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Ohel Shalom Torah Center Newsletter

Parashat Eikev 5774

Contact Us

 Ohel Shalom 


Check out our new and improved website at 

To determine if the Eruv is operational either click on the phone number link below, or call
 1-773-74-ERUV-2 (743-7882) after 2pm every Friday afternoon or every Erev Yom Tov.

Join Our Mailing List
In This Issue
This Week at Ohel Shalom
Mazal Tov!
Thank you
Shmira Project
Back to School
Amazon Smile
Eruv Check- In
Upcoming Bar/Bat Mitzvot
Seuda Shilishit Fish Fund
Kollel Korner

Davening Times




Early Shabbat 

Candle lighting

Not Before 6:25 pm 

Early Mincha

 6:40 pm

Regular Candle lighting for Shabbat

7:31 pm 


7:41 pm

Shacharit 8:15 am

Shabbat Mincha 7:06 pm

Shabbat Ends 8:40 pm 


Regular Weekdays 



7:45 am

Monday and  Thursday

6:15 am

Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday

6:30 am




7:20 p.m.


 Late Arvit following Kollel 

There is no late arvit while Kollel is on break. 

Regular Shiurim  




The Kollel is currently on break until August 26th. Kollel will resume Wednesday evening, August 27th. 


Rabbi Olstein
Parasha Shiur
Wed 8:30pm (Hebrew)
Thurs 8:00pm (English)

Rabbi Cohen
Chok L'Yisrael

after Shacharit 



Men and Women


Ner Foundation 

Rabbi Raccah
Wednesdays at 8:30pm

The Rabbi's class is on break for all of August.

Class will resume on Wednesday, September 3rd. 


Parashat HaShavua




Chair Sponsors

(106 sold - 144 left)

$20 each  


New Set of Artscroll Talmud Yerushalmi  

$35.00 for Talmud Yerushalmi


Siddurim Shaarim Ba'Tifilla

($15.00 each) 


Chumash w/simanim  

($20 each) 

20 New Talitot  

(4 sponsored - 16 left)

$75.00 each 


This Week at Ohel Shalom
Kiddush Sponsorship
The Kehilla is grateful to Joesph and Leah Chana Zayan who are sponsoring the Kiddush this Shabbat in gratitude to Hakadosh Baruch Hu for the kindness He has bestowed on their family.  May the Zayans and all of Klal Yisroel continue to receive much kindness from Hashem. 
Seuda Shilishit Sponsorship
The Kehilla is grateful to Yosef and Carmella Bega who are sponsoring seuda shilishit this Shabbat in memory of Shlomo Ben Sarah, Yosef's father whose Yahrzeit is the 22nd of Av or August 18th this year. May his Neshama merit an Aliyah in Shamayim.  
Early Shabbat Minyan

We will BE"H continue to have the early Shabbat Minyan every Friday at 6:40 pm, unless otherwise noted. If this is an option for you, please make every effort to attend on time. Candle lighting for those making Early Shabbat this week is no earlier than 6:25 pm. The regular Minyan will BE"H meet as well at its normal time. 


Important Kollel and Parashat HaShavua Shiur Updates
The Kollel is currently on summer break until the evening of Wednesday, August 27th when they will resume, BE"H. During that time, the 10pm Arvit will not be taking place. The 10pm Arvit will resume BE"H with the resumption of Kollel on the second night of Chodesh Elul, or Wednesday, August 27th.

In addition,  Rabbi Raccah's Wednesday evening Parashat Hashavua shiur will not be meeting at all in the month of August. BE"H that shiur will resume on Wednesday, September 3rd.

It is important to keep in mind that although the Kollel isn't offically meeting now, the Beit Medrash is never closed to learning, which espcially during these challenging times for Eretz Yisroel, should be continued.  


Office Hours


BE'H, beginning Monday, August 18th, regular office hours will be resuming from 8:40 am -12:40 pm. On Wednesday, August 20th (only) the office will be open only in the afternoon from 1:30-5:30 pm. If you wish to contact the office, please make a note of these changes. 

Mazal Tov!

A heartfelt Mazal Tov goes out to Eden and Yonatan Berdugo, on the brit of their baby boy, Noam Refael this week. Mazal Tov as well to the baby's grandparents,Yosef and Adira Noy, Mindi Zeitlinel, and Refael and Penina Berdugo as well as to the Great-Aunt and Uncle Israel and Levana Freund. 
Mazal tov to Bat-el and Michael Lieberman on the naming of their new daughter, Ariel Mazal. Mazal Tov as well to big sister, Achinoam and to all the grandparents.
Mazal Tov to Ellen and Yochanan Center on the naming of their granddaughter, Michal. Mazal tov as well to the parents, Dovid and Ronit Center.   
Mazal tov to Michael Dewlow on the brit of his new grandson, Avigdor Dovid, in Lakewood to Yosef Moshe and Itta Dewlow.
May all these new babies grow to Torah, Chuppah and Ma'asim Tovim and bring much Nachat to their entire families. How wonderful to welcome all these babies to Klal Yisrael!


Thank You

Thank you to Adina Shoshani for organizing all the kitchen and kiddush supplies for the Kehillah and agreeing to be in charge of the inventory.

Thank you as well to Leah Chana Zayan for helping to spearhead this project. We appreciate all the help so that supplies will be on hand as needed for kiddush and other events.

We also appreciate all the women that help to set up the kiddush on a weekly basis and come to help Shimon prepare the chamin. Hopefully, this new system will make it easier for everyone to enjoy our Shabbat kiddush lunch. 

Elef l'mateh - Shmira project

While things remain tense in Israel, we continue this project for our soldiers in Gaza that remain in clear and present danger.  


"Elef l'mateh" When the Jews were at war with Midyan Moshe appointed 1000 soldiers to fight and 1000 to daven for them. Today we are doing the same thing to the best of our ability. We're trying to create a "spiritual iron dome" it's called Rabbi Simcha Kook started this together with The Bostoner Rebbi several yeas ago. HaRav Chaim Kanievsky gave this program a bracha and haskamah last time it ran with over 100,000 people signing up to support the soldiers. This is now the largest matching database of its kind in the world. Please note, no personal information whatsoever is required. 



Please click the link to get matched with a soldier one on one. Also, ask for names of active duty soldiers. 


for a printable copy of more info on the project, click the link below.  

Shmira Poster  





Get Your Kids Ready for Heading Back to School

Send your children back to school the right way! Join Alderman Debra Silverstein and Senator Ira Silverstein for a Back to School Fair featuring free backpacks loaded up with school supplies. The fair will be on Sunday, August 24 from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM at Warren Park, 6601 N. Western. Backpacks are one per child; your child must be present to receive a backpack. New this year, the event will also feature free paper shredding and electronics recycling from 9:00 AM - noon!

Amazon Smile

UPDATE: B"H many people have already signed up and even informed their family and friends. Please join this effortless program and help our Kehilla grow!

Do you purchase items from Amazon? Of course you do! If so, you are in a perfect position to provide the Kehilla with much needed financial support with zero cost or additional effort from you, beyond following a few easy steps just one time.

Amazon has a philanthropic branch called Amazon Smile. All you need to do is sign up (no cost) and select our Kehilla as your charity of choice and Amazon will give the Kehilla 0.5% of all your eligible purchases! There are millions of eligible items.

You will enjoy the same Amazon with all of the features, specials and prices that you are accustomed to, but 0.5% of your eligible purchases will be donated to the Kehilla by Amazon.

Follow these easy steps:
1. Go to [Don't worry this is a genuine Amazon site, not a third-party site.]
2. Sign in with your email and password as you normally would
3. You will be taken to a screen with charity options. Scroll to "or pick your own charitable organization" and enter Sephardic Community Shaare Mizrah (our legal name) and then hit "search"
4. When you see Sephardic Community Shaare Mizrah in Chicago - hit "select"
5. Done!
6. Bookmark on all of your browsers because the donations will only be generated from the website. If you buy from the regular website, no donations will be created.

After you have signed in, when you open the site, you should see "Supporting: Sephardic Community Shaare Mizrah" in the upper left hand side of the window. As long as you perform your Amazon searches and purchases from the website, all of your eligible purchases will benefit the Kehillah. In fact, the site will tell you if the particular item is eligible for the smile donation right above the 'put in cart" button.

Please tell your friends, relatives, co-workers etc. about this simple but effective opportunity. Again, there is no cost to them. No extra effort beyond signing up and starting from the website! Please remember to bookmark for each time you use amazon to make a purchase.

Please take advantage of this opportunity
and sign up immediately.

Click here to get started.

Eruv Check-In
Is the Chicago Eruv up and operational for Shabbat? If you utilize the Eruv, it is your responsibility to check each week before Shabbat if it is up. There are now some new and easy ways to do this.

The Chicago Eruv has set up a website with this information, as well as other pertinent halachot and information about the eruv. The web address is

You can call the hotline on Erev Shabbat after 2pm and listen to the recorded message or sign up to receive a weekly e-mail update on the status of the eruv.

Click here to sign up to have the eruv weekly email update sent directly to you! 
To Determine if the Eruv is Operational either click on the phone number link here, or call 1-773-74-ERUV-2 (743-7882) after 2pm every Friday afternoon or every Erev Yom Tov.

Upcoming Bar/Bat Mitzvot

Will your child be celebrating a bar/bat mitzvah in the upcoming calendar year? If so, please send Tamar the name of the child, their grade, date of birth and date of simcha so that a JUF certificate can be created for the SKIP program worth $120 to send the child to Israel in the future. There is no cost involved for this gift from the JUF. 

Seuda Shilishit Fish Fund

The Kehilla has begun a Seuda Shelishit Fish Fund into which people can contribute $20/Month to support extra food add-ons. If you wish to participate in this Mitzvah and at this very affordable price, please contact the office. Some people have already contributed. Please join them in this Mitzvah!  

The Geshem Fund

Here are just two of the financial requests that came to Rabbi Raccah in the last few days: basement flooded and no insurance. Phone is on the verge of being canceled. Unfortunately the list goes on and on. Please open your hearts and your wallets and make checks out to the order of GESHEM FUND and give to Rabbi Raccah or put in the mailbox of the office or the shul and Tamar will give it to Rabbi Raccah.  As you thank Hashem for all that He has blessed you with, remember the less fortunate who are struggling and in desperate need of assistance. Thank you.
Kollel Korner of the Sephardic Community Kollel


Sephardic Community Kollel


Come learn with the Sephardic Community Kollel from 8:00pm to 10:00pm, Sunday through Thursday. Please contact the Kollel Coordinator, Rabbi Yosef Olstein to arrange a learning partner or to receive information about the Kollel and its programs. Rabbi Olstein can be reached at 773-338-8046 or by email at Sephardic Community Kollel.  


Donations to the Kollel


Donations to the Kollel can also be made via credit card. Please call the shul at 773-465-5274 or email the Kollel for details.


Sponsor Learning in the Kollel


Our Rabbis tell us of the great power and merit associated with supporting Torah learning. To that end, consider sponsoring a night, a week or a month of learning in the Kollel. Examples of sponsorship purposes include: in memory of a deceased loved one for their Azkarah, to merit a Rifuah Shilamah, or to honor a loved one or friend. In addition to the great merit of supporting Torah in our community, your sponsorship will be marked with printed pages noting the intent of your support that are placed in stands on the tables in the Beit HaMidrash for the duration of your sponsorship period. 


Here are the costs for the various sponsorships:

A night of learning -  $52

A week of learning -  $100

A month of learning - $400


Halacha of the Week and Machshava (Thought) of the Week  are on hiatus during the Kollel Break


BE'H these two pieces will return the week of Rosh Chodesh Elul, August 27, 2014. 

Ad Section

Selling a gorgeous One-Bedroom with unobstructed downtown and lake views from the 17th floor of 7033 N. Kedzie in Winston Towers #4 (almost corner of Touhy and Kedzie)   This is the biggest one bedroom available (980 square feet) and was totally gutted and remodeled with the most top of the line finishes and appliances.  This building has a Shabbat elevator due to start operating in 2-3 weeks. The owner/builder installed everything with you, the buyer in mind: 
1.stainless-steel double sink
2.double oven + under-cabinet microwave oven
3.timers on all light switches.  

All stainless-steel appliances are brand new with manufacturers stickers.  From raised panel cabinets; granite counter tops; lush new carpet and gorgeous tile in kitchen and bathroom to Hansgrohe faucets; granite vanity and brand new standard folding closet doors--this unit has it all and more.  Hurry and take advantage of the pre-MLS price of $107,900. Available to view as of August 20th by appointment only.

Please call Jake at:  847-668-3028 to schedule a showing.  Will be sold on first come basis. (unit is scheduled to go on to open MLS market if not sold by August 31st and price will increase).


If you have a Simcha occurring within the next few months that you would like to have added to the calendar, please call the office at 773-465-5274 or email the office with the link provided in the sidebar at the top of the email.