August 28, 2013  
In This Issue
Secret City Hall Emails Reveal Cover-up
Urgent Appeal
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Press Conference TODAY
Aug 28 at 12:30 p.m.


Apologies to all for using Aug 18 on the previous Breaking News broadcast. And thanks to Tom for catching it for us.


The Press Conference is TODAY 12:30 p.m.


Can you attend this Press Conference?


TODAY - Wednesday, August 28th at 12:30 p.m. outside the Stanley Mosk Courthouse. This is across the street from the Music Center, catty-corner from the Disney Concert Hall. We will meet at the corner of Grand Avenue and First Street. The actual address is: 110 N. Grand Ave. There's parking at First and Olive and a  Metro Rail Station at First and Broadway, just two blocks from the news conference location.


Looking forward to seeing you there. ONWARD!


Want to know how to donate?


StopTheMillenniumHollywood.org and hit the "Donate" button. You can also send checks made payable to "BCNA - Stop The Millennium", 2751 Westshire Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90068 


Thanks, and please forward this to everyone you think might be able to help, and in turn, ask them to forward it to their friends and family.  





Your friends at Stop the Millennium


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Your friends at Stop The Millennium  StopTheMillenniumHollywood.org