
Red Flag Parking Restrictions in Effect


Fire Drill on Deronda
Please look at the signs and use common sense when parking on our Beachwood Canyon Streets.
DATE/TIME: 10/03/2013 / 09:22:54AM


The City of Los Angeles has declared Red Flag No Parking Restrictions to be in effect starting 08:00 PM on 10/03/2013 and will remain in effect until further notice.

For additional information please visit our website at: OR call 3-1-1.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Note: The Call Centers operating hours are from 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM daily including weekends and holidays.

Special Detailed Bulletin From Chief Castro - LAFD Battalion 5

High winds and dry conditions are expected tonight through the weekend -  High Fire Danger!

Red Flag parking restrictions will be Enforced.
Cars illegally parked will be ticketed and towed at the owner's expense.
Be prepared for potential power outages.
Stay away from downed power lines.
Take extra caution if using power tools, weed wackers, outdoor fire pits and BBQs.

Please share this information with your neighbors:


Here is the fire weather prediction as of last night. Battalion 5 will significantly upgrade fire personnel beginning at 8:00 pm 10/3/2013. We will have an entire strike team positioned at NEW Fire Station 82 on Hollywood Blvd. This strike team will consist of a Battalion Chief, 5 engine companies (20 firefighters) which will allow for a considerably larger initial attack team for any fire in the Hollywood Hills area.  

The models are strengthening the impending Santa Ana wind event as it nears. Inside 84 hours, higher-resolution models can more precisely determine wind speeds. This allows the National Weather Service to say, with high confidence, that a moderate-to-strong Santa Ana will overspread the region late Thursday night into Friday morning.

At 2:37 pm this afternoon, the National Weather Service upgraded all Fire Weather Watches into Red Flag Warnings -- in effect from 9 pm Thursday through 6 pm Sunday. Peak winds will occur Friday and Saturday mornings, and relative humidities will fall into single digits region-wide. Temperatures will rise into the 90's. Onshore breezes will appear Sunday afternoon, which will cause their own problems due to fuel conditions, low RH's and afternoon sun.
This is critical fire weather, and fires that start during this time frame will spread rapidly and be almost impossible to control.

Some High Wind Watches have been issued as well...these will likely convert into Warnings tomorrow.

Here are the current Watches and Warnings:

Santa Monica Mountains, Ventura Co mountains, Los Padres National Forest, northern Los Angeles Co mountains, Angeles National Forest

RED FLAG WARNING in effect from 9 pm Thu to 6 pm Sun for Santa Ana winds and very low RH

Fri morning: NE winds 30-45 mph with gusts to 70
Fri afternoon: NE winds 20-30 mph with gusts to 45
Sat morning: NE winds 25-40 mph with gusts to 60
Sat afternoon: NE winds 20-30 mph with gusts to 45
Sunday afternoon: onshore winds 10-15 mph with gusts to 25

HIGH WIND WATCH in effect from Thursday evening through Saturday afternoon.
Strongest winds are expected through favored passes and canyons.
Santa Clarita Valley, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Los Angeles Basin, Ventura Co coast, Ventura Co interior valleys, Ventura Co coastal valleys.

Battalion 5 Fire Chief Castro
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CD 4 Update


City Seal Dear Neighbors,

I hope everyone is enjoying the start of the fall season.  This is an update regarding Beachwood Canyon and neighboring areas, following up on the community meeting in August and progress Council District 4 has made since then.

Working Group - Our office has established a working group made up of community leaders from the neighborhoods around Griffith Park, made up of representatives from your local homeowners associations (including BCNA, HHA, HBDU, LHHA, OHA and LFIA), neighborhood councils (including HUNC, LFNC) and Friends of Griffith Park.  This group meets regularly to discuss area concerns and possible remedies and solutions with City departments.

Beachwood Canyon PPD Proposal - The working group is currently working with your community leaders to gather feedback from area stakeholders regarding a potential preferential parking district (PPD) within the upper Beachwood Canyon area.  You may have already been contacted by your local leaders regarding this; if not, please be sure to be in touch with them so you can lend your voice to the discussion.  At this time, it is important to know that the feedback and proposals being circulated and discussed are NOT final.  The feedback being gathered by your local neighborhood organizations will be brought to the working group, where it will be discussed by community leaders, the Council Office and City officials so as to come together to determine a final plan (including boundaries, parking restrictions, etc.) that reflects the views of the community at large.  This plan would still have to meet approval by the City Council and Department of Transportation as well as the affected areas within the neighborhood.  Please be advised that this process could take several months; however, our office will do everything we can to expedite this matter.

Re-Striping - The Council Office has requested that LADOT expedite the re-striping and re-painting of N. Beachwood Drive where the center yellow line, limit lines and "STOP" or "STOP AHEAD" markings have faded over time. I have also forwarded individual requests that I have received to LADOT.
Traffic Study - The Council Office has requested that a comprehensive traffic study be conducted that encompasses the Beachwood Canyon, Hollywoodland and Lake Hollywood areas.

Griffith Park - The Council Office and working group have met with the Department of Recreation & Parks to study various issues related to Griffith Park access. Recreation & Parks will also be providing the Arts, Parks, Health, Aging & River (APHAR) Committee a report on the challenges currently facing the Park Rangers program. This report will come before the committee in approximately 60 days.  Furthermore, the Councilmember has reached out to Recreation & Parks regarding funding a part-time security officer at the "vista" point south of Lake Hollywood Park.

Attachments - I have included to this message several motions introduced and recent letters written by the Councilmember with regards to the various area issues.

Please feel free to call or email me if you have any further questions. You may also feel free to forward this email as well as the attached documents.  It is a privilege to serve as your field deputy.


Dan Halden, Field Deputy

Councilmember Tom LaBonge, 4th District
(213) 485-3337

Sign up for Councilmember LaBonge's newsletter for updates on the 4th District.

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Coyotes in the Canyon
There are lots of coyotes running through our neighborhood streets. They are getting bolder and it's likely that they are being fed by well-meaning neighbors. This is illegal and gives wildlife the notion that our homes are resources for food. Please make sure that your trash bins are secured (not overfilled).
Two young coyote hiking a Westshire hillside in daylight. 
On your evening walks, please take a walking stick, mace, and be loud and demonstrative if approached by a coyote.

Our wildlife expert and neighbor Gregory Randall offers these helpful links:

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Check out the details on the Hollywood Arts Council Facebook Page:


Brought to you by the Hollywood Arts Council!

Tickets are $35 and include a membership (or membership renewal) to the Hollywood Arts Council.

You are invited to meet and mingle with the seen and unseen at one of the most "spirited" sites of Hollywood.

Enjoy wines, "spirits," and delicious hors d'oeuvres!

Kick up your heels to the sounds of live music provided by the Hollywood Rhythm Kings!

Ghost Walks conducted by noted celebrity psychic Patti Negri!

Silent Auction: Place your bid for an opportunity to win a seat at a seance at a spirited site!

Film Noir dress strongly encouraged!

Parking available at the Hollywood Athletic Club lot on Schrader Blvd for $10.

RSVP at 323.462.2355 or get your tickets on Eventbrite!


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Happy Trails, Tony!


Tony passed away yesterday, September 23rd, at the age of 13, after serving his people and guarding his homeplace with fierce and unquestioning loyalty. He felt we were all members of his pack and he was there to keep vigil and protect us at all costs. He came to Beachwood Canyon at 5 weeks old and was self appointed gate keeper to our enclave on Glen Green ever since. Tony was elegant and noble but also a real dogs dog out in the field. He is already so painfully missed and will always be remembered as the Dog of Dogs.



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Two Black Kitties Need Home - Before Halloween!



Dear Beachwood Neighbors: There are 2 black cats that have been inhabiting properties in the area of Vista Del Mar and Primrose. We have been feeding them but we already have animals on our premises, and can't bring them inside. They are very sweet and friendly (though one is a little shy), they love people and are good friends, (probably litter mates). We are trying to find a home/homes for them. If you can help, please  call Barbara Pettitt 323-464-0502

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In This Issue
Red Flag & High Wind Warnings!
CD 4 Update
Coyotes in the Canyon
The Spriit of Old Hollywood
Helicopters at Griffith Park - Friends of Griffith Park Report
Happy Trails, Tony
Two Black Kitties Need Home
Quick Links

Hollywood Hills Crime Mapping

Report Crime and Crime

Sign up for the 311 twitter feed - get real time crime info

Senior Lead Officer Nicole Montgomery 

Cell: 213-793-0710  


Hollywood Police Captain Beatrice Girmala

Phone: 213-972-2900 


Emergencies: 9-1-1




Follow-up Links

Webtraker - See flights over the canyon 

Parking Enforcement 


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Please send articles, news broadcasts, and events to us for consideration in our monthly newsletters.
Fran Reichenbach
Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association
323-462-BCNA (2262)