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HK Sales Extravaganza
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We have set the date for the
April 17, 2013
Ethan Allen Inn
Danbury, CT
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HK offers the quick 5 minute Newsletter to inform our customers and prospective customers of up-coming events, industry news and HK Special Promotions. HK will only send out these Newsletters when we have something important to say. We truly respect your time. |
Why attend the HK 2013 Sales Extravaganza?
What is the HK Sales Extravaganza?
The HK Extravaganza is a distributor equipment show that brings together all of our major venders with laundry equipment all under one roof. This event is a mini-Trade show or a very localized Clean Show, but without the travel to New Orleans. HK puts on the Sales Extravaganza each year to showcase our preferred venders and to being everyone together in one place to build on networking and the benefits of shared experiences.
Why attend this show?
Operating a Laundromat is a business. The Laundromat industry has gone from a "growth" industry to a "mature" industry over the last decade. There are plenty of people with lots of cash trying to get in to the Laundromat business. Every owner needs to invest a little time and energy and learn what is new and "what is happening" in the industry. The HK Sales Extravaganza is a local mini Clean show where venders bring products and discuss topics with customers like yourself. The knowledge gained from listening to Michael Sokolowski (VP of the CLA) regarding the laundry industry is invaluable. Likewise talking to venders and other Laundromat owners will help you operate your Laundromat better and more successful.
Who should attend?
Any Laundromat owner, operator or manager should attend the HK Sales Extravaganza. The entire purpose of attending any trade show is to get "something out of the event" or a "take-away". When I go to trade shows or sales events, I am always asking questions. If I can learn just 1 idea to make my business more successful or profitable, then the entire investment in time and money to attend the show has been a success. Laundromat owners are like little islands all by themselves, because Laundromat owners do not talk among themselves. The Best part of the HK Sales Extravaganza is the networking opportunities with other Laundromat owners and with venders to share problems and solutions among other store owners.
The Ethan Allan Inn, 21 Lake Avenue Extension in Danbury, Connecticut.
Wednesday, April 17th between 10 - 4:30PM
Come an join us and learn something you did not know about the business and industry. |
New Video Section ON HK Resource page
It is HK's goal is to have a timely, informative, and educational content on our website at www.HKLaundry.com HK has just released the soft openning of our new "Resource Section" on our Website. The "Resouce Section" includes:
The Resource Section will be an active and dynamic section of the website where we will continue to update and post "How To..." Videos and Videos on all aspects of the Laundromat operations. Please visit the new Resource Section at http://www.hklaundry.com/resources.php and let me know what you think.
Fun Stuff ...
 (an HK Super hero) |
HK Parts Specials:
Overlay for Huebsch Stack Dryers
List Price $ 35.76
HK Special Pricing $ 16.09
Rollers for Huebsch / Speed Queen Dryers
List Price $ 30.89
HK Special Pricing $ 16.98
Call Anthony at 1-800-229-4572 or
email anthony@hklaundry.com
to take advantage of these
Weekly Parts Specials. |
HK is a family run business that has been providing "Un-Compromising Quality since 1967". That is 46 years of trust, respect, and loyalty to our customers. HK Newsletters is our forum to help educate our customers on important topics in the Laundry Industry. HK is committed to educating newbies and veterans alike. Please let us know how we are doing and (obviously) if there is any topic or subject you would like to know more about, please email me at karl@hklaundry.com.
Best Regards,
Karl Hinrichs
HK Laundry Equipment Inc.  |