December 7, 2009 May peace be with you,
As 2009 comes to a close, we sincerely hope that the Muslims for Progressive Values (MPV) community will consider including MPV in their end-of-year giving. Your contributions are critical to helping MPV continue to bring together progressive Muslims and friends who wish to work toward a more humane world and create a community in which you can "be yourself and be Muslim."
In the four years since our inception, MPV has grown from an on-line discussion group to a real and thriving community with roots in Los Angeles, New York, and now D.C. From our vocal stand against domestic violence to our open support of women wishing to lead co-ed congregational prayer, MPV has been a consistent voice for full gender equality within the Muslim community. Our support for gay rights on the basis of human dignity and respect stems from our Islamic belief that we are all God's creation. Our determination to create a loving and inclusive space can only survive and thrive with your support. Like a tender sapling, we have managed to take root against the odds, but it will take your continued nurturing support for us to grow stronger.
Over these past four years, MPV has managed to accomplish a great deal. We invite you to explore our website for details. In 2009, we are proud to announce two new projects that are in need of funding:
· Literary Zikr: Literary Zikr brings together scholars of progressive Islamic thought with Muslim youth in search of answers to questions of faith, human rights, contemporary social issues, and political governance. Literary Zikr is a website providing the academic works of world-renowned scholars of Islam in simple and youth-friendly language. Thanks to the generous donation from the Mohhsin & Fauziah Jaafar Foundation we have embarked on our first adaptation from Professor Abdullahi An-Naim on Sharia and Islamic Family Law (available soon online at
· Light of Islam Sunday School: The school welcomes all children and their families who identify as Muslim and wish to learn about their faith from an inclusive and tolerant point of view. Students learn the history, traditions and rituals of Islam in an atmosphere of open inquiry and discussion. Each lesson includes Arabic study and a Quranic lesson relating the timeless teachings of Islam to contemporary life. Emphasis is placed on social and environmental consciousness, religious tolerance, compassion, and artistic expression. The Light of Islam Sunday School seeks to enrich the spiritual life of all Muslims.
Your tax deductible gift of: ____$30 _____$60 ____$100 _____$150 ____$250 will help us reach the next milestone. Please write your check out to MPV or go to to contribute on-line. On behalf of MPV, thank you for your trust in us. We appreciate your participation and commitment and look forward to another year of activities and programs. Sincerely, Ani Zonneveld President Muslims for Progressive Values
Donate Today!
Muslims for Progressive Values is an all-volunteer organization. 100% of your tax-deductible donation is used for our programs, campaigns, and services, including our new anti-domestic violence campaign. Support us today by donating online.