Muslims for Progressive Values
Putting Islam Into Action 
April 2013
Allah Loves Us All
An MPV Bus Campaign
Allah Loves Us All Campaign Logo American Muslims are constantly bombarded by negative and hateful messaging that show them as un-American or uncivilized. MPV wants to change that. 


MPV has already paid for advertisements for two bus routes for one month in the city of San Francisco costing $1500.
MPV would like to expand the message of peace and love to New York City's MTA system for at least a month on ten buses.

The New York City campaign would not only reach NYC residents, but the thousands of tourists visiting the city during the month of the campaign - May at the earliest and July at the latest.

Please donate and/or spread the word through our Indiegogo site! 


Ani Zonneveld
MPV President Ani Zonneveld featured on International Museum of Women website. 
MPV Website Logo
Check out our new revamped website, thanks to the donors.
MPV's Eid prayer video have been viewed over 2.2 million times.
MPV Supports Marriage Equality
And an End to DOMA
Daayiee at an Interfaith Rally
Imam Daayiee Abdullah Pictured with Cindi Love (E.D. of Soulforce) and Rev. Harry Knox (E.D. of Religious Coalition for Reproductive Rights)
On March 27, 2013. Imam Daayiee Abdullah participated in an interfaith rally in support of ending DOMA and Prop. 8. 


Planned Parenthood

April 26, 2013 - President Ani Zonneveld to speak and sing at a Planned Parenthood Federation of America conference in D.C. 

Whether it is popular or not,
MPV will never stop speaking up for justice for all. 

The 'Be Notorious' Web Series
Be Notorious. Sometimes In Order To Bring Justice, You Have To Be The Outcast.
Be Notorious
Be Notorious. Do Good
An MPV supported webseries. Each episode addresses a specific issue in simple, digestible, 2-5 minute segments. Each issue will be thoroughly researched in collaboration with artists, writers, poets, philosophers, activists, filmmakers and scholars of Islam. 

The first episode is on Muslim Women's Rights.

Learn more, donate and spread the word by visiting here:
MPV continues to empower Muslims through education and dialogue.
On Friday and Saturday, March 1 and March 2, 2013, MPV's Imam Daayiee Abdullah held a reception and all-day workshop at KICK in Detroit where the Imam had an opportunity to meet LGBTQ African-American, Arab and Southeast Asian participants, with Muslim women in the majority. More workshops are being planned in six more cities.
Ijithad: Feminism and Reform, a collection of interviews of nine muslims with progressive values -an educational resource-. Watch it here. 
Local Chapters


On Friday and Saturday, March 1 and March 2, 2013, MPV's Imam Daayiee Abdullah held a reception and all-day workshop at KICK in Detroit where the Imam had an opportunity to meet LGBTQ African-American, Arab and Southeast Asian participants, with Muslim women in the majority. More workshops are being planned in six more cities.


Imam Daayiee was part of a religious panel discussion entitled "Sex, Love, and Violence: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in a Globalized World", held at the United Nations in New York City, on Thursday afternoon, April 4, 2013. The panel consisted of Imam Daayiee, Director of LGBT Outreach, Muslims for Progressive Values and Light of Reform Mosque; Rev. Dr. Monica Cummings, Director, Ministry to Youth and Young Adults of Color, UUA; Rev Albert J. Ogle, President, St Paul's Foundation for International Reconciliation; and Dr. Manoj Pardasani -Faculty Research Scholar at the Ravazzin Center for Social Work Research in Aging and Associate Professor at the Fordham University. Dr.Bruce Knotts, Director, UU-United Nations Office, and Mordechai Levovitz, Executive Director, JQY (Jewish Queer Youth) served as Moderator. It was a lively presentation and question and answer session. Imam Daayiee was pleasantly surprised to have a copule of
Chinese Muslims in the audience and one of them was from the same community of Chinese
Muslims who introduced him to Islam at Beijing University some 30 years ago. There was a
reception and get-together after the event.

Friday Prayer Topics:
April 12 - A Look to the Past - Celebrating Our Ancestors
April 19 - Celebrate Earth Day!
April 26 - Principled Living - How can I Act on MPV's Principles?

April 26 - 8pm - Movie and Pizza Night
The Line - Poverty in America
Hosted with the Cobb Cohort

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