HK Laundry Equipment Inc.

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June 7, 2013
Good Bad & the Ugly
Satisfied Customers
Distributors Backbone of the Industry
Fun Stuff
HK Weekly Parts Specials


Featured Article

Tasks that "Good" Distributors Perform:


 Karl Programming

Business Consulants


HK Team
Service Technicians


 Anthony Lara - Parts Knowledgable & Helpful Staff

 Clean Show Learning

Sales Associates


Fully Stocked Parts room  

Fully Stcked Parts Room


HK Istalling washer 

Installation Technicians 


 HK Service School

Service Schools (to assist our customers)


    HK working Concrete

Technicial Very Specific Work



HK Del Dryer Forklift 

 Deliver & Rigging


Kelly answering Phones 

Friendly Office Staff

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HK Laundry News

HK offers the quick 5 minute Newsletter to inform our customers and prospective customers of up-coming events, industry news and HK Special Promotions.  HK will only send out these Newsletters when we have something important to say.  We truly respect your time.
Distributors - The Good, Bad & the Ugly  


In any industry there are the Good & the Bad characters.  In the Vended Laundry markets there are good distributors and unfortunately also bad distributors.  Good distributors are characterized by a long history in the industry.  Some of the characteristics of a Good Distributor are:

  • Bricks & Mortar Company (real location with employees and parts & service dept,)
  • Long Time Established Company (minimum of 5-10 Years in the Industry),
  • Company Standard of Ethics (ask about the companies reputation),
  • Making Customers Better Operators (Service Schools, P/M schedules, Manuals), 
  • Look for Long Time Employees within the Company (do they respect their employees),
  • Do they Give Back to the Industry (CLA Member, write articles, educate industry),

A good distributor is more than just a salesman, they have an organization behind them which includes, someone who answers the phone, a service department, a parts department and a sales department.  A good distributor is in-valuable as a resource.


Before you invest a ton of money in your new business, make sure you are partnering with the very best distributor.  Your distributor will truly be your business partner.  They will counsel you on important business decisions.  Choose wisely, your investment may be in jeopardy because of a poor choice in distributors. 

Satisfied Customers     
      Karl & John James      
Mohammad Hannan & Karl   
Maureen Callihan - Rosies   Mike Olsey - Harrison 
Joe Indivino - Wapppingers Falls   
Distributors The Backbone of the Industry 
(originally written by Rick Rawlings, Chairman CLA May 2001)   


Those of us involved in the manufacturing products for the Coin Laundry Industry are constantly aware of the value of the distributors with whom we partner. These are dedicated companies who not only understand the details of our products, but are also our final sales contact with the coin laundries that utilize our products day by day and year after year. For us as manufacturers, to even approximate performing this service would require that we field and support huge mobile sales staffs. Rather than concentrate on producing quality, dependable items and efficiently shipping to a limited number of distributors, we would be immersed in handling individual orders from up to 35,000 coin laundries - not a realistic or cost effective prospect for most of us.


From the end user/coin laundry owner's perspective, we see a similar level of value. Imagine the path of initial interest in a business, to information for making decisions on - location, building (new or existing), site financing (lease, buy) equipment choices (manufacturer, type & size, and numbers of each), equipment purchase (buy, finance), ancillary equipment (changers, card payment, vendors, carts, scales, water heating), utilities and rates, environmental requirements, office equipment, hiring attendants, etc. Also services decisions such as accounting, legal, advertising and insurance. And let's not forget the constant distributor support with service and spare parts, and helping schedule machinery and equipment replacement. The decisions are endless, but a dedicated full line/service distributor can facilitate virtually all of them.     


Do they earn whatever the difference between their cost and the selling price - You bet they do !!  Aside from product decisions and the administrative challenge of buying, storing, tracking, accounting for and shipping, they handle all the other standard costs of maintaining a business - and actually provide much of the above valuable information and assistance at no extra charge.


Can you imagine trying to handle all of these aspects alone? You either have to be a genius with lots of time available, a workaholic with no personal/family time, or totally delusional. The right partnering combination of distributor and end user assures the best use of everyone's time and the best prospect for initial and continued success.

The next time you are talking with a distributor, whether they are distributing your products or helping start or continuing to supply your coin laundry, take a moment to fully appreciate their value to our industry.



Rick Rawlins, (past) CLA Chairman of the Board

Re-printed with permission, The Journal, May 2001

    Fun Stuff ...
      Cartoon R2D2 Washer  
HK Parts Specials:
HU70136101 Dryer Overlay   


Overlay for Huebsch Stack Dryers

List Price $ 35.76

HK Special Pricing $ 16.09 


  HU70298701 (Red rollers)    


Rollers for Huebsch / Speed Queen Dryers

List Price $ 30.89

HK Special Pricing $ 16.98


Call Anthony at 1-800-229-4572 or


to take advantage of these

Weekly Parts Specials.

  ALS Parts Logo
HK is a family run business that has been providing "Un-Compromising Quality since 1967".  That is 46 years of trust, respect, and loyalty to our customers.  HK Newsletters is our forum to help educate our customers on important topics in the Laundry Industry.  HK is committed to educating newbies and veterans alike.  Please let us know how we are doing and (obviously) if there is any topic or subject you would like to know more about, please email me at
Best Regards,


Karl Hinrichs

HK Laundry Equipment Inc.  Facebook