Utilities the life blood of all Laundromats
Laundromats require a tremendous amount of Utilities. Utilities are the biggest Hidden cost in building a new Laundromat. Laundromats will not operate properly unless there is enough Water, Sewer, Gas, & Electricity.
Without enough water capacity, your Laundromat comes to a screeching halt on Saturdays & Sundays. washers will not advance the timers until the washer comes up to the proper water level. With an under-sized water main the washers fill at a trickle and a normal 1/2 hour cycle can take 2-3 times as long to complete. This is a customer Killer. Make sure you have a 2" waterline.
Sewers are a necessity. No sewers - No Laundromat. It is that simple. The average Laundromat will discharge Thousands of gallons of water per day. This will over-whelm any septic fields. No sewers - No Laundromat. It is harsh but a time proven reality.
Gas supply use to be a given. The utility company wanted to sell you gas, the more the better. Not so in the age of de-regulation. (See the above article for the new reality.)
Electricity is now probable the easiest Utility to get and increase. The modern washers have helped with the AC Inverter drive systems now being able to operate on 208-240 volt Single or Three Phase electricity. This has added a lot of flexibility to possible Laundromat locations and has also help reduce the electrical operating costs too.
You Laundromat can not operate without Utilities. Now-a-days Utilities are another "Must Have" in your Laundromat location.