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Discovery Newsletter
March 2014 
Lunch Invitation
Calling All Alumni - Come for BBQ and Camaraderie

The ABCs of fun start with alumni, barbecue, and camaraderie at the Second Annual "Let's Do Lunch With the Executive Dean" during Ag Field Day at Rutgers Day on Saturday, April 26, from noon to 1:30 p.m.

This popular event will take place under a festive tent on the lawn of Jameson Quad, adjacent to the charming Cooper Dining Hall. (In case of bad weather, we'll move inside Cooper.) All alumni from the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and its predecessors are welcome, along with their spouses/partners and children. Come to catch up with friends and favorite faculty, to meet some of our students, and to enjoy great food and fun.

There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. Register today.
2014: Let the Anniversary Celebrations Begin!
Faculty, students and friends celebrate their 50th at the 2014 American Meteorologic Society conference in Atlanta.

The Undergraduate Program in Meteorology, celebrating its 50th anniversary (officially, a semicentennial or quinquagenary), is inviting all alumni to a special gathering during  Rutgers Day/Ag Field Day on April 26, 2014. On May 8, 2014 Rutgers Cooperative Extension will mark the 100th anniversary (centennial) of the signing of the Smith-Lever Act, the Congressional measure that created Cooperative Extension nationwide. Also celebrating its 100th anniversary is the Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, which is planning a reception and dinner on the evening of November 6, 2014. Edwin Robinson, erobinson@aesop.rutgers.edu, is coordinating the event; contact him for information and to be placed on the department's mailing list.

As the Discovery newsletter has been reporting, on April 4, 2014, the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences celebrates its 150th (sesquicentennial) anniversary of Rutgers' successful bid to be named the land grant institution of New Jersey. Alumni stories and notes are just one way we are sharing the history and traditions of the School. Visit our website for news and events.

And while we are on the subject of anniversaries, don't forget that Rutgers will herald its founding (in 1766) with activities before and during 2016. We are told that that the term for a 250th is, among other things, bicenquinquagenary. But don't fret - Rutgers is calling its big celebration simply "Rutgers 250." Look for news about exciting events and stories as 2016 gets closer.
Rutgers' Strategic Plan Unveiled; Sketches Bold Path to Prominence

Strategic Plan The Rutgers Board of Governors on February 4, 2014, "approved the university's five-year strategic plan, a bold and comprehensive blueprint that will propel Rutgers into the ranks of the nation's premier public universities." (See Rutgers Today for the complete story.)

The strategic planning initiative was announced by President Robert Barchi a little more than a year ago and involved all sectors of the university. It identifies university priorities affecting faculty expansion, graduate programs, the undergraduate experience, and more.

According to President Barchi, "Rutgers is at a unique moment in time. This strategic plan will enable us to capitalize on this moment and achieve our ultimate goal - to be broadly recognized as one of the nation's leading public universities."

The 68-page document is available online at universitystrategy.rutgers.edu.

Ever Wonder How Cheese and Wine Connect with Microbiology?

Cheese sampler
Each summer, Professor Max Haggblom, chair of the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, leads students on a visit to France for an intensive two-week course studying the Microbiology and Culture of Cheese and Wine in France.

On Saturday, March 8, 2014, from 1 to 5 p.m., Professor Haggblom will offer a mini-version of this popular course on the G.H. Cook Campus for cheese and wine lovers (and scholars) who would like to sample the longer version. And sampling there will be, with tastings of artisan cheeses and fine wines! It also will be a learning experience as participants discover how bacteria and fungi are central in processing milk into cheese; learn about the history of viticulture, and more.

The class, which is open to the public, costs $50, including the tastings. All proceeds from the seminar will fund travel scholarships for students. Registration deadline is February 28, 2014. 
President Obama Congratulates Dr. Brinster
President Obama congratulates Dr. Brinster at White House ceremony.

Ralph Brinster (Ag '53): Veterinarian and Human Health Revolutionary

[Editor's Note: This is one of a continuing series of "Alumni Stories," celebrating the 150th anniversary of the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences.]

The principle of "one medicine" or, as it is sometimes called, "one health" deems that the relationship between human and animal medicine and public health and the environment is inseparable. Ralph Brinster, V.M.D., Ph.D., exemplifies the concept.

Brinster, a 1953 graduate in animal sciences and now the Richard King Mellon Professor of Reproductive Physiology with the School of Veterinary Medicine and the Graduate School at the University of Pennsylvania, has enjoyed a brilliant career at Penn, and he says he still feels "strong ties to Rutgers."

Three years ago, he was honored at the White House with the 2010 National Medal of Science, the highest honor the U.S. government bestows on scientists. It is one of many prestigious honors that Brinster has received over the years. He readily acknowledges, though, that Rutgers and his experiences at the College of Agriculture deserve a lot of the credit for his career and achievements. Read more.

[Note: if you have an alumni story to tell, contact Diana Orban Brown at orban@aesop.rutgers.edu.]

Upcoming Events

March 3, 2014 - Big Ten Ag Alumni Reception at the National Press Club in
                            Washington, DC (register here by February 28)

March 8, 2014
- Microbiology of Cheese and Wine Seminar (register here by
                            February 28)

April 25, 2014
- ReConnect With Rutgers Food Science for alumni (information)

April 26, 2014
- Let's Do Lunch With the Executive Dean
                           at Ag Field Day/Rutgers Day (register here)

This newsletter is brought to you by the Office of Alumni and Community Engagement, a unit of the Office of the Executive Dean at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. New events and programs are posted frequently on our Discovery website at discovery.rutgers.edu. Contact the Office of Alumni and Community Engagement at 848-932-4215 or discovery@aesop.rutgers.edu.

Diana M. Orban Brown, Director