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AOS USA Maritime Updates 

The Professional Association of Catholic Mariners, Cruise Ship Priests and Catholic Maritime Ministers.


June 3, 2016

In This Issue
Deaths of Migrants overshadowed by Gorilla?
Sea Sunday Message from AOS Vatican!
Last Week of May Deadliest in Mediterranean.
AOS Sea Legacy Society Launched in Glasgow.
Sailors' Community Center unveiled in Dublin Port!
How to Identify Fake or Fraudulent Shipping Agencies and Institutes!
Defense Appropriations Bill includes $1 Billion for US Icebreaker.
Join AOS-USA in saying the AOS Prayer daily!
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    Prayer Requests:
Prayer For Hurricane Season
Bishop Maurice Schexnayder (2nd Bishop of Lafayette, LA)

O God, Master of this passing world, hear the humble voices of your children. The Sea of Galilee obeyed your order and returned to its former calmness; You are still the Master of land and sea. We live in the shadow of a danger over which we have no control: the Gulf of Mexico, like a provoked and angry giant, can awake from its sleep, overstep its conventional boundaries, invade our land and spread chaos and disaster.
During this hurricane season we turn to You, O loving Father. Spare us from past tragedies whose memories are still so vivid and whose wounds seem to refuse to heal with passing of time. O Virgin, Star of the Sea, Our Beloved Mother, we ask you to plead with your Son on our behalf, so that spared from the calamities common to this area and animated with a true spirit of gratitude, we will walk in the footsteps of your Divine Son to reach the heavenly Jerusalem where a stormless eternity awaits us.

For all seafarers who are just starting their careers, especially those who are struggling to find work in the current economic climate.

Prayer of St. Basil of
Caesarea (ca. 330-379)  

Steer the ship of my life, Lord, to your quiet harbor, where I can be safe from the storms of sin and conflict. Show me the course I should take. Renew in me the gift of discernment, so that I can see the right direction in which I should go. And give me the strength and the courage to choose the right course, even when the sea is rough and the waves are high, knowing that through enduring hardship and danger in your name we shall find comfort and peace.

A Seafarers' Prayer

O God, I ask you to take me into your care and protection along with all those who sail ships.
Make me alert and wise in my duties. Make me faithful in the time of routine, and prompt to decide and courageous to act in any time of crisis.
Protect me in the dangers and perils of the sea; and even in the storm, grant that there may be peace and calm within my heart.
When I am far from home and far from loved ones and far from the country that I know,
help me to be quite sure that, wherever I am, I can never drift beyond your love and care.
Take care of my loved ones in the days and weeks and months when I am separated from them, sometimes with half the world between them and me.
Keep me true to them and keep them true to me, and every time that we have to part, bring us together in safety and in loyalty again.
This I ask for your love's sake.


Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon all Seafarers.    
(1 Our Father)
(Hail Mary)
Our Lady, Star of the Sea, pray for us.
St. Peter, pray for us.
St. Andrew, pray for us.
Lord save us,  
or we perish.
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Some went down to the sea in ships,

doing business on the great waters; 

they saw the deeds of the Lord,

his wondrous works in the deep.

(Psalm 107:23-24)

Doreen_June2013 Deaths of Hundreds of Migrants  Overshadowed by a Gorilla?   
Dear Friends,

No, I'm not talking about the latest King Kong movie.

Last night I was struck by a post from Craig Considine, a lecturer at Rice University who stated "880 migrants died crossing the Mediterranean last week. 1 gorilla in a zoo died last week. The latter is headline news. The latter is all over my newsfeed. Why? Why have you become numb to 880 people dying like it's nothing?"

This morning, World Maritime News reports that the last week of May was the deadliest in the Mediterranean, with and estimated 1,083 Migrants either dead or missing in 9 separate accidents.

Yet, society isn't talking about that. They're talking about the death of a gorilla over the life of a 4 year old.

Are our priorities a bit out of whack??

We have much to pray about, but we also need to be vocal and help put a spotlight on the needs of these migrants.  If you are reading this newsletter, you are either involved in Maritime Ministry, are part of the Maritime Industry, or support Maritime Ministry. So your eyes and ears are more in-tuned to the situation in the Mediterranean.

I encourage you to take your knowledge and share with those around you who are only hearing about the death of a single gorilla. You may be able to open their eyes and their hearts to the plight of our brothers and sisters in the Mediterranean.

May Our Lady Star of the Sea give comfort to the families of those lost, and steer the hearts of others to give aid to migrants and refugees in need of human kindness.

Doreen M. Badeaux

Secretary General 

Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care
of Migrants and Itinerant People
Message for Sea Sunday 2016
(10th July 2016) 

         Seated comfortably on the sofa in our living room, we find it difficult to understand how much our daily life is depending on the maritime industry and the sea. If we look around in the places where we live and work, we realize that most of the furniture and IT equipment we are using have been transported by ships, our clothes were shipped in containers from the other side of the world and the fruits we eat were delivered by refrigerated ships from another country while tankers are transporting oil and petrol for our cars. Without seaborne trade the import and export of goods and finished products would not be possible.

            Even when we decide to enjoy and relax by going in a cruise we do not think that thousands of seafarers are working hard to make sure that everything will run smoothly and we will have a comfortable vacation.

            Furthermore in the recent humanitarian emergency in the Mediterranean Sea the crews of merchant vessels have been in the front line to intervene and rescuing thousands of people trying to sail to Europe on board of overcrowded and unseaworthy vessels, inflatable rafts.

            Almost 1.200.000 seafarers of every nationality (many of them from developing countries) on board of 50,000 merchant ships are transporting almost 90% of every kind of cargo. The unforgiving forces of the open sea and of the oceans expose ships to significant risk, and the seafarers are "risking their life" more than one way.

            The physical life of the seafarers is at risk because aside from the hazards of the forces of the nature, piracy and armed robbery, shifting from one area to another and constantly evolving and adapting to new situations, continue to be a major threat to the security of the crew. Their psychological well-being is at risk when after having been at sea for days or weeks they are denied shore leave and prevented to leave the vessel.

            The family life of the seafarers is in danger because their contracts force them to stay away from their families and loved ones for many months and often for several years on a row. Children are growing up without a fatherly figure while all the family's responsibilities are on the shoulders of the mother.

            The human and working dignity of the seafarers is at risk when they are exploited with long working hours and their wages are delayed for months or in cases of abandonments not paid at all. Criminalization of seafarers is a serious concern especially considering that in recent yearsa number of previously considered lawful seafaring activities have been criminalized particularly in relation to incidents such as shipwrecks, pollution, etc.
            Encouraged by Pope Francis who called the chaplains and volunteers of the Apostleship of the Sea to "be the voice of those workers who live far from their loved ones and face dangerous and difficult situations"[1], as Apostleship of the Sea we stand at the side of seafarers to reiterate that their human and labor rights must be respected and protected.

            We would like also to call on Governments and competent maritime authorities to strengthening the implementation of the ILO Maritime Labor Convention (MLC) 2006, especially the Regulation 4.4 whose purpose is: To ensure that seafarers working on board a ship have access to shore-based facilities and services to secure their health and well-being.

            Finally, on this occasion of the annual celebration of Sea Sunday we would like to remind to all Christian communities and to each individual how important and essential are the seafarer profession and the shipping industry for our daily life. We would like to call on the bishops, especially the ones of maritime Dioceses to establish and support the Maritime Apostolate as "a visible sign of your affectionate attention to those who cannot receive ordinary pastoral care."[2] 
          While expressing our gratitude to the seafarers for their work, we entrust them and their families to the maternal protection of
Mary, Stella Maris.

Cardinal Antonio Maria Vegli�
Joseph Kalathiparambil


[1]Francis, General Audience, 22 January 2014
[2] Benedict XVI, Address to the participants in the XXIII AOS World Congress, 23 November 2012
Last Week of May Deadliest in the Mediterranean Sea

Courtesy: WorldMaritimeNews.Com

3 June 2016

Photo courtesy of the United Nations 

Last week's migrant death toll in the Mediterranean Sea is believed to be the biggest this year as 1,083 migrants are estimated to have died or gone missing in nine separate accidents, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The largest of nine accidents occurred on May 26, about 35 nautical miles north of Zuwara, Libya, in which around 500 migrants disappeared, including 40 children, IOM reports.

Particularly dangerous is the Central Mediterranean route between North Africa and Italy. Since the beginning of 2014, the route has seen 27 percent of sea arrivals to Europe but accounts for 85 percent of migrant deaths in the Mediterranean during the same period. For every fifty migrants having attempted to cross it, one has died en route.

In addition, there is a stark difference in the number of bodies recovered from the water depending on the route. Specifically in 2016, 80 percent of the bodies of those who perished in the Eastern Mediterranean have been recovered, while less than ten percent have been recovered in the Central Mediterranean.

Moreover, the Mediterranean currently accounts for almost 90 percent of recorded migrant deaths around the word so far in this year.

Click to Read the Full Article 

Glasgow: Apostleship of the Sea Legacy Society Launched

Courtesy:  Independent Catholic News

2 June 2016

Archbishop Mario Conti, Alastair Emblem, Euan McArthur, and Gina Lowe, John Hood

Supporters of Apostleship of the Sea (AoS) gathered at the Church of St Aloysius in Glasgow on 25th May to celebrate the work of the charity and to launch 'The League of St Peter.' This new society honours everyone helping AoS with a gift in their Will.
The Mass of Our Lady Star of the Sea, Patron of AoS, was celebrated by Archbishop Mario Conti, Archbishop Emeritus of the Metropolitan see of Glasgow, who spoke of the importance of Glasgow supporting a charity which was born there.
After Mass a buffet lunch, organised by Scottish Development Manager Euan McArthur, with teas provided by parish representative Gina Lowe, was enjoyed by around 30 supporters and guests.
AoS ship visitor Captain John Hood gave an address about the charity's work of helping seafarers.
Then AoS Legacy Officer Alastair Emblem thanked everyone for their past support and explained how this could continue long into the future through legacy gifts in Wills.
He continued "As we are in the very parish where Apostleship of the Sea originated, it is very appropriate that I am announcing the formation of the League of St Peter. Membership will be granted to everyone who lets us know they are leaving us a gift in their Will. Their name will be recorded on a roll of honour and an annual Mass will be celebrated for their intention."
Many of those attending the reception expressed an interest in considering a legacy gift. They will receive further information in the AoS legacy pack which contains helpful facts to think about when considering a legacy and preparing to meet a solicitor.
All attending took away with them a copy of the first League of St Peter magazine, featuring articles about every aspect of legacy giving. Copies of the magazine are available on request.

Sailors' Community Centre Unveiled in Dublin Port
Custom-built facility on Odlums flour mill site to cater for 7,500 visiting seafarers annually
Courtesy: TheIrishTimes.Com

By: Ciaran D'Arcy

30 May 2016 
A new centre for seafarers has opened on the site of the old Odlums flour mill in Dublin Port.   
Based in the former Odlums workers canteen which has been dormant since the plant closed in 2012, the centre will have cooking and dining facilities for visiting sailors, as well as recreation facilities including a TV den with beanbags and is wi-fi enabled.

It is Dublin Port's first custom-built centre specifically for seafarers and will cater for some 7,500 sailors primarily from India, China, Ukraine, Russia and the Philippines who visit Dublin annually.

It also features two religious missions - the Catholic Apostleship of the Sea (Stella Maris) and the Anglican Mission to Seafarers (The Flying Angel).

Welcome development
The centre came about following a €500,000 investment from the Dublin Port Company, and the International Transport Workers' Federation contributed €55,000 towards its completion.

An opening ceremony this morning was attended by Lord Mayor of Dublin Cr�ona N� Dh�laigh, whose office comes with the honorary title of Admiral of Dublin Port.

"I commend Dublin Port for creating such a welcoming facility for the thousands of seafarers who visit our shores and make a valuable contribution to our city and society," she said.

"It's wonderful to see the Catholic Apostleship of the Sea and the Anglican Mission to Seafarers working in tandem to continue their respective traditions of caring for seafarers, and providing these workers with a home from home," she added.

Architectural features of the old canteen such as wooden decking and beams were preserved as part of the renovation.

How to Identify Fake or Fraudulent Shipping Agents and Institutes?

Courtesy: MarineInsight.Com

By: Anish

26 May 2016

Approximately about a decade back, the shipping industry saw a major boom which lead to the rise in demand of seafarers around the world, resulting in sudden shortage of maritime officers and ratings.
Back then, the maritime industry was way more isolated from common landlubbers than it is now. Many institute and shipping companies saw this major demand and supply gap which resulted in rise of Maritime Institutes and Shipping Agents which helped candidates to embark on sailing careers by providing them the required training.

Whenever there is rise in opportunities, a few unethical entities always take advantage of the situation and this is exactly what has happened in the last 5-8 years. A number of frauds have occurred to seafarers and they continue to do so by certain manning agents and maritime institutes.

Students who are keenly interested having a seafaring career are afraid of these fraudulent activities thriving in the shipping industry and its proof can be seen from hundreds of comments posted in this one article and on several platforms online-

Unfortunately, shipping authorities are yet to take a solid step against these culprits; which has already resulted in hundreds of candidates getting scammed and losing their precious time and money.

Considering the high number of emails we were receiving regarding such fraudulent shipping agents and activities, we decided to enumerate a few points which will help students and maritime professionals to be smart enough to differentiate between genuine and fake shipping agents/institutes.

Click to Read the Full Article

Defense Appropriations Bill Includes $1 Bln for US Icebreaker

Courtesy: MarineLink.Com

By: Eric Haun

27 May 2016

The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee's FY2017 Defense Appropriations Bill has included $1 billion in funding to accelerate construction of a new polar icebreaker for the U.S. Coast Guard, reported Senator Thad Cochran (R-Miss.).
Cochran, who chairs the Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, said the bill recommends $1 billion in Navy shipbuilding funds to procure the first U.S. Coast Guard-operated icebreaker in more than 25 years. Congress last funded a new icebreaker in the FY1990 Defense Appropriations Act.
The U.S. currently relies on just two polar icebreakers, one heavy and one medium vessel. The heavy icebreaker, Polar Star, entered service in 1976 and is well beyond its 30-year service life. In contrast, the Russian fleet consists of roughly 40 operational icebreakers and 11 icebreakers either planned or under construction.
"Our FY2017 defense funding bill makes a critical investment in the long-delayed expansion of the U.S. icebreaker fleet," Cochran said. "We must take assertive action to provide the vessels needed to protect American national security and economic interests in the Arctic region. The United States needs the capability to have year-round access to Polar Regions."
The funding for the Polar Icebreaker Recapitalization Project would accelerate plans announced by President Obama last year to shift planned icebreaker construction from 2022 to 2020. In addition to funding, language in the bill would encourage actions to facilitate an earlier construction start and long-range cost savings.

    Star of the Sea Statue

 Join AOS-USA in saying the AOS Prayer each day!


Please take the time to say this pray with us each day:
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon all Seafarers

(1 Our Father)

(Hail Mary)


Our Lady, Star of the Sea, pray for us.

St. Peter, pray for us.

St. Andrew, pray for us.

Lord save us, or we perish!

Important Upcoming Events for

AOS-USA Members

IMO Day of the Seafarer 
June 25, 2016

Sea Sunday

July 10, 2016 


May God Bless you with Smooth Sailing throughout your day!

Contact Info

Doreen M. Badeaux
Secretary General
Apostleship of the Sea of the United States of America
1500 Jefferson Drive
Port Arthur, TX  77642-0646
PH:  409-985-4545
FAX:  409-985-5945

Apostleship of the Sea of the U.S.A. | 1500 Jefferson Drive | Port Arthur | TX | 77642