Welcome to the first edition of our email publication for Amazingly Virtual!   Since the beginning of our business in 2008 we have enjoyed creating them for our clients, so we thought it was time that we did one of our own!  I am confident that you will find the articles very informative.  Our goal is to share valuable information with you and to help you find your balance - so that you can do more of what you love doing knowing that you have a "virtual team" managing your business needs. We pride ourselves in offering high quality, professional, virtual services.

Our team thanks you for your business and sincerely wishes you prosperity and success in all that you do.

Alana, Joerg and Wendy

It happens. I've seen it happen.  It is a nightmare. Your website  has just been hacked, or it has failed, or all the products that were on your sales page yesterday are gone. You sign on and suddenly you discover that all your data is gone, your images, your blogs... everything is GONE. Maybe your server crashed or maybe it was something that you inadvertently did. Whatever the cause - the result is still the same.  Your website is down, and your business is closed for the day - or even longer - until you can get it all figured out, put back together, and get it up and running again. 
Recently this happened to two of my clients. They each had their own individual websites and they each had different servers - and they both had their website shopping carts  - and their WordPress databases - crashed. 

But, this shouldn't really be a problem, because you backed it all up, right? If you answered "Yes" than your website can easily be restored! But if you haven't backed it up, you are not alone.  Many small business owners don't back up their websites because they don't understand how important it is to do so, and furthermore, they just don't know how to. 
Amazingly Virtual can now add this to the list of services that we make available to our clients: Peace of mind!  That's right - if you are interested in backing up your website - and you should be - Amazingly Virtual can back it up for you. READ MORE...

Please contact us for more information.


Congratulations to Wendy on her hard work in receiving her certification for copyediting and proofreading.  Way to go Wendy.  Contact us for more information on her services.


Facebook is a land of opportunity, but you need to know how to navigate the terrain.   According to Manta, their number one rule is to stop trading "likes."
It isn't the way to get noticed on Facebook; you're just racking up numbers for the sake of a high number without knowing who or what you've endorsed with your "like."  Grow your "likes" the natural way.  Here's how: create a content calendar so you'll know when and where your best content is going. Post creative photos and interesting questions for maximum engagement and you'll start growing genuine "likes," more follows, and potentially more sales!  READ MORE...

I recently attended a seminar on social media marketing.
One of the topics covered included using LinkedIn to its full potential. I would like to share the following ten tips on how you can make your LinkedIn profile stand out and work for you.  READ MORE...


Twitter is a global brand.  Media, the world over, use Twitter as their media outlet. Celebrities use it. It has changed public relations and marketing.  Are you using it regularly?  Do you know how to see what is trending, if your business is in the conversation?

What is the Value of Mind Mapping?

Your creativity and clarity have no limits with mind mapping.

NovaMind, a mind mapping software company, recently evaluated their customers and found they were using the software for a variety or reasons:


Read more.....




Images added to a social media or blog posts will get 100% more engagement than without an image.


You should take advantage of that fact by adding an image or a video to every single one of your posts. However, be sure to adhere to and follow all copyright restrictions and laws regarding images before posting them to your website or using them on social media.  To that end, if you do not own an image that is relevant to your post content, create one or purchase one on a photo stock website such as Fotolia.  People are more likely to read the content when you put them there.


Here are some stats from a recent convention I attended on social media:


Post + a video = 100% more engagement

Post + a photo = 120% more engagement

Post + a photo album = 180% more engagement





Alana E. Roberts

Alana E. Roberts, founder, owner, CEO and CFO of Amazingly Virtual, offers virtual concierge services to small business owners. She offers her clients the benefit of her administrative expertise, her keen analytic mind, and her professional acumen, giving  her clients both the specialized and the customized personal support that they deserve. Amazingly, she helps her clients attain not only their business needs - but inspires them to reach their business goals and objectives as well.


Wendy Rhodes

Wendy is the newest member of the team, having worked at Amazingly Virtual for over two years. She is originally from California where she received her Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, from California State University
at Northridge, in 1982. She is a credentialed copyeditor and proofreader, and she brings with her an impressive knowledge of Excel and social media marketing.

Joerg Buyna


Joerg is our IT guy. He is a thirty

plus year veteran in the computer business. Joerg is skilled in all major programming languages. In the early IT-days, computers were used for accounting only but when the Internet developed, he found his field of expertise.  Coding unique websites is still his absolute favorite thing to do.


In 2000 Joerg achieved the COX Award for the Best Website of the Year with a Theme featuring the Arizona landscape.

View Joerg's NEW Showcase !

To subscribe to our blog click on the link below and subscribe is on the right sidebar of the home page.  Enter your name and email address.   www.amazingl


Hootesuite is a cool tool to use for scheduling your tweets all in one shot.  You can also connect several of your social media profiles and automatically share your tweet to all at the same time!  We have created an easy system to use to get your brand and content out there!  Call for more information.


For many businesses owners, Instagram has not only catapulted brand awareness but also acted as a powerful sales driver. 
Post your unique brand using images to your Instagram page and see results!  

Here is Alana's personal Instagram page.
Here is a wonderful business Instagram page that is doing great marketing!

YouTube & YouTube CAPTURE


Are you archiving all of the videos that you have created or have had designed for your business in one place?  They should be on your YouTube Channel.  Create tags and descriptions and share them to your blog and social media.  

YouTube Capture is an app that allows you to create a short video clip on your phone, edit and upload directly to your YouTube Channel.  You can create clips in the moment and share immediately.  



Are you using Google + ?  Depending on the type of post you are placing on Google+, you will have a little more success for discovery when it comes to your post in Google+ and in a Google search. Why?  Because your posts are always there and always being crawled.  They just don't disappear into the social ether!  ~ Shannon Hernandez 

To learn more about each of these social media platforms call the Amazingly Virtual Team members for assistance.

Please let us know what you need to learn more about and how we can assist you and your business better.


Alana E. Roberts 
Amazingly Virtual | 480-234-8879 |
1633 E. Lakeside Drive #177
Gilbert, AZ 85234