May 12, 2016


Report From Ca. Delegation on Spring CAP Meeting

We appreciate the efforts of the California CAP Delegation Chair Dr. Freedman and the California delegates who attended the recent meeting. Here is a summary of the meeting.

CAP House Of Delegates Spring '16
Report To California Society Of Pathologists

The CAP House of Delegates met in Seattle, Washington, on Saturday, March 12. The HOD was well attended including Delegates from California.

The House was convened by our Speaker, Dr. James Richard, who continues to reiterate the mission of the HOD as the voice of the member pathologists of the College whom we represent by understanding their needs and articulating them to CAP leadership.

There were reports of various House activities including the HOD liaisons to the various Councils and Committees. There was a lively discussion regarding the election process for the Steering Committee, which will undergo further revisions based on the discussion from the floor. Dr. Richard Gomez, Secretary-Treasure, presented the financial report indicating the financial health of the College with a discussion of the expenditures for the extensive over hall of the website, which intensively continues. Dr. Tim Allen reported on the substantial progress regarding the efforts to support the relationship between State Societies and the CAP. We heard from Dr. Emily Volk with an advocacy update, and California pathologist Dr. Wayne Garrett about PATHPAC.

We heard from the candidates for the Board of Governors including California pathologist Dr. Eric Glassy.

The meeting concluded with a discussion by Dr. Michael Cohen, and Dr. Michael Laposata regarding the IOM Report regarding medical error and the implications for laboratories.

Respectfully submitted,

S. Robert Freedman, MD, FCAP
Chair, California Delegation
CSP Past President



California Society of Pathologists
One Capitol Mall Suite 800
Sacramento, CA 95814 
Tel : 916-446-6001
Fax :  916-444-7462

California Society of Pathologists | One Capitol Mall, Suite 800 | Sacramento, CA 95814 | CA | 95814