Banners Leaning France
Raising the Standard

News from Out of Our Minds Banners

February/March 2014

Are we effective in the Kingdom

... or are we just busy?


It occurred to me this morning that we live in a world surrounded by people in dire need of Jesus,  desperately in need of a future and a destiny with Him at the center, but we are so busy doing stuff that we no longer see their need.  


It's like we are paramedics - fully trained, with all the medication and equipment we need to save their lives, to change their destiny forever, BUT.....


Picture this: 


You are driving down a country road and come upon the scene of a horrific car accident.  A car has just smashed into a tree. The front is crumpled and the door has been torn off and is lying out of sight. You can just make out the person inside  - alive, but dazed and in serious shock and trauma. 


This is the end for this individual if they don't get help. They have no future if they don't receive lifesaving procedures - no future, no destiny, no impact.


Someone else must have made the emergency call because, as you watch, the ambulance arrives with sirens blaring and pulls up sharply next to the vehicle.       


That ambulance contains all the equipment, medical supplies and expertise this person needs to continue their journey to fulfilling their destiny.


The team of paramedics swiftly jump from the ambulance.  With lightning speed they asses the situation, consult and begin to act.  They tear open the door on the passenger side of the vehicle. 


With coordinated teamwork they flow at breathtaking speed.  They reach in and, avoiding the blood, broken bones and traumatized tissues, turn the person and pull their legs toward them. 


Working with paced professionalism, and efficiency they cut the trousers away from the ankles and roll them back. They slice through the laces and pull the boot off, then carefully cut off one sock at a time.


The team leader reaches back his arm to his waiting team member who places a small yellow bottle into his hand...


They hand him a bottle of ...


...nail polish!


You sit there aghast and mortified as each toenail in turn receives a coat of nail polish. Then a second.

By now the team is relaxed as they accomplish their task and are enjoying the experience,  chatting and laughing as they focus on the final effect of their labour, transforming the feet of the victim.


As colour drains from your face, you notice they are completely comfortable and believe what they are doing is perfectly natural and appropriate.  They know they are in the right place at the right time. They know they have all they need and are very focused on their assignment. They are happy. They are busy. They are actually doing stuff with people. 


When they return back to base they will celebrate, they will say they got there in time, they worked hard, and they achieved their aim.


But the corpse just had more attractive feet.  


What are we focused on? 


What is our busyness achieving in the medium and long term? 


Are we positively impacting the lives of the people around us so that their future is better? 


Are we helping people discover and walk in their destiny?



.. or are we just painting people's toenails? 


David's 2014 Itinerary

February 21-23
"Worship and Hearing from the Lord" Retreat
Bunya Mountain, AUS

March  1
Wielding Banners Workshop
Toowoomba, Australia

March 31- April 9
May 26-28
Aglow Australia South Pacific Conference
Caloundra, Australia

September 19-22
St. Maurice Worship Celebration
St. Maurice, Switzerland

September 24 - October 12
Currently booking  
events for 2014!

Contact us today to reserve your dates.  David is available to speak, support worship, facilitate meetings and lead workshops.

  • Dynamic worship and intercession with banners at your event, both inside and outside 
  • Basic banner training
  • Advanced banner training
  • Leadership training
  • Facilitation to help your organization go to the next level
  • How to Hear from God
  • Men and Banners
  • Leading People to Freedom
  • Jesus Wants His Church Back! 
Available dates:

April 23 - May 20
June 1 - 27
July 15 - September 2
October 27 - November 9


 Newsletter Special !

20% off every custom banner


Let us create a personalized banner for you! 
Send us your unique design and we will hand paint a custom banner to your specifications. Your distinct design will be a reflection of your own artistry combined with the creative skills of our silk designers. 

Enter your description online, even upload a drawing or image of what you want! 


 Prices in US Dollars:

Large - Was $319; now only $255

Medium - Was $255; now only $204

Small - Was $191; now only $152 


Please use code custom2014



      Offer good through March 31, 2014. 

Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer.  



Would you like to help expand the vision of an army of banners across the globe?

Click here to find out how you can support David and his team as they seek to change the atmosphere over nations!

From David's Desk...




David at his outside office

We are half way through the year and hasn't it flown fast! 


I am grappling personally with how to reduce the imprint that the Roman calendar imposes on everything around me. 


If the Lord's calendar actually does begin in Rosh Hashanah, then we are about half through his year and so far it has been an amazingly productive year.  


I have been on a secret assignment to the South Pacific which I hope to be able share with you in the next newsletter. The assignment took me to the edge of obedience and allowed me to see how fear still challenges my freedom to do exactly as the Lord has asked me to do. Yet when we obey, miracles become normal and wonderful sparks of the essence of God suddenly ignite in the midst of the everyday.  


But more on that next month...


In this newsletter, we have our inaugural episode of what we believe will become a regular blog about banners and setting people free. Its called "Are we effective in the Kingdom...or are we just busy?" and expresses the tension that I find to keep the main thing the main thing amidst the busyness of life.  During the summer holidays I have decided that my first priority in ministry is raising kids who know God as He really is. 


We also share with you a fabulous dance item from Italy where banners are used symbolically in a choreographed piece with great effect.


I can think of no better place to begin next year than in Israel. There are still seats available on a unique tour of Israel scheduled from Sept 24 - Oct 12. We will celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of Hebrew year, looking into the Holy Land from where Moses stood,  and then begin the chronological three-week journey through the land from Joshua to Abraham to King David to Jesus to the state of Israel today. 


Your coach seat has a number on it! Don't leave booking it until it's too late.


In this newsletter I am excited to introduce you to the newest member on the OOOMB team, Debbie Labinsky.  Debbie keeps the office functioning, orders flowing and frees me up travel and write. Over the next few months we will introduce you to the whole team here at OOOMB.  


Debbie also shares a story of miraculous provision that she hand her friends have experienced after they decided to join us on the trip to Israel.    

May you be truly effective in everything the Lord has called you to! 


David S


Video Spotlight
Dance with banners in Italy

I am constantly excited and amazed at how banners are being used across the nations. The video below contains one of the latest productions by a group of friends in Italy.  


Two OOOMB coaches, Alessandra Bedin and Carlos Provenzano, are part of group of dancers who have integrated banners into choreography in very dramatic and powerful way.  


The video is only a few minutes long, but through movement and banners creates a powerful image - it makes Kingdom reality plain. I recommend you watch it right through to the end. 


It made my soul ache for his Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.



Meet the OOOMB team
Debbie Labinski, Office Manager, Australia 

Hi, I'm Debbie.


I'm blessed to be able to work as the Office Manager in the OOOMB office in Australia.


I have the inspiring mission of supporting the ordering process and sending people their chosen banners. This is the most delightful task I believe anyone could do and still be able to call it 'a job.'


Basically my role is to look after the office to release David from the administrative load so he is freer to travel, equip people, write and connect with others around the globe. 


I find it exhilarating to be able to share experiences about banners and shofars with like-minded people and encourage others that are new to this added depth of worship.  


There are the hard things about the job, where I feel I really earn my keep, such as balancing the books when there is just nothing to balance them with.  Constantly, God is providing at the eleventh hour and always guiding to enable me to stretch that dollar over one more bill. The computer system sometimes comes under attack, but usually after much earnest praying, it fires up for another day. I enjoy a challenge, but sometimes I am glad that my hair is grey already! 


I believe I was born to worship and what we do here on earth is only practice for heaven. The old saying that "practice makes perfect" just spurs me on.


It is my mission to express worship, praise and thankfulness for every day and every situation that my Lord gives to me. I can't wait to get to heaven and be able to spend eternity in prayer and worship before our Most Awesome God.


My favourite bit of advice I have ever received from anyone is: "What does it matter in the light of Eternity?"   When I view hardships and challenges in my life, to have this as my yard stick, makes things a whole lot easier and I learn to choose my battles wisely.


Sometimes I wish the tax man would adopt this outlook also! 

A story of miraculous provision 
by Debbie Labinsky

Since my earliest days in Sunday School, I have had a desire to go to Israel, to walk where Jesus walked and stand with Moses and view the Promised Land.

But it had always been a 'pipe dream,' a childhood fantasy - that is, until I discovered a beloved friend had a dream of visiting Israel also.

Sunrise over Jerusalem 
For the last three or four years we have scoured the Internet looking for a tour that was right for us and was a reasonable price. Eventually, we just said, "Maybe one day." 

In the meantime, my friend had extensive renovations done on her house, and I had my youngest son get married and a daughter to help through university.

So when we read about David's tour of Israel, it was with a somewhat heavy heart that we realized we had finally found a tour that ticked most of our boxes, but neither of us were in a position to do anything about it.

We were having coffee one afternoon with another friend and lamenting the fact that we had found this tour, but at the wrong time for us financially.

All of a sudden my beloved friend slapped $50 on the table and said, 'Let's do it.' With no reservations our other friend did the same thing.  There were two deposits sitting on the table.

All eyes were then on me.  Fumbling in my bag, I managed to scrap together almost $50 to join them.

We sat there for the next hour discussing how we would have to cut out our weekly coffees and stop going to the movies and a hundred and one other ideas to try and raise the needed money.

All of us knew full well that we had probably blown our $50, as even with our best efforts we would be far short of ever getting to our total.

The next day my beloved friend had a visit from the son of a man she had known since she was a 16-year-old girl. She had worked with him, and shared each other's families and then had faithfully visited him in a nursing home for many years until his death 12 months ago.

Anyway, after his son had left, she came to see me looking stunned and speechless. She handed me a piece of paper. The first thing I saw was 'Estate'.  I thought this was really bad as someone must have died and it was obviously affecting my friend greatly.

I then saw it was a cheque... with tears in her eyes my friend was able to say, "WE'RE GOING TO ISRAEL! "

Less than 24 hours since we had stepped out in faith and pledged our money, really thinking that we would lose it, God had provided the impossible for us - enough money for us all to enjoy our trip of a lifetime and fulfill our hearts' desire.


Contact Info:

E-mail:    Phone: +61 7 4638 3890    Fax: +61 7 4632 8928
Out Of Our Minds Banners:   P. O. BOX 98 NORTHLANDS 4350 AUSTRALIA