Newsletter #358 - Archived Online.

For 32 years The Teaching Home has provided families information,
inspiration, and encouragement from a distinctively Christian perspective.

Co-Editors: Veteran Home-School Sisters, Sue Welch and Cindy Short


  Another Year Is Dawning

     Another year is dawning,
     dear Father, let it be

     In working or in waiting,
     another year with Thee.

     Another year of progress,
     another year of praise,

     Another year of proving
     Thy presence all the days.

     Another year of mercies,
     of faithfulness and grace,

     Another year of gladness
     in the shining of Thy face;

     Another year of leaning
     upon Thy loving breast;

     Another year of trusting,
     of quiet, happy rest.

     Another year of service,
     of witness for Thy love,

     Another year of training
     for holier work above.

     Another year is dawning,
     dear Father, let it be

     On earth, or else in Heaven,
     another year for Thee.

Words by Frances R. Havergal, 1874.  She wrote these words as a poem for her New Year's greeting cards.

Bible Reading Schedule
Month 1: January

Jan. 1:  Holiday

Jan. 2
Gen. 1-4;  Ps. 1;  Matt. 1

Jan. 3
Gen. 5-9;  Prov. 1:1-7;  Matt. 2

Jan. 4
Gen. 10-14;  Ps. 2;  Matt. 3

Jan. 5
Gen. 15-18;  Prov. 1:8-19;  Matt. 4

Jan. 6:  Sunday

Jan. 7
Gen. 19-22;  Ps. 3;  Matt. 5:1-26

Jan. 8
Gen. 23-25;  Prov. 1:20-27;  Matt. 5:27-48

Jan. 9
Gen. 26-27;  Ps. 4;  Matt. 6

Jan. 10
Gen. 28-31;  Prov. 1:28-33;  Matt. 7

Jan. 11
Gen. 32-34;  Ps. 5;  Matt. 8

Jan. 12
Gen. 35-37;  Prov. 2:1-9;  Matt. 9

Jan. 13:  Sunday

Jan. 14
Gen. 38-42;  Ps. 6;  Matt. 10

Jan. 15
Gen. 43-44;  Prov. 2:10-22;  Matt. 11

Jan. 16
Gen. 45-47;  Ps. 7;  Matt. 12:1-30

Jan. 17
Gen. 48-50;  Prov. 3:1-12;  Matt. 12:31-50

Jan. 18
Ex. 1-4;  Ps. 8;  Matt. 13:1-23

Jan. 19
Ex. 5-8;  Prov. 3:13-26;  Matt. 13:24-58

Jan. 20:  Sunday

Jan. 21
Ex. 9-12;  Ps. 9;  Matt. 14

Jan. 22
Ex. 13-15;  Prov. 3:27-35;  Matt. 15

Jan. 23
Ex. 16-19;  Ps. 10;  Matt. 16

Jan. 24
Ex. 20-22;  Prov. 4:1-9;  Matt. 17

Jan. 25
Ex. 23-26;  Ps. 11;  Matt. 18:1-14

Jan. 26
Ex. 27-29;  Prov. 4:10-19;  Matt. 18:15-35

Jan. 27: Sunday

Jan. 28
Ex. 30-32;  Ps. 12;  Matt. 19

Jan. 29
Ex. 33-35;  Prov. 4:20-27;  Matt. 20

Jan. 30: Catch up Day

Jan. 31: Catch up Day

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"The Teaching Home has been a part of my continuing education since I started homeschooling, and I have kept every issue.

"I often go back to old issues to find creative, helpful hints or inspiration."
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Sunnyside Up

Another Form of the Word

To help our girls organize their Saturday, I gave them each a list of things that needed to be done. I explained that the list wasn't exhaustive; they still needed to do their regular chores.

One daughter looked at her list in dismay, exclaiming, "This list IS exhausting!"

Submitted by Lynne S., Tennessee.

Send your humorous anecdote to [email protected].

Peace with God

1.  God loves you.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

2.  Man is separated from God by sin.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Rom. 3:23)  For the wages of sin is death. (Rom. 6:23)

3.  The death of Jesus Christ in our place is God's only provision for man's sin.

He (Jesus Christ) was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. (Romans 4:25)

4.  We must personally receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name. (John 1:12)

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast. (Eph. 2:8, 9)

God's Word

Immerse your family in God's truth through systematic reading and study of God's Word.

The Teaching Home's
Unique Bible Reading Schedule

Features include:
•  Start any month.
•  Read 6 days a week
   (allows for church on Sunday).
•  Read 4 weeks per month
   (24 days per month).
Online at

Listen to the Bible Online.  Choose from six English versions (plus Spanish and other languages) at

Search God's Word at  Options include Passage Lookup, Keyword Search,and Topical Index.

Christian Music Online 24-7

Listen to beautiful traditional, sacred, and inspirational conservative Christian music (commercial free!) when you tune in to these online stations:

 •  Old Christian Radio

 •  Abiding Radio.  Choose from four stations: vocal, instrumental, kids, and seasonal (Christmas). Information for listening on many different devices.


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Copyright 2012 The Teaching Home

Happy New Year!

"... but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind
and reaching forward to what lies ahead,
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward
call of God in Christ Jesus."  (Philippians 3:13b-14)

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 In This Issue 
Rejuvenate Your Homeschool
1.  Recommit to Your Highest Priority
2.  Reassess Your Family's Goals
3.  Reorganize Your Time and Home

Bible Reading Schedule Month 1: January

 Recommended Resources 

 •  Judah Bible Curriculum: K-12 Bible Curriculum
 •  Sing 'n Learn: Audio/Visual Products for Every Subject

New Year's Greetings,

As you start 2013, you can rejuvenate your home school, giving it new life and energy!

Although we can start afresh each morning, the New Year inspires us to reassess our priorities and then make course corrections, plans, and schedules to aim for those goals.

Just a few changes can tremendously benefit your family.

May the Lord richly bless your family for His glory during this New Year!

The Pat Welch Family, Publishers
Pat, Sue, Heather, Holly, and Brian

The Teaching Home is a homeschool, family-run business operated in our home since 1980.

  Strengthen Your Bible Class Next Year –  
  with Judah Bible Curriculum, K-12  

 •  Make Bible class the centerpiece of your Christian education.

 •  Establish your children's future with the Biblical worldview.

 •  Train Godly character to guide them through all of life.

 •  The Bible is the textbook.  Using the Principle Approach, your whole family can study the Bible together, develop comprehensive Bible knowledge, and apply Biblical principles to guide their lives.

Judah Bible Curriculum
Full information at
Order Judah Bible Curriculum Print or e-Book Here.

  Save 40% with Online Delivery!  
  A Principle Approach Bible Curriculum.  

1.  Recommit to Your Highest Priority

Our highest priority is to teach our children God's Word.

"These words, which I am commanding you today,
     shall be on your heart.
You shall teach them diligently to your sons."
          Deuteronomy 6:6-7

"This Book of the Law
     shall not depart from your mouth,
     But you shall meditate on it day and night,
So that you may be careful to do according
     To all that is written in it;
For then you will make your way prosperous,
     And then you will have success."
          Joshua 1:8

We can protect our family from error and counteract the worldly influences around us in no better way than by immersing our family in God's truth through systematic reading and study of God's Word.

Spend Time with the Lord Every Day!

Be sure your family's daily schedule includes daily time with the Lord.

 •  Set aside a time each day, perhaps while everyone is still at the breakfast or dinner table or before going to bed at night.

 •  Let God talk to you by reading His Word.  You can read through the Bible each year in just 15-20 minutes a day.

 •  Take a few minutes to discuss what you've read:
     1. Recall facts
     2. Test comprehension with questions
     3. Expand understanding by paraphrasing
     4. Make applications.

 •  In addition to your Bible reading, include praying, singing hymns and spiritual songs, and memorizing Bible verses.

If you don't do anything else in 2012, bring your family together to meet with the Lord each day!

How To Read The Bible

You can read through the Bible in one year with your family by reading just 15 (or so) minutes a day.

When coming to your Bible reading:
 •  Pray for understanding.
 •  Be right with God and others.
 •  Be eager to hear God's Word.
 •  Be willing to do His will.

When reading your Bible:
 •  Seek for God in His Word.
 •  Note instructions to obey.
 •  Find and trust promises.
 •  Observe good (and bad) examples.

Bible Reading Tip

You can listen to an audio recording of the Scriptures while following along in your own Bible.  This is especially helpful to get through the names in the Old Testament and to keep the pace from getting bogged down.

 •  Buy The King James Bible in MP3 audio 2 CD set for only $14.95.  This recording can be legally copied for non-commercial use.  It is read at a slower pace, which would help children follow along in their Bibles.  Listen to a sample.

 •  Listen to the Bible online.  Choose from six English versions (plus Spanish and other languages) at

The Teaching Home's
Bible Reading Schedule

We have designed a unique Bible reading schedule with the following features:

 •  Start any month.

 •  Read 6 days a week (allows for church on Sunday).

 •  Read 4 weeks per month (24 days per month).

This gives you 4-7 days per month, counting the Sundays, to catch up and stay on schedule.  We have organized Bible readings into three columns to facilitate different reading options.

 •  Column 1:  Complete Bible (minus Psalms and Proverbs)

 •  Column 2:  Psalms and Proverbs

 •  Column 3:  Optional Second Reading of New Testament

These selections may be combined in different ways.  For example:

 •  You may want to do one or two family readings of Columns 1 and 2 and use Column 3 for private or school reading.

 •  Alternatively, if you have very young children, you may want to do Columns 2 and 3 for your family reading and Column 1 for your private reading.

Get The Teaching Home's complete Bible-reading schedule online.

See the Bible reading schedule for January in the left-hand column.

Other Online Schedules

 •  Choose from five ways to read through the Bible: chronologically, historically, Old and New Testaments together, beginning to end, or blended, at Back to the Bible website.

 •  See five Bible reading plans in Over 50 Translations.  Start reading on the 1st or 15th of any month.  Special mobile edition.

 •  See unique schedules, including 31-day and 90-day plans at

"O how love I Thy law!
     It is my meditation all the day."
          Psalm 119:97

New Year's Resolutions?
Make Them Fun & Easy with Music!

 Click on links for info, samples, and to order. 

1.  Memorize More Scripture.   Choose from many programs with word-for-word scripture set to music!

2.  Build Character / Manners. .  Character Classics with Classical Music CD/book sets; It's Fun To Have Good Manners!; and more.

3.  Master Math Facts.   Math Facts to Classical Music four CD/book sets. These are the building blocks of math.

4.  Get the Kids Reading.   Sing, Spell, Read, and Write. Complete multi-sensory phonics programs – fun and effective.

5.  Learn To Spell.   NEW!  Spelling to Classical Music.  35 songs (2 CDs) teach the rules of phonics and spelling – plus a great instructional book with 5,000+ spelling words.

6.  Practice Writing Skills.   1001 Writing Projects for Students. Covers the four basic writing types for 15-minute writing practice.

7.  Have More Fun.  – with recorded books and stories.  Your Story HourSugar Creek GangJonathan Park;  Stories by Jim Weiss; Adventures in Odyssey;  and more audio books & stories.

Sing ’n Learn
700+ Audio Products Covering Every Subject Area! / 1-800-460-1973

2.  Reassess Your Family's Goals

Take a look at the big picture.

Check to see if you are doing the things that are most important to your family.

 •  Review (or write) your family's mission statement — a declaration of your family's purpose in a simple sentence or paragraph which even a child can understand.  See Newsletter #313.

Ask yourself, your spouse, each person of your family, and the Lord:

 •  What is working well?

 •  What needs to be changed or cut out?

 •  What needs to be added?

Consider your academic goals and how best to meet them.  If you are on course, great! If you need help, try these ideas.

Build a Solid Foundation in the Basics.

 •  Make the three basic skills of reading, writing, and math your first priority until the end of your school year.

 •  Add history, science, and other subjects whenever your basics are on schedule.

For reference, see the scope and sequence charts provided online by A Beka Books, BJU Press, World Book, or your state's testing preview site to view what material is suggested to be known by each grade level.

Arrange Your Classes for the Highest Efficiency.

 •  Conserve time and effort by teaching several of your children together in one class, e.g., history, science, Bible, literature, and electives.  Present the lessons with explanations that enable all your children to understand.

Alternate Subjects.

Instead of teaching all of your subjects every day, simplify your preparation and gain from your students' focus by teaching fewer, but longer, classes each day.  Examples:

 •  Each week teach language arts on two days and math on the other three days.

 •  Each week teach language arts and science on two days and math and history on the other three days.

 •  Study history two months, then science two months.

3.  Reorganize Your Time and Home

You can organize your time, space, and housework to make your home run smoothly with the least amount of time and effort.

Manage Your Time.

Tools that work for you include:

 •  Monthly calendar for all family activities.

 •  Weekly calendar for plans and activities.

 •  Daily schedule – where the rubber meets the road!

 •  Lesson plan and record book to record your plans and check off what is done or to record unplanned learning.  See the Homeschooler's Journal by Ferg n' Us.

 •  Running master to-do list from which you assign items to your monthly, weekly, or daily lists.

 •  A planner that contains all of the above in one notebook.

Free Online Resources

 •  Organized Home.  41 printable forms for your household notebook, home management binder or family planner.  Also calendar pages and other forms.

 •  Home Management Notebook.  Printable Forms.

Manage Your Space.

The more stuff you eliminate, the easier it will be to arrange your belongings in an orderly way.

 •  Keep boxes or large garbage bags labeled "give away," "sell," and "toss." Try to put some items in these each day and dispose of them once a week.

 •  Put away half of your children's toys at a time and rotate them from time to time.

Read Post-Christmas Clean Up: Clutter Cutting Ideas for Year's End, including Get One, Toss Two; Mailing Box Challenge; Oosouji; Sort Before You Stow; White Elephants; and Toy Library.

Manage Your Household.

 •  Update your chore chart so everyone knows what to do and when to do it.  See Doorpost's Service Opportunities Chart.

 •  Maintain daily chores of laundry, dishes, and pick up.

See Magic Minimum: a short list of essential household tasks.  It's a bottom-line list of chores and activities necessary to keep things running at a basic level.

 •  Keep meals simple, healthy, and on time.

See healthy recipes at