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Your gateway to relief from chronic pain and limited mobility!
April 11, 2013
From My Heart to Yours
Another week has come and gone. I am excited as I get ready to go to Syracuse as one of the instructors of the Fascial Pelvis seminar. I find that time "speeds up" for me when the weather improves, does it feel that way to you?
Healthy Tip: Add Onions for Heart Health
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Onions (and their cousin garlic) are loaded with allyl sulfides, the sulfur containing compounds responsible for the pungent odors associated with them. These compounds have been shown to prevent unwanted clotting of blood platelets, can lower blood levels of triglycerides and cholesterol, and improve red blood cell membrane function.
Additionally, the efficacy of these compounds is not decreased when onions are lightly boiled, so adding onions to homemade broth or making your own onion soup is an extra healthy option to the canned variety.

For more information on the health benefits of onions as well as hints on how to choose, store and serve them, Click Here
Self Treatment Technique: Sphenoid Release 
I am reposting this video, now with sub-titles to make it easier to follow. You may have to click on the "CC" button to get the captions to show.
Sphenoid Release I
Sphenoid Release I

  This is a great technique to help with headaches. To see other self-treatment videos: Link

Fascia in the Body
MFR In The News 
Great news segment about fellow MFR therapists in Memphis. Although I might argue with the newscasters statement that this  is a "new" technique, it is greet to see MFR getting recognition. Click Here

In One Peace Project
Adirondack Myofascial Release is a proud participant in the
In One Peace Project.

The mission of In One Peace Project is to help support returning service persons from the current conflict who are suffering from symptoms of trauma and/or head injury.  We practice John F. Barnes Myofascial Release approach in serving those, who are serving us, to help them integrate back in to their lives as whole, healthy, vibrant persons.  In one piece. Link

Mary Chen
On the Street This Week
April 12 and 13 70 Beekman Art Gallery is celebrating their 10th anniversary. Mary Chen and Yong Li are hosting a birthday celebration for their business from noon to 8PM both days. Come stop by to say "Happy Birthday"  Savings of 15 to 40% and refreshments will be offered through out the store.

Have a Happy, Healthy Week!



Expert MFR Therapist
Adirondack Myofascial Release

In This Issue
Open Appointment
Week of April 15 - 21
Tuesday 9:30, 10:45
Thursday 10:45
Friday 9:30
Sunday 9:30
If you are interested, please call 518 225-1440 or Contact Me
via email
About MFR
MFR (Myofascial Release) is a form of structural bodywork which combines stretching and pressure to the fascia (connective tissue) and muscles to relieve chronic pain and tension, and allow the muscles to return to their correct position, length and function.  This is very slow-paced work, often accompanied by a release of stored memories and emotions. MFR can help promote relaxation and reduce stress. Removing fascial restrictions also aides the body to function at peek efficiency Along with treatments, patients will learn valuable self-treatment techniques and a better sense of being "in" their bodies to help them maintain progress between sessions and take more control of their own good health.  Link
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M'elle Pirri-Lee, PT
Saratoga Springs, NY
MFR I x3; MFR II, HS, FP and WHS twice; Mobs, UW, SES, CT, RB, III, SE, T4T, SE 2 and AUW
Coverage Therapist, Paoli, PA
518 225-1440
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Saratog Healing Arts
62 Beekman Street
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866


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