November 2014
Featured Event

"Power makes you dumb." - Edi Rama

The Global Empowerment Meeting (GEM) is CID's flagship annual event that brings together leaders and thinkers from development, government, business and philanthropy. Each year the group engages around the major development problems in the world today, and explores cutting-edge ideas to solve them. Keynote speakers this year included Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama on the necessity of opening up his country to the world and the perils of power; Harvard professor Michael Sandel on the moral limits of markets; and Larry Summers on the challenges facing the global economy. Other topics included the acquisition and diffusion of knowhow; the digitization of business; avoiding the traps of crowd mentality when making decisions; and more. Watch the videos of these compelling ideas and read our summary.
Featured Event
We are excited to release the DDD Manifesto as an outcome of the 2014 Doing Development Differently (DDD) workshop. Some 40 development professionals from around the world attended the workshop in mid-October. Led by Prof. Matt Andrews and Leni Wild, Research Fellow at the Overseas Development Institute, discussions focused on examples of real change. While the examples employ different tools, they generally hold to similar core principles: being problem driven, iterative with lots of learning and engagement, while producing hybrid solutions that are context-specific and politically smart. We welcome you to join the nearly 200 people and organizations that have signed the manifesto and view all of the videos from the workshop.
Featured Publication
More than 50 million new bank accounts have been opened and 17 million debit cards issued since India launched a bold new plan to grant financial access to the poor. The ultimate goal of the initiative is to reach 150 million unbanked rural poor people, giving them formal accounts that come with automatic life insurance, among other benefits, and can serve as destinations for payments from government agencies. It is the most high-profile, and possibly the largest, campaign for financial inclusion in recent memory. In this op-ed for The Indian Express, EPoD's Rohini Pande, Charity Troyer Moore and others examine the kinds of hurdles this project will have to clear if it is to successfully improve the financial lives of the rural poor. Read more >> 

Engaging with Fragile and Conflict-Affected States   

Michael Woolcock

Why Notional Accounts Are an Option for LATAM   

Eduardo Lora

Leading Economic Growth

Executive Education

Faculty chairs: Ricardo Hausmann, Matt Andrews

Feb 8-13, 2015 | Apply now

Helping Albania break with the past

Growth Lab - Harvard Gazette

The Economics of Inclusion

Ricardo Hausmann - Project Syndicate

Renovating Industry in Colombia

Atlas of Econ. Complexity - La Republica

4 Fold Smell Test for Development

Lant Pritchett - CGD Blog

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The Center for International Development (CID) at Harvard University is a university-wide center that works to advance the understanding of development challenges and offer viable solutions to problems of global poverty.