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November 3, 2014  



Nominating Committee Report


The Nominating Committee of the CSP nominates the following members to serve as Officers and Directors of the Board for 2014-15. The election will take place at the Annual Business Meeting, Friday, December 5, 2014 from 3:30-5:00 PM during the CSP Annual Meeting in San Francisco.



President: Tim Hamill, MD

Vice-President: James Carry, MD

Secretary-Treasurer: David Slater, MD


Directors (3-year term)

Kim Dickinson, MD

David Kaminsky, MD

Kristie White, MD

Balaram Pulighandla, MD


Resident Representative:

Ryanne Brown, MD (Stanford)



CSP Annual Meeting

Recently Added Events 



CSP Business Meeting - Panel Discussion

Friday, December 5th       3:30-5:30pm

Hyatt Regency San Francisco Ballroom


Policy and Payment Changes Affecting Pathology - 

Moving From "Policing  Pathologists" To 

Promoting  "High Value Practice"


Hear from a panel of experts on trends and policy decisions that are reshaping the reimbursement for pathology services. There are changes in fee-for-service payments, frequency limits, numerical bundling and the prospect of expansion of the bundled payments to facilities beyond the current DRG and OPPS systems. What are the pressures that drive these policy changes and what can you expect to see in the coming years?  


An expert panel will discuss  the opposing policy perspectives and an analysis of those dynamics, and, with your input, focus on how payment policies can be developed that promote and reward efficient high-quality practice and what pathology organizations can focus on to prepare us all to thrive in the higher volume, higher value future of diagnostic testing. The focus is on Medicare since changes within that system often serve as a model for other payers to follow. This is a discussion that every pathologist needs to hear and participate in. 


Moderator: Robert Michel, Editor in Chief of the Dark Report


Panel Members:


Elaine Jeter, MD, MolDx Medical Director for Palmetto GBA, one of the regional MACs for Medicare Claims Processing and Policy Development


George Kwass, MD ,FCAP, Chair, CAP Council on Government and Professional Affairs 


Special thanks to panel discussion sponsor: Medicorp Medical Management Services, Inc.


Click here to RSVP




California Society of Pathologists

67th Annual Meeting


December 2 - 6, 2014

Hyatt Regency San Francisco   


Click here to Register online.


View the Meeting Brochure here.  


Hotel Reservations link - click here.  



For questions, please contact the CSP Meeting Manager, Lauren Stoddard, via email at LStoddard@amgroup.us or phone (916) 446-6001 x 105.


California Society of Pathologists
One Capitol Mall Suite 320
Sacramento, CA 95814 
Tel : 916-446-6001
Fax :  916-444-7462

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