ua law logo high res | Link                                                                                  November 6, 2013



Happy Homecoming. This week we feature our students who represented Arizona Law at the 2013 Jenckes Competition. In honor of Veterans' Day, we also feature two alumni: Judge Michael Pollard ('72, BA '67), a Vietnam veteran, and Maj. Greg Thompson ('99, BS '95), who will soon return from his deployment in Afghanistan to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson. 


Until the footnotes,



Robson Hauser ('14) and Sean Kelly ('15) Win Jenckes Cup for Arizona Law 


From left, Robson Hauser, Professor Tom Mauet, and Sean Kelly with the Jenckes Cup. 


Last Friday, hosted by our good friends at ASU, Arizona Law students Robson Hauser (3L) and Sean Kelly (2L) prevailed at the 44th annual Joseph Jenckes Closing Arguments Competition.


This is our 4th straight victory in the Jenckes Competition -- the first time this has happened since the competition began in 1970 (six years after ASU's law school was founded). This streak reminds me of Wildcats Basketball's 1988-91 winning streak, when the Cats won outright or shared four straight Pac-10 titles!


UA faculty, alumni, and students sat in the audience to cheer (as allowed). It was thrilling -- a tough case involving a defendant who was tried for murder after a road rage incident turned deadly, who claimed self-defense.


Robson Hauser brought outstanding competition experience and training to the Jenckes contest. In addition to being a member of our victorious Jenckes team last year (with John Lierman '13) -- making Robson only the second Arizona Law student ever to win the Jenckes Cup two years in a row -- he was also a finalist in the Richard Grand Damages Closing Arguments Competition each of the last two years. He has received the Outstanding Oral Advocacy Award and has volunteered as a coach with the U of A's Undergraduate Mock Trial throughout his time in law school.


Robson has long aspired to a career in trial advocacy. While earning his BS in Business Administration from the University of Southern California, he worked summers as a team adviser for the National Student Leadership Conference in Washington, DC, helping undergraduates hone their public speaking and leadership skills, with an emphasis on trial advocacy and courtroom procedure. At USC, he participated in the collegiate Trial Advocacy Program and received the American Mock Trial Association's All-American Attorney Award.


"I'm hoping to be in court as often as possible during my career, so any time I can get practice at a competition is helpful," Robson says.


You can connect with Robson on LinkedIn.  


For double Wildcat Sean Kelly (BA '12), the Jenckes Closing Arguments Competition was his first-ever law student competition -- a particularly grueling one, in which each team gets just 35 minutes to argue their case.


"Competing with Robson against ASU truly was a special opportunity, because Robson was my coach in Undergraduate Mock Trial at the U of A," Sean says.


Robson, Sean, and generations of Arizona Law students have indeed been at an advantage in learning about trial advocacy from Tom Mauet, the Milton O. Riepe Professor and Director of Trial Advocacy. Modesty requires that we identify Tom as one of the world's leading authorities on trial advocacy -- but honesty requires us to note that this understates the case. Tom's many influential books include Trial Techniques and Trials, the leading text in the field, now in its 9th edition.


Robson notes, "Learning from Tom Mauet is as good as it gets. I've been using his books since I was a freshman in college, and to get to learn from him in a one-on-one setting is incredible. He was a big part of my decision to come to Arizona. I've received the best training I could have ever hoped for."


Sean says, "I cannot say enough about how much of an honor it has been to work with Professor Mauet in preparation for this competition. Not to sound clich�, but he literally 'wrote the book' on trial advocacy. Receiving personal guidance from him in this competition has been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."


This is the 33rd year that the Jenckes team has been coached by Tom Mauet.


The Jenckes contest is named for the late Joseph S. Jenckes ('61), an alum and prominent Phoenix attorney who was a fellow of the Arizona Chapter of the American College of Trial Lawyers (ACTL), which sponsors the competition. The judges are members of ACTL's Arizona Chapter.


We are working on compiling a list of all the Jenckes competitors. Did you compete in the Jenckes? If so, let us know. 


Congratulations to Robson, Sean, and Tom, and all students and lawyers who compete or work with the team.

Judge Michael Pollard ('72, BA '67)
Judge Michael Pollard is Presiding Judge of the Regional Municipalities Veterans Treatment Court, which offers a diversion program for veterans charged with a misdemeanor. The Court originally developed as a collaboration between Tucson City Court and the Southern Arizona Veterans Administration Health Care System.

Judge Pollard has long advocated for veterans in the Tucson community. The Tucson native and double Wildcat was in his second year of law school when he was drafted into the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War. He served "five months and 29 days" as a machine gunner in South Vietnam.


"The experience of returning home was for me less than pleasant," he recalls.


In 2010, he joined forces with a group to plan a Veterans' Court at Tucson City Court that would help returning veterans in transitioning to civilian life and would educate law students about the legal and other difficult issues veterans must deal with.


The group included Kenney Hegland, James E. Rogers Professor Emeritus of Law; Barbara Sattler ('81), retired Judge on the Pima County Superior Court (and Kenney's wife); Clinical Professor of Law Paul Bennett; and Steven Cohen (BA '75), a social worker. The Tucson Veterans' Court began operating in July 2010.


That same year, working under the leadership of Judge Pollard, a group of Arizona Law students who were also veterans -- John Barwell ('10), Kris Carlson ('11, BA '09), and Russell Clarke ('11, BA '08) -- began representing local veterans in Tucson City Court. Their work led to the formalization of the Veterans' Advocacy Law Clinic at Arizona Law.


"The cohesion between the local veterans and these students who had been or were in the military was something to see," Judge Pollard says.


As an alumnus, Kris Carlson initially directed the Clinic, followed by Paul Bennett and, now, Kristine Huskey.


"The recent addition of Kristine Huskey continues the tradition of excellence and collaboration between the Court and the College of Law," Judge Pollard says. You can read more about Kristine in the September 18 issue of "Wildcat Wednesday - Letter of the Law."


Earlier this year, under Pollard's direction, the Veterans' Court expanded to help veterans living beyond Tucson's borders. Now called the Regional Municipalities Veterans Treatment Court, it serves veterans living in Oro Valley, Marana, Sahuarita, and South Tucson.


Judge Pollard has been extremely supportive of our Clinic and has mentored many Arizona Law students who served in the military or hope to work with veterans in the future.


"I have greatly enjoyed working with and mentoring the law students," Judge Pollard says. "In addition to John, Kris, and Russell, they include Michelle Behan ('13) and Matt Randle (Class of 2014). Both of these students have gone way above and beyond the norm in advocating for veterans, both in court and in out-of-court legal matters. It has been truly inspiring to witness the development of these and all the law student volunteers."



Clinic Director Kristine Huskey says, "Judge Pollard is a great role model to any lawyer -- young or old. I love to watch him in court and see the amount of care he takes in mentoring our students and encouraging veterans to take back their lives and complete the treatment program. He is a true inspiration and a reminder of the responsibility we lawyers have to give back to the community."


Thank you, Judge Pollard, for your leadership in the larger community, and in the law school community.



Major Greg Thompson ('99, BS '95) 

Tucson native and double Wildcat Greg
Thompson is still often amazed where his JD has taken him.

A Staff Judge Advocate (JAG) in the US Air Force for the past 10 years, Greg will soon return to Tucson from his deployment to Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan.

This is his second deployment, following another at an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia.
We heard from Greg in response to the September 18 "Wildcat Wednesday - Letter of the Law," which featured military veterans who are students and alumni and our Veterans' Advocacy Law Clinic.



We get lots of (very welcome!) emails in response to our weekly letters. But few start this way:


"Hi. Greetings from Afghanistan.


I wanted to thank you on the great newsletter supporting military veterans and all the programs the College has to focus on this issue. It's great.


If you could let Matt Randle know I'm proud of what he is doing. It's well worthwhile."


Greg -- we conveyed your message to Matt.


Greg has served as the JAG for the 451st Air Expeditionary Wing. "I call my office 'The Rocket Docket,'" Greg says. "Between rocket attacks, I handle everything from military justice matters, to briefing rules of engagement, to combat aircrew, to contracts, to fiscal law and assistance, to Airman in need of legal help."


Of his work in the JAG Corps, Greg says, "I had not even thought of this as a possible career. I started this journey as a direct result of September 11th. It's interesting how the events of the world have changed the course of my life. During my first deployment, I marveled at how far this was from the world of law I thought I was entering as I sat in Professor Tom Mauet's Evidence class. I harken back to examples and lessons learned in the classroom in many a trial, and I have shared those lessons with many other young attorneys."


Greg is a champion of victims' rights in the military. "Because of my time spent as a county prosecutor [at the Pima County Attorney's Office], I have a different perspective on military law and victims' rights than most JAGs, who have a limited civilian background, if any," he says. Greg recently finished an article on the subject and is working with UA faculty who are advising him on how to get it published.  


Needless to say, Greg, who will soon be stationed at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, looks forward to returning to his hometown, where he has a wife and children and enjoys coaching Little League. Also in town is his sister, attorney and triple Wildcat Lisa Thompson (LLM '97, JD '95, BA '91).


"I am proud to be a Wildcat lawyer," says Greg, who drinks bottled water in his office at Kandahar Airfield out of an Arizona coozie. "Bear Down!"

Homecoming Alumni Weekend 2013

Homecoming Alumni Weekend  - Starts on Friday!
Friday - Saturday, Nov. 8 - 9


Friday Highlights:


Class of 1973 and Class of 1963 Reunion Lunches
Noon - 1:30 pm, Arizona Inn, 2200 E. Elm St., Tucson

"IPLP Alumni Around the World," Presented by Melissa Tatum

Director, Indigenous Peoples Law & Policy Program (IPLP)

12:30 - 1:30 pm, Room 204, Rountree Hall, College of Law  


7th Annual Darrow K. Soll Memorial Criminal Law and Justice Lecture:  

"Losers' Rules: Judicial Repeal of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,"  

Presented by Nancy Gertner,  

Harvard Law Professor and Former US District Court Judge (D. Mass.)

 2:30 - 3:45 pm, Room 160, College of Law


Celebration of Admission to the Practice of Law in Arizona

With the Hon. Thomas Zlaket ('65), Former Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice, Presiding

 4 - 5 pm, Room 160, College of Law


All-Alumni Reception

5:30 - 8:30 pm, The Shanty, 401 N. 9th St., Tucson


Saturday Highlights:


Roundtable Discussion with US Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick ('79, BA '72)

8 - 9 am, Room 237, College of Law  


"Legal & Policy Responses to Increasing Wildfire Risk"

10 - 11:30 am, Room 160, College of Law

Speakers: Tom Swetnam, Director, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research; Professor and Associate Dean Kirsten Engel; and Clay Anderson, Supervising Ranger, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument 


Arizona Law Red & Blue Homecoming BBQ: Open to All Alumni, Family, and Students

With Family-Friendly Booths and Activities for the Kids!

Noon - 3 pm, Snell & Wilmer Courtyard, College of Law


Indigenous Peoples Law & Policy (IPLP) Festival

Carnival with Family-Friendly Games, Including a "Dunk Tank," Photo Booth, Face Painting, Trivia, and Silent Auction!

10 am - 2 pm, Snell & Wilmer Courtyard, College of Law. For more information visit


Homecoming Football Game: UA Wildcats vs. UCLA Bruins  

8 pm, Arizona Stadium, University of Arizona  

It's Payback Time!


Learn more and register for the many exciting programs at Homecoming here. 

Give to Arizona Law


Feeling grateful for the role Arizona Law has played in your life? Show your gratitude with a gift to Arizona Law. A gift to the Arizona Law Fund helps us support student scholarships, provide funding for key priorities, and develop student enrichment events.


With our online option, you can make monthly gifts easily with your credit card. Every gift matters.



Other Upcoming Events:  


Lillian S. Fisher Prize Ceremony - Monday, Nov. 18


Alumni, students, faculty, and friends are invited to celebrate the student recipient of the Lillian S. Fisher Prize in Environmental Law and Public Policy, presented each year by the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy. The ceremony will be held 3:30 - 5 pm in the Lewis and Roca Lobby at the College of Law.


The prize is named for alumna Lillian Fisher ('63), former Pima County Superior Court Judge, and is granted to a student for an outstanding essay addressing an environmental law or public policy topic. The most recent recipient of this prestigious honor was Caylin Goldey Barter ('13), for her superb essay, "Defining the Necessary Role and Appropriate Level of Risk in Helicopter-Accessed Wilderness Skiing."  To see Caylin's and previous winners' essays, visit here. To learn more about the Lillian S. Fisher Prize Ceremony, visit here.


Movers and Shakers:   


David Talenfeld ('11) Forms Biotech Company Based on Discovery Made at University of Arizona 


David Talenfeld is the creator of Botanisol, an anti-inflammatory agent he discovered using technology at the University of Arizona's Office of Technology Transfer. He has created a start-up company called Botanisol and is currently seeking grants from JP Morgan Chase and Google to advance preclinical product development. Learn more about Botanisol here.
Robert Tobey ('96, BA '91) Joins Archer Norris as Special Counsel

 Double Wildcat Robert Tobey has joined the Walnut Creek, California, offices of Archer Norris as Special Counsel. He joins the Toxic Tort practice at the firm, where he is also a member of the Environmental and Natural Resources, Insurance, and Litigation groups.


You can learn more about Robert at his web page and connect with him on LinkedIn.




Dawn Valdivia ('00) Named to Make-A-Wish� Arizona Board of Directors


Dawn Valdivia, a Partner at the Phoenix offices of Quarles & Brady LLP and Chair of the firm's Labor & Employment Practice Group, has been selected to join the Make-A-Wish Arizona Board of Directors. She joins a fellow Quarles & Brady Partner (and Arizona Law alum), Brad Vynalek ('99), who is Chair of Make-A-Wish Arizona and President of Arizona Law's Law College Association.  You can learn more about Dawn at her web page.



I hope to see you this weekend at Homecoming! 


In Denver with Tommy George ('09), Assistant Attorney General, Natural Resources and Environment Section, Colorado Dept. of Law.





Marc Signature


Marc L. Miller
Dean & Ralph W. Bilby Professor of Law
James E. Rogers College of Law 


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