The SC BONE PAC is the voice of orthopaedic surgeons in Columbia, SC. Our non-partisan political action committee engages local legislative leaders to press for policies that enhance the physician-patient relationship and support your ability to practice orthopaedics.


What do we stand for?

This year the SC BONE PAC successfully supported efforts to expand utilization of Ambulatory Surgery Centers to ensure more patients have the ability to receive quality and cost effective care in the outpatient setting.  That regulatory change will take effect on June 26th.  We defeated efforts by the Podiatrists to expand their scope of practice to include ankle surgery without sufficient safeguards to ensure quality care and patient safety.  And we supported efforts that have resulted in a pending SC Supreme Court decision on the ability of physicians to integrate physical therapy services in their practice.Our goal is to continue to develop relationships with key leaders that can drive a pro-medicine agenda in Columbia. The SCOA has become a recognized leader among the Specialty Societies in South Carolina. 


Your contribution will help us ensure that orthopaedic surgeons and our patients are well represented in Columbia.  

Recommended contributions are $500 or $250. Contributions to the SC BONE PAC are not deductible as a business expense.


BONE PAC - 21013 Lake Vienna Dr, Land O'Lakes,  FL 34638 - Tel: 813-949-3121

Contact: Fraser Cobbe - Email: