"One Day Can Change A Life"

Note from C.A.S.T.
Executive Director, Jim Owens

Long Day.  Long week.  Long year.   Whatever it is we all have them.  


We all get beat down to one extent or another.  It could be pressure from our jobs, being overwhelmed by family obligations, money matters, or a dozen other things.  Some things are within our control, some aren't.  Some things are caused by others, some by ourselves.  


We all go through this from time to time. What I am saying is that, in one way or another, hard times are normal and a part of life.  Most of us get past these tough times, either by ourselves or with the help of family or friends, or sometimes with professional help.   The remedies may vary, but one thing that they all have in common is "HOPE". 


They give us HOPE that our tomorrows will be better.  And that is a wonderful and very powerful thing.


Through our C.A.S.T. for Kids and Take A Warrior Fishing programs, I truly believe that we are giving, at least in some small way, a measure of HOPE to all our participants and their families. A couple of examples:


1.       Jonathan was terminally ill and almost blind.  He went out fishing in the morning, caught several fish, and even got to "drive" the boat.  While sitting with his Grandfather at the awards ceremony waiting for his name to be called to receive his special plaque he said, "Grandpa, I can't die yet, I have to come back next year."  Jonathan came back for the next five years!  

That's HOPE


2.       A U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class came up to me after the fishing portion of a TWF event at which family members were invited.  He had brought his five year old daughter with him to the event.  With tears in his eyes, he told me that because of his deployments, injuries, hospital stays, convalescence, and rehabilitation, that this was the first time that he had been able do any kind of special outing with his daughter.  That's HOPE.


I could give many, many more examples, but I think I've made my point.  HOPE is a very powerful thing whether you receive it or whether you give it.  


There are many people, especially at this time of year, who have lost HOPE and are struggling.  They may be family, friends, or strangers.  Reach out to them and give them HOPE in whatever way you can.  

Oh, and a little LOVE sure wouldn't hurt either.


Jim Owens Signature

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Catch A Special Thrill Newsletter: Year in Review
December 2014

As 2014 comes to a close, it seems appropriate to take a look back at some of the wonderful memories we have created throughout the year, and share with all of you some amazing numbers (47 events in 20 different states) of how many people we have touched this year. In doing so, we have created a short video montage of some of the "best of" pictures from the year. Special thanks to our friend, Josh Hudson from Hudson's Portrait Designs, for help in creating this clip. Check out our YouTube video of the best of 2014, and cheers to 2015!
Wyatt showing off his prize catch at Lake Walcott
C.A.S.T. for Kids by the numbers...
  • How many children participated in C.A.S.T. for Kids Events? A whopping 1,040!
  • How many volunteers did it take to make that happen?
    • 575 boaters
    • 1,841 volunteers
  • How many C.A.S.T. events were there? 35 
  • How many states participated? 18 states with multiple events in several states, including California and Washington
Fishing buddies at Lake Seminole in Florida
Take A Warrior Fishing by the numbers...
  • How many military families participated in TWF Events? 436
  • How many boaters made those events possible? 225
  • How many shore volunteers contributed to the success of all of these events? 277 
  • How many TWF Events were held? 8
  • ...in how many states? 7: Alabama, California, Ohio, Georgia, Kansas, Oregon, and Washington
"First Catch" at Lake Washington
Fishing Kids by the numbers...
  • How many Fishing Kids events were held in 2014?  4
  • At those four events how many kids got a chance to catch a fish? An amazing 996!
  • How many volunteers worked to help these kids fish --many for the first time? 169 dedicated individuals 
Holiday Shopping Online? Donate some of your shopping dollars to the C.A.S.T. Foundation! 

While you are shopping online, we hope that you will consider adding C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation as your "charity of choice" on one of the many websites that donate a percentage of dollars spent to charitable organizations. Amazon Smile is one them, and Good Search is another (where you can select from hundreds of places you may already shop, such as Lands' End, Macy's, Nordstrom, Harry & David).
Fun at Prineville Reservoir Photo credit: Brenda Degrees
Words from the Shore: "Seeing is believing!"

"This was our first time with C.A.S.T. and I wished I'd known about it years ago. It was amazing! Very well organized. Great captain for the day and my boys absolutely loved it! Very positive experience and I'm so grateful for it. Thank you for doing this. Couldn't believe that they got to keep all of the stuff. They were so excited. Thanks again and God bless you all." 
- Parent, Silverwood Lake

"Seeing is believing. Empowerment is very powerful and when you empower these kids they then can conquer the world."
- Volunteer, Prineville Reservoir

"This year was out of this world! We were able to go on a smaller ski type boat with a very nice couple and their daughter. My two boys got full, undivided attention from our captain who helped them catch three fish between the two if them! We tried two different spots on the lake to fish and had great success! It was so much fun! My boys kept wanting to look at the fish after they were caught! They couldn't quite believe they'd caught fish! What a true thrill!!! This is what C.A.S.T. is all about! Thank you so much!!!! You gave my children something I couldn't give them myself! As a mother I cannot describe my gratitude fully."
-Parent, Strawberry Reservoir
C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation | susan@castforkids.org | http://www.castforkids.org
297 SW 41st St.
Renton, WA 98057

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