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Discovery Newsletter                                                    January/February 2014

Rutgers Alumni Invited to Big Ten Ag Reception in DC

2014 Invitation Alumni from the Washington, DC, area are invited to attend the 2014 Big Ten Ag Alumni Reception on Monday, March 3, 2014, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the National Press Club. Last year more than 40 Rutgers alumni turned out to celebrate Rutgers' entry into the Big Ten, joining and networking with alumni from Penn State, Michigan State, Illinois, Purdue, Wisconsin and other Big Ten Schools. This year's reception will feature a carving board, mini pizzas and quesadillas, desserts and beverages - plus, of course, plenty of school spirit.
Register Today

We Want Your Opinion - Visit Our New Discovery Website

The new Discovery website of the Office of Alumni and Community Engagement is up and running. And more features are planned. Please visit the site (www.discovery.rutgers.edu) and take the short survey to let us know what you think and to make suggestions for the future. Your feedback always is most welcome.
 Take The Survey

A Fitting Celebration for a Beloved Professor

Professor Eveleigh
Dr. Eveleigh at work 'discovering'
As one of the architects of the popular annual Microbiology mini-symposia, Dr. Douglas Eveleigh and his amazing contributions to science will be the theme of this year's event on Friday, February 7, 2014, at the Douglass Campus Center. The title: "Microbiology with Professor Douglas Eveleigh - Sheer Fun!" The symposium runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and features prominent scientists (all former students of Dr. Eveleigh) as speakers. A reception will take place from 5 to 6 p.m., followed by a dinner. Reservations are a must; the deadline is February 1, 2014.
Information and Registration

Alumnus Jorge Berkowitz: Caring Professors Helped Steer His Success

Jorge Berkowitz (CAES '68, GSNB-Environmental Science '74 and '78) attests to the positive influence of faculty and fellow students, as he tells of his experiences as a student, a teacher, and a lifelong friend of the School and the University. His
Alumnus Jorge Berkowitz
Alumnus Jorge Berkowitz
is one of the "alumni stories" that are in development in celebration of the 150th anniversary of Rutgers' designation in 1864 as the land grant institution in New Jersey. Now a successful consultant in environmental and public health, Dr. Berkowitz traced his career with sincerity, gratitude, humility... and a good dose of humor. Read More

If you have an alumni story -- either your own or of someone else -- please contact Diana Orban Brown at [email protected].

'Shored Up' Documentary and Panel Discussion (and Pizza!)

"Shored Up," an award-winning documentary that explores such issues as the rise in sea levels and the practice of beach replenishment, "asks tough questions about our coastal communities and our relationship to the land." The film will be shown, starting at 7 p.m. on Monday, February 24, 2014, at the Cook Campus Center, and will be followed by a panel discussion of experts. Pizza will be served at 6:45 p.m. The event is free of charge and open to the public, and registration is strongly suggested.
 More Information and Registration
Mark Your Calendar

It isn't too soon to start thinking about Ag Field Day @ Rutgers Day on Saturday, April 26, 2014, and the Second Annual "Let's Do Lunch With the Executive Dean," an event for alumni of the School. Details will appear in the March Discovery newsletter.
Quick Links

Newsletters and Publications
Rutgers University Alumni Association

Contact the Office of Alumni and Community Engagement at 848-932-2000 or [email protected].

This newsletter is brought to you by the Office of Alumni and Community Engagement, a unit of the Office of the Executive Dean at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Diana Orban Brown, director. New events and programs are posted frequently on our Discovery website at discovery.rutgers.edu.

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