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Discovery Newsletter
November 2014 
Retired Faculty Luncheon Set for December 2   

Decor at luncheon Is it too early to think about poinsettia and holiday gatherings? Probably. But not too early to save the date for the annual luncheon honoring the retired faculty of the School and Rutgers Cooperative Extension.

This year's gathering will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at the University Inn and Conference Center. Each retired faculty member and a guest are welcomed free of charge. Alumni, current faculty and friends may join the festivities with a nominal charge to cover the cost of their lunch. Register here.
2014 Rutgers Alumni Day of Service

Day of service
A half-million Rutgers alumni are making a big impact around the world every day. Their efforts may be most visible, however, on November 10, 2014, when they participate in the annual Rutgers Alumni Day of Service.

Coinciding with Rutgers' Charter Day, which marked the official founding of the university in 1766, the Day of Service activities that already have been scheduled include projects in New Brunswick, Camden, Pennsylvania, Chicago, and other locales. There still is time to schedule an event of your own or to join one that already is in the works. Visit the Rutgers University Alumni Association website for further information

If You Have the Time, We Have the Talk  

Alumni and friends frequently express amazement at the array of talks and activities open to the public almost every day at the University. Most cost nothing to attend. But how does a person find out what's available? The answer: the SEBS, NJAES and Rutgers Calendars.
Calendar illustration
Start with the SEBS Calendar. Each date lists lectures, symposia, panels, gatherings and other activities scheduled for that day. The same is true for the NJAES Calendar. The titles link to additional details posted in the Rutgers Calendar, including such information as a description of the event, the name of the speaker or speakers, the most appropriate audiences, contact information and a website, if available, and other specifics. The calendars are searchable by keywords, type of event, date ranges, and in the case of the Rutgers Calendar, the targeted audience type.

So what's on tap for November? Well, there are talks about the impact and influence of George H. Cook (November 5), a celebration of 100 years of agricultural economics (November 6); lectures on ticks (November 7) and risk communication and Ebola (November 10); a film-screening and reception on equine therapy for returning veterans (November 11); a panel on global health careers (November 14); a climate symposium (November 21); and much more.

New events get posted almost daily. And for Discovery events, always visit discovery.rutgers.edu
Mark in Vietnam
Mark Robson with Vietnamese farmer.
More Alumni Stories and Notes

The Index of Alumni Stories and Notes
grows bigger each week. Please visit frequently and look for names that you may know. Two recent additions were first-person accounts written by Mark Robson, Class of 1977, and Tom Pluta, Class of 1964. Coming soon will be profiles of Major Scott Willens, Class of 1992, and former New Jersey Secretary of Agriculture Art Brown GSNB Class of 1977. If you have a story to tell - about yourself or a fellow alum, please contact Diana Orban Brown at orban@aesop.rutgers.edu.

Upcoming Events

November 6, 2014 - "Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of 'Ag Econ,'" panel at 3:30 p.m., dinner at 5:30 p.m., Cook Campus Center (more information)

November 10, 2014 - Rutgers Alumni Day of Service (more information)

November 10, 2014 - Equine Science Center "Evening of Science and Celebration,"
6 p.m. dinner, followed by presentations, Cook Campus Center (more information)

November 11, 2014 - "Riding My Way Back," a documentary, 7:30 p.m.State Theatre, 15 Livingston Ave., New Brunswick, NJ (more information)

December 2, 2014 - Retired Faculty Luncheon, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., University Inn and Conference Center (more information)
Quick Links

This Newsletter is brought to you by the Office of Alumni and Community Engagement, a unit of the Office of the Executive Dean of the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. New events and programs are posted frequently on our Discovery website at www.discovery.rutgers.edu. Contact the Office of Alumni and Community Engagement at 848-932-4215 or discovery@aesop.rutgers.edu.

Diana M. Orban Brown, Director

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