
Deronda/Rockcliff Neighborhood Watch PowWow Sat May 23rd


Let's meet this Saturday morning at 10 a.m. at the Chill Space carport at the top of Deronda. 


There are some interesting happenings regarding traffic on our streets and a serious lack of parking enforcement. Can we count on your attendance at this brief pow wow this Saturday? Bring some cookies or munchies to pass and water will be provided by Guy Pohlman. It's time to huddle and create a strategy for our own safety and well-being.

In the next few weeks after the election, we can expect to be on our own. No matter who ends up in Labonge's seat, there will be some catch up to do in that office. Let's make a plan that we can use to take care of our needs together as a united group of neighbors. Are you in?

Please send email to and RSVP (not really needed but we love hearing from you!).  


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Tired of Hearing Helicopter Noise? 


This information was found in the same HUNC newsletter. 


Here's a way to respond! 
Every resident in Los Angeles County can now report helicopter noise on the Federal Aviation Administration's new automated Helicopter Noise Complaint System.  We can stop helicopter noise - if we ALL report those low flying, hovering, or noisy helicopters.


The system is easy to use - with three ways to report noise complaints:
1.  Call 424-348-3254 (that's 424-348-HELI) and follow the voice prompts
2.  Use the General Complaint Form at
3.  Track and complain about a specific helicopter at


The Federal Aviation Administration funded development of the complaint system and is funding its initial operation from April 2015 through March 2016.  So, please use this system every time you are bothered by helicopter noise.  Let the FAA know it is important to you.
This is a unique opportunity to have your voices heard.  Send the attached flyer to your friends and neighbors - remind them to be part of the solution - and help fix this problem.





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Voting Day - Tuesday, May 19th


Your voice counts!!! Please go to the polls. If you haven't made up your mind yet, you haven't had time to follow the debates or do the research, here's our recommendation:


Go to your best friend and confidant and ask them who they are voting for and why. Don't let anything keep you from voting this time. Beachwood Canyon can have the best voter turn out of any other sector of this council district. A great turn out sends a message to the winner that this community doesn't sit things out. We mean business! If you've already mailed in your ballot, bravo for you!


If you haven't mailed in your absentee ballot, please complete it and bring it to your polling station. If you lost your ballot, get a provisional ballot at your polling place. But you must go to your polling place. Need a ride? Send email to and we will make sure someone picks you up and takes you to your polling place!


Get your "I voted" sticker and wear it proudly. 

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If You Don't Vote - You Can't Complain   

North Carolina Got it right. This is a brief but fiery speech on the value of your vote. 

The first way to make a change is to get out to the polls and vote! While these issues in North Carolina are deep and broad, the changes they make by their votes are powerful and long lasting. Every vote counts! Watch the video. Put the video on and listen while you do other tasks. If you think she's yelling, that's because it's just THAT important!

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Please send articles, news broadcasts, and events to us for consideration in our monthly newsletters.
Fran Reichenbach
Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association
323-462-BCNA (2262)