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Discovery Newsletter
June 2014 
Glorious Sunshine Greets 2014 Graduates
SEBS 2014 Convocation
2014 graduates on the lawn at Passion Puddle.

Comfortable temperatures and a nearly cloudless sky over two days of graduation celebrations greeted the Class of 2014 this year. The official graduation ceremony on Sunday, May 18, 2014 in Highpoint Solutions Stadium drew thousands of students and their families, alumni, university officials and volunteers in the first combined commencement of Rutgers University and Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences. Then on Monday, May 19, Passion Puddle was the setting for the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences' convocation, with 528 graduates crossing the platform as their names were called. Among them were 26 summa cum laude, 42 magna cum laude and 69 cum laude honorees.

A GALLERY of convocation photos appears on the School's Facebook site, and images and a video from commencement are available on the Rutgers website.

School Honors Graduating George H. Cook Scholars

2014 G.H. Cook Scholars
Thirty-two of the 2014 G.H. Cook Scholars with Director Malcolm Watford, center.
One of the most demanding - and prestigious - programs offered to undergraduates is the George H. Cook Scholars Program. This year, 49 Cook Scholars were honored at the SEBS convocation.

The program consists of a three-semester independent research project taken up by each student under the guidance of a faculty committee and a faculty advisor. Students have substantial leeway in the subjects they choose to pursue. They are required to make a mid-point presentation in their senior year, complete a written thesis based on the project and publicly defend the thesis at the conclusion of the project. Along the way, they can take advantage of special seminars on such subjects as thesis development, dealing with human subjects and laboratory animals, PowerPoint presentations and more.

Program director is Malcom Watford, professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences. He shared his thoughts about the program and its progress in an interview posted in the SEBS Newsroom. READ MORE

BBQ Lunch Serves Up Camaraderie, Great Food and Fun

In what is becoming a happy tradition, more than 120 alumni and guests celebrated Ag
Bob Goodman and Jorge Berkowitz
Bob Goodman, left, and Jorge Berkowitz
Field Day at Rutgers Day on the Jameson Quad at the 2nd annual "Let's Do Lunch with the Executive Dean" barbecue on April 26, 2014. Executive Dean Bob Goodman hosted the affair and was joined by Jorge Berkowitz (CAES '68, GSNB '74 and '78) as the honorary alumni host. Guests brought non-perishable food items to the event for distribution through Rutgers Against Hunger.

This year's gathering marked the 150th anniversary of Rutgers' designation as New Jersey's land-grant institution, a move that created Rutgers Scientific School and opened the doors of the university in 1864 to students interested in the practical sciences, agriculture and the mechanic arts. Over the years the school evolved into the College of Agriculture, the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Cook College and, now, the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences.

A PHOTO GALLERY of the barbecue is posted in the Newsroom area of the School's website. Take a look to see classmates you might recognize.

Fryers, with Roger Locandro in background
Veteran and apprentice "fryers" prepare the feast.
Cook Community Alumni
Set Fish Fry for August 23 
While we are on the subject of good eating, don't forget to save the date for the annual Cook Community Alumni Association Fish Fry, scheduled for Saturday, August 23, 2014, from 1 to 5 p.m. in the Log Cabin Pavilion at Rutgers Gardens. Open to alumni and friends of the School and their families, the Fish Fry - one of the oldest traditions of our alumni - features several kinds of fresh, batter-fried fish and grilled seafood. Also included is an Italian buffet, complete with a fresh pasta bar, for landlubbers and the extra hungry. The cost in advance is $35 for adults, with substantial discounts for members of the Class of 2015, Young Alumni and children. REGISTER TODAY

Other Upcoming Events

June 2014 - New Jersey Counties Host 4-H and Farmers Fairs (read more)

June 25, 2014 - And selected Wednesdays in July and August: SEBS Tour and Information Session for prospective students and their parents (read more)

July 7-11, 2014 - Children's Summer Exploration Camp at Rutgers Gardens

July 26, 2014 - Annual Open House and Wine-Tasting Festival at Rutgers Gardens

August 23, 2014 - Cook Community Alumni Association Fish Fry (see details above)
Quick Links

This Newsletter is brought to you by the Office of Alumni and Community Engagement, a unit of the Office of the Executive Dean of the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. New events and programs are posted frequently on our Discovery website at www.discovery.rutgers.edu. Contact the Office of Alumni and Community Engagement at 848-932-4215 or [email protected].

Diana M. Orban Brown, Director

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