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September 17, 2014  



Report to the California Society of Pathologists   


The CAP House of Delegates (HOD) met at CAP 14 Annual Meeting in Chicago.  The HOD was well attended by a record number of delegates including members of the California Delegation.


The role of the HOD and its mission have been effectively redefined by our current Speaker, Dr. David Novis, to be the voice of the membership by articulating the needs of the constituent members to the Officers and Board of Governors, and evaluating the success of programs and services provided.  HOD Action Groups have been formed to address issues brought forward by members.  The HOD is also a path to leadership and further participation in CAP activities.


Our President, Dr. Gene Herbek, gave an inspirational account of the tragedy of United Flight 232 when, 25 years ago, the DC-10 lost all hydraulics after an engine exploded forcing a crash landing in Sioux City, Iowa.  Thanks to heroic and skillful efforts by the pilots, 186 of the 296 survived. Gene was on hand as the duty Medical Examiner, and spoke of the grace and generosity of those involved in the rescue and forensic efforts that followed.


There were advocacy updates regarding topics including the clinical laboratory fee schedule, pathologists roles in ACO's, efforts to mitigate fee cuts to pathology and clinical laboratory services, prostate codes, and the PQRS quality measures.


California pathologists were recognized for their outstanding contributions to pathology. Dr. Patrick Fitzgibbons received the CAP Laboratory Improvement Programs Award, and Dr. Eric Glassy received the CAP Excellence in Education Award. Congratulations to you both.


The California Delegation includes Drs. Joseph Anderson, Frederick Baehner, Thomas Cooper, Michael Dugan, Al Elsayed, Wayne Garret, Sharon Geaghan, Eric Glassy, Florette Hazard, Peter Kolbeck, Terri Longacred, Al Lui, Deepak Mohan, Luke Perkocha, Jeffery Simko, Veena Singh, Sophie Song, Tim Stenzel, Athanasios Tsiatis, and Danielle Westfall.


If you are interested in joining the delegation, please contact the CSP.




S. Robert Freedman, MD

Chair, California Delegation

CSP Past President




Digital Pathology Association Extends Discount for

CSP Members For Pathology Visions Meeting   


The Digital Pathology Association (DPA) would like to extend to CSP members a $50 discount on the standard registration fee to attend Pathology Visions 2014, being held October 20 - 21 in San Francisco, CA.  Click here to see the program and register for the meeting. 


Please use the code ncZqjcfr to obtain the discount. Please note that the discount expires on September 30, 2014.




California Society of Pathologists

67th Annual Conference  

Registration Now Open   


The California Society of Pathologists' 67th Annual Meeting is scheduled from Tuesday, December 2 - Saturday, December 6, 2014 at the Hyatt Regency Embarcadero. 


To register online, please click HERE.  


If this is your first time to the member portal, please select "Forgot Password" to reset your password with the e-mail address that we have on file and log into the portal. If you do not have a related e-mail address, you have forgotten it or are having trouble logging in, please contact Jenna at jjacquemet@amgroup.us to reset your login and password. 


View the 67th Annual Meeting Brochure HERE which lists all courses and provides in depth information regarding offered classes and CME/SAMs credit available to attendees.


Host hotel, the Hyatt Regency San Francisco, is offering a special rate of $229 per night for conference attendees. Reservations must be made by November 7, 2014 to receive the discounted rate. Please click HERE  to make your hotel reservations.


We hope to see you all there!



CSP Education Committee



For questions, please contact the CSP Meeting Manager, Lauren Stoddard, via email at LStoddard@amgroup.us or phone (916) 446-6001 x 105.



California Society of Pathologists
One Capitol Mall Suite 320
Sacramento, CA 95814 
Tel : 916-446-6001
Fax :  916-444-7462

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