Discovery Newsletter
April 2014
Alumni: Come to Ag Field Day Lunch with Dean Goodman
With Rutgers Day and Ag Field Day festivities on the G.H. Cook Campus just around the corner, it is time to register for the 2nd annual "Let's Do Lunch with the Executive Dean" alumni barbecue taking place on Jameson Quad next to Cooper Dining Hall from noon to 1:30 p.m. on the last Saturday of April - April 26, 2014. "Let's Do Lunch With the Executive Dean" brings together alumni from the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Cook College, the College of Agriculture and Environmental Science, and the College of Agriculture for barbecue fare (with veggie choices), music, camaraderie, gifts, and fun. At the 2013 barbecue, alumni/ae going all the way back to the Ag school and from many class years were represented, many with spouses/partners and children. Last year's theme was the Big Ten. This year's will be the 150th birthday of the School (which officially was launched in April 1864 when George H. Cook won the New Jersey land-grant designation for Rutgers). As a special feature this year (thanks to a nudge by an alum!), those attending can bring non-perishable food items with them for Rutgers Against Hunger (RAH). These will be collected and distributed to area food banks. The event is free, but registration is required.
Prominent Alumna Featured at May 6 Energy Symposium
| Heather Zichal (class of 1999)
Rutgers Energy Institute brings together experts from academic units and research centers at Rutgers to develop renewable, alternative energy sources, compatible with economic growth and environmental vitality.This year's Ninth Annual Energy Symposium, sponsored by the Institute, will feature alumna Heather Zichal ('99 - Environmental Policy, Institutions and Behavior), the former deputy assistant to President Obama for energy and climate change. The symposium is scheduled to take place from 8:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Fiber Optics Auditorium on the Busch Campus and will focus on new methods, processes, and initiatives being developed by energy thinkers at Rutgers, within New Jersey, and across the country.
Other speakers include Frank Felder of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Frank Napolitano of RBC Capital Markets, and Robert H. Socolow of the Princeton University Environmental Institute. The event is free of charge and open to the public. Registration is strongly suggested; visit REI's website for information.
Show Your Rutgers Pride, Learn 'Great Things About Rutgers'
Has it ever happened when you are at a party or event that someone asks a question about Rutgers? Now there is a quick way to come up with an answer: a new, breezy publication called, "Great Things to Know About Rutgers." The 16-page brochure offers an at-a-glance view of the accomplishments of our state university, its people, and its programs. The publication, produced by the Department of University Communications and Marketing, is being made available to university units as a useful tool when they are submitting proposals, recruiting faculty and staff, attending conferences, traveling abroad, and engaging in similar activities. It is available to alumni and friends as an onlinepublication in a handy "page-turner" app or as a printable PDF. Enjoy getting up to date with your university, and rest assured, this won't be on the exam.
Meet Tony Broccoli, an Alum Who Came Back to Stay
Anthony Broccoli received his bachelor's degree in 1977 and his master's in 1979 in meteorology because of "a fascination with the weather" that began in his childhood. He launched a successful career as a scientist and then got the urge to return to Rutgers to earn his Ph.D. in environmental science in 1998, which led to a faculty position in the Department of Environmental Sciences, where he is making a name for himself in the area of global climate change.
An avid outdoorsman, Tony hikes in Switzerland in 2013.
Tony's career path is one of the ongoing series of alumni stories that are being written to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences. Tony's impact on the climate initiative, his close ties with our School (including being married to Carol Broccoli, a very active alumna), and his love of the outdoors make for some good reading in the Alumni section of the Newsroom.
Upcoming Events
April 25, 2014 - "ReConnect with Rutgers Food Science" reception and dinner for Food Science alumni and friends
April 26, 2014 - Rutgers Day/ Ag Field Day and "Let's Do Lunch With the Executive Dean" for School alumni
May 2, 2014 - New Jersey Statewide Career and Internship Fair for students, colleagues, alumni, and the general public, Werblin Recreation Center, Busch Campus, New Brunswick May 2, 2014 - Rutgers Gardens Farmers Market opens for the 2014 season and runs every Friday through November 28 May 3, 2014 - Rutgers Hall of Distinguished Alumni awards gala
May 6, 2014 - Rutgers Energy Institute Ninth Annual Energy Symposium (see above) May 15-18, 2014 - Rutgers University Alumni Association Alumni Weekend, New Brunswick May 18, 2014 - Rutgers University-New Brunswick and Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Commencement, High Point Solutions Stadium May 19, 2014 - School of Environmental and Biological Sciences Convocation, Passion Puddle
This Newsletter is brought to you by the Office of Alumni and Community Engagement, a unit of the Office of the Executive Dean of the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. New events and programs are posted frequently on our Discovery website at Contact the Office of Alumni and Community Engagement at 848-932-4215 or [email protected].Diana M. Orban Brown, Director