

The winning team receives a $100 gift card.  The cost is $20 per team, or $30 with a pumpkin provided. For more details, click here

Today is the first day of Red Ribbon Week! The Red Ribbon Campaign was started when drug traffickers in Mexico City murdered DEA agent Kiki Camarena in 1985. This began the continuing tradition of displaying Red Ribbons as a symbol of intolerance towards the use of drugs. Red Ribbon Week is an ideal way for people and communities to unite and take a visible stand against drugs. 

We will be celebrating this tradition all week. Today and tomorrow at lunch in the commons, with the help of the "P.A.S.S. It Along" Club, we will be passing out red ribbons for all faculty, staff, and students. We hope that everyone will wear their ribbons all week. On Wednesday, we will celebrate by having "Decoration Day". Decoration Day is a way for teachers, deans and students to work together to show their support of Red Ribbon Week by decorating their classroom or office door. Feel free to be creative! Ideas can include wrapping your door in red paper, posting drug-free ads on your door, or even having students write what their "anti-drug" is. There will be one winner per house and the judges will make their decisions after school on this day. 

Friday, October 25 will be Red Rally Day. We hope everyone will wear as many red articles of clothing as they can! This can include red socks, shoes, shirts, or pants. Thank you in advance for your support and I am looking forward to a fun Red Ribbon Week!   


To learn more, contact the Choices Counselor, Ms. Parsley at mparsley@council-houston.org
We value your feedback!

Please direct comments or questions to Craig Malinsky
at cmalinsk@houstonisd.org.

Visit us on the web at www.westsidewolves.org.

It is the policy of the Houston Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, veteran status, or political affiliation in its educational or employment programs and activities.