
Happy New Year, Neighbors!



2014 has been an interesting year in Beachwood Canyon. Efforts to mitigate tourist traffic got a kick start with Temporary Permit Parking being established for many neighborhoods in the northern area. The City has been taking steps never before approached in order to address serious safety issues. When we are in gridlock, emergency response cannot get through. This public safety issue is getting more dramatic with holiday weekends. Check out the footage below for a sample from just one day in our area. Also, see the resolution recently passed to allow for temporary closure of certain streets when necessary.  


We are working with City Council District 4 and law enforcement to get resources deployed to our area during this congested holiday season. This heightened police attention is also in response to a recent rash of thefts from our cars in the middle of the night.  


Good News: Mellissa and Ehsan on Westshire are now the proud parents of twins! Local holiday gatherings were an amazing success in the Village and elsewhere in the Canyon. And, look for some activity from the Hollywood Orchard group coming soon.  


Stay safe and healthy in the new year! 



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Join the Letter Writing Campaign

Write a letter today to


Please cc so we can gather these letters together.

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One Day Christmas Tree Drop - This Sunday, Jan 4th!

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. take your stripped down Christmas tree to FIRE STATION #82, 5769 Hollywood Blvd. 

Not ready to let go of your tree quite yet?    

The City of L.A. Bureau of Sanitation has Curbside collection of Christmas trees. If your Christmas tree is too big to cut and place inside the green bin, simply place the tree next to your green waste bin on collection day. For more information and drop-off sites, visit:


Using your green bin to recycle Christmas tree?

1. REMOVE all ornaments, decorations, tinsel, and stand from the tree
2. CUT tree in pieces to fit into the green bin
3. PLACE the tree pieces inside the green bin for regular pick-up on collection day. Collected Christmas trees will be recycled into compost and mulch.  


Guidelines for Protection Against Burglary Theft From Motor Vehicles 

This is the number one crime in our neighborhood! Here's a message from our Police Captain and his Detectives:


1)   Leave nothing of any value or visually perceived value in your car.
2)   Take the car registration and insurance information into your house with your keys (maybe in a little travel bag). Or, fold your registration and keep that and your insurance card in your wallet. 
3)   Unplug all charging cables and place in your glove box, center console or take into your home.
4)   MOST IMPORTANT: Report ANY and ALL violations of your personal space. Even if you feel nothing of value seems to have been removed. You ARE a victim and your report supports efforts to direct patrol to your neighborhood.
5)   Extra message: Make time to file a police report at the Wilcox LAPD station and report the details of theft or vandalism of your personal property. It's absolutely necessary if you want a police presence on your block. You can wait to report a crime but your ability to report the crime accurately is best right after the crime has occurred. 
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City Resources Needed For the Vista


 Click on the images to view footage of the Vista gathered on Saturday 12/27/14. Sunday was even more packed.

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Streets to be Temporarily Closed in the Vicinity of the Hollywood Sign When Necessary



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Welcome Margot and Teddy!


Our newest additions to the Westshire Curvites Neighborhood Watch!  



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Save a Great Dog's Life
Click on the image to read the story of this great rescue dog and maybe contribute to his medical bills. This story will move you! Everyone should have a dog like this one!

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In This Issue
Letter Campaign to Get our Wildlife Officer Back!!
Christmas Tree Recycling
Guidelines for Safety
City Resourced Needed
Street Closure Motion
Welcome Margot and Teddy!
Save a Great Dog's Life!
Quick Links

BCNA Brochure Oct 2014

Hollywood Hills Crime Mapping

Report Crime and Crime

Sign up for the 311 twitter feed - get real time crime info

Senior Lead Officer
Maggie Dillard 

Cell: 213-793-0710    


Hollywood Police Captain
Peter Zarcone 

Phone: 213-972-2900

Emergencies: 9-1-1




Follow-up Links

Webtraker - See flights over the canyon 

Parking Enforcement 


Graffiti Removal (213) 978-0228
Webpage EMAIL


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Please send articles, news broadcasts, and events to us for consideration in our monthly newsletters.
Fran Reichenbach
Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association
323-462-BCNA (2262)