
Design Review Board Meeting 
This Thursday, 11/14 at 6 p.m.
This hearing will be the second preliminary design review for the construction of a new single-family dwelling at 2766 N. Westshire Dr. Click on this agenda image to view and download the pdf file.
Please click on the agenda to view or download the pdf



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Millennium Update - Thank You!


Recently, the L.A. Weekly announced that Millennium has decided NOT to trench to discover the seismic status of the earth beneath their project site. Speculations about their motives abound. What are they afraid of? Whether or not they decide to find out if the Hollywood Earthquake Fault runs the length of their project site, the California Geological Survey is headed to Hollywood. Their plan is to locate the Hollywood Fault and include that fault in the statewide Alquist Priola Zone Map.


State geologist John Parrish has already written a letter to the City Council instructing them that no permits can be issued for projects in this area until they can determine exactly where the Hollywood Fault is located.


All this attention to the seismic status has taken place because you, the community, have used your dollars and your voice to say NO to projects that overpower our infrastructure and developers who use their money to gain favors from our politicians. The community's health and safety should come first!


What's next?


The legal fees are mounting as the pressure continues to be applied by our attorney, media expert and consultants. We have bills to pay if we are to finally succeed.


What we want:

  • We want Hollywood to be a vital and livable community that balances a vision for the future with preserving its unique character and legendary history. We need support to continue moving forward with this landmark and precedent-setting lawsuit. 
  • The City needs to rescind its support for this project and recirculate the environmental report. We, the people, deserve to see the location of the Hollywood Fault on a map within that Environmental Report.
  • We join Caltrans in their request to have a cumulative traffic study included in that environmental report.
  • We should know how the developer plans to boost our emergency response budget to accommodate such a large project.
  • The developer needs to be willing to play by the rules by giving money to the "Quimby Fund" to expand, maintain, and create small parks in close proximity to their project.   

Are you with us? Can you and/or your friends and family help keep this fight going? We see the finish line ahead. Let's do this! is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Please make a tax-deductible year-end contribution to a worthy cause that is right in your own back yard. Go to 

Click on the DONATE button




Write your check to BCNA - Stop The Millennium


Mail that check to:


Stop The Millennium

2751 Westshire Dr, Hollywood, CA 90068



Help us by sharing this with your neighbors and friends. We wish everyone a safe and joyous holiday season and, thank you!


The team at Stop the Millennium Hollywood 


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Permit Parking Discussed at Local NC Meeting 
Monday, Nov 11 at 6:30 p.m.

Scientology Celebrity Centre International 
5930 Franklin Ave  Los Angeles, CA 90028
(Parking available at the Bronson entrance, ask at Main Desk for directions to Meeting Room)
5. Proposal by Council District 4 to create 5 separate temporary Preferential Parking Districts (tPPD) of 5 blocks each, from the gates of Mount Lee Drive down to the business district of upper Beachwood Drive, restricting parking on holidays and weekends 8am-8pm.  Possible motion by Board or recommendation to Board on how to proceed depending on timeliness of the matter and quorum.
A. Previous HUNC actions on issues pertaining to Park access, public streets, temporary and permanent PPDs, and safety of residents in neighborhoods adjacent to the Hollywood sign.
B. Ramifications of tPPDs, including alternate locations most likely to absorb tourist and hiking traffic, possibility that other neighborhoods will petition for parking restrictions, and possible improved access to upper Beachwood streets during tPPD hours by emergency vehicles.

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Bob Mintzer's Big Band Plays Vitello's!
Friday, Nov 15


Neighbor, Bob Mintzer, is playing at Vitello's (in their room upstairs) in Studio City this Friday, Nov 15. He has spent the last 9 months writing all new arrangements based on great soul standards from the Motown Golden Years. It is going to be a big fun event!

Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association's
ANNUAL MEETING - Monday, January 13, at 7 p.m.


We will elect/reelect our officers at this meeting. Please look in your mailbox for the dues request we will be sending out shortly. 

If you want to run for office, please write to us at Send us your biography:

  • Which block is yours and how long have you lived here? 
  • What are your passions for the neighborhood? 
  • Which skills sets do you bring to donate to the work of public service to Beachwood Canyon?
There will be light refreshments served and we are inviting CD4 representatives to share their action plan for Beachwood Canyon for 2014. 

We look forward to hearing from you. Here's what you will see in your mailbox shortly:

Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association


2014 Dues Request


One Year = $20


What do you get?


Advocacy for neighborhood issues like traffic, street repaving, fire safety, brush clearance, hillside development, illegal dumping, tourist impacts, and more. Your issues are our issues and we're here to help.


What are we doing now?

  • Making plans to install curb cuts for handicapped and stroller access at street corners from Franklin to the Village.
  • Donating to Cheremoya School.
  • Donating to a wide spectrum of efforts such as: Hollywood Community Plan lawsuit to reflect more practical zoning, fundraising for Stop The Millennium project to insure the integrity of Hollywood at large, and the future of our hillside communities.
  • Actively reviewing development plans for Beachwood Canyon and attending Design Review Board meetings when projects are planned in Hollywoodland. Filing appeals to challenge developments in Beachwood Canyon that would negatively impact our hillside environment.  
  • Working with appropriate parties including State and Local government to establish flight rules for non-emergency helicopters flying over the Mt. Lee area.
  • Working with local organizations and the city to find solutions to the overwhelming tourist traffic and parking issues in Beachwood Canyon.
  • Creating and distributing ongoing, timely newsletters to keep you updated on issues and human interest articles.
  • Maintaining the community website:


What can you do to get involved?


  • Pay the low membership fee of $20.*
  • Write to and let us know what skills you would like to donate to our community.
  • Run for the Board of Directors to join this vibrant team of volunteers.
  • Attend one of our quarterly meetings at the Beachwood Caf� (you'll get an email and a flier will be posted in the Village to announce these meetings.


*Send your check to 

BCNA - Membership

2751 Westshire Dr

Hollywood, CA 90068




Go to and click on DONATE 

(please include "Membership Dues" in the comment box)


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Smokey Gets a Speedy Makeover - Thanks CD-4!


Thanks so much to Carolyn Ramsay, Tracy James and their team at Councilman LaBonge's office who so quickly responded to our plea to have the graffiti removed from our Smokey The Bear sign at the top of Deronda. We notified them about the problem Thursday, Nov 7 and they removed the offense in a matter of hours!
Hip Hip Hooray to all of you!

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Maggie - 8 week-old Kitty Needs a Home

Susan lives on Verbena. Her daughter, Lauren is a pet care professional with a soft heart. She came across this cutie and is hoping that someone out there will adopt her:

Meet Maggie. She is about 8 weeks old. Sweet, playful, loves dogs and cats and is looking for a fantastic home. If you know anyone looking for a new furry family member, please email Lauren Kornberg at Please share/forward.
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Times Are Changing




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In This Issue
DRB Meeting Nov 14
Millennium Update
HUNC Meeting Nov 11
Bob Mintzer's Band Nov 15
BCNA Meeting Jan 13
Smokey Gets a Makeover
Maggie needs a home
Times are Changing
Quick Links

Hollywood Hills Crime Mapping

Report Crime and Crime

Sign up for the 311 twitter feed - get real time crime info

Senior Lead Officer Nicole Montgomery 

Cell: 213-793-0710  


Hollywood Police Captain Beatrice Girmala

Phone: 213-972-2900 


Emergencies: 9-1-1




Follow-up Links

Webtraker - See flights over the canyon 

Parking Enforcement 


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Please send articles, news broadcasts, and events to us for consideration in our monthly newsletters.
Fran Reichenbach
Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association
323-462-BCNA (2262)