An eNewsletter for collegians, advisors and volunteers of Phi Sigma Sigma
February 2013
In This Issue
CE Reminders
Call for bid day shirts
Apply for Awards
Apply for Scholarships
Rutgers Donates $10,000
Sorority Rankings Online Not Encouraged
Making CE Fun
New Member Reminders
Recruitment Board
Mark Your Calendar 
March 1 
  • CRA deposit due
  • Foundation donation due
  • Enter sorority statistics
  • EVF for Foundation event due
  • Risk management program due
  • Spring recruitment recap due 

    April 1 
  • All members enter personal activities and fall GPA data  
  • Fall goals  due
  • EVFs due for the following events: alumnae event, multicultural & diversity event, campus community service event, local community service event, event with non-Greek campus organization, personal wellness event, family event, substance use/abuse educational event, anti-hazing event, lifelong learning event and sisterhood event.
  • Collegiate Advisory Board Application

    Apply for this historic, prestigious opportunity to communicate directly with Phi Sigma Sigma's Grand Archon Alicia Scott.


    Deadline is Feb. 27.

    Click here to apply.

    Dear ,


    Wow - can you believe the year we have all been waiting for is finally here? Happy Centennial Year to everyone! This is going to be a special year that we can all cherish and remember for a lifetime.


    Let's show our Phi Sig pride on Monday, March 4 and celebrate NPC International Badge Day. Please join me and thousands of sisters who plan to wear their badges all day long - at work, in the community, wherever they may go.

    I would love for all sisters to use the image to the right as their Facebook profile picture for the day.

    I strongly recommend you take the time to read through the first Phi Sig Savvy of 2013. 


    In this issue, you will have the opportunity to nominate deserving sisters for awards and scholarships; learn about our chapter at Rutgers University that, in conjunction with Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation, donated $10,000 to the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief; read some great chapter excellence event suggestions for the Phi Sigma Sigma membership team and much more.  


    Enjoy the rest of your semester and, as always, Diokete Hupsala!



    Michelle Ardern
    Executive Director

    Send Us Your Bid Day T-Shirt Design  

    Share your bid day designs with HQ  


    Phi Sigma Sigma HQ would love to see your bid day t-shirt designs, as well as your bid day photos. Please e-mail all photos to



    A Chance to Win $500!  


    Phi Sigma Sigma Awards - Celebrate Our Centennial 
    Nominate a sister (or yourself) today 

    Phi Sig awardsYOU ARE A PHI SIGMA SIGMA - which means you live your life looking for ways to make the world a little better, a little brighter, and not necessarily for any thanks associated with doing it.


    Phi Sigma Sigma created a range of honors and awards applying to sisters of every age and at every stage of life.

    Click here to learn more and apply. 
    Awarding $100,000 in Scholarships & Educational Grants      
    Apply for scholarships and educational grants before March 15 
    In honor of Centennial, Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation wants to award $100,000 in scholarships and educational grants this year.

    The generosity of alumnae, collegiate and alumnae chapters, individual members and friends, has enabled the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation to maintain a strong educational grant and scholarship program. Educational grants and scholarships are awarded to both collegiate and graduate members to help our sisters aim high. Applications are now available and are due by March 15.

    Click here for more information. 

    The Brotherhood of Man & the Alleviation of the World's Pain 

    Hurricane Sandy relief and the women at Rutgers University donate $10,000


    Over the past 12 years, the Foundation has activated the Twin Ideals Fund seven times. This fund enables Phi Sigma Sigma to respond immediately to a natural disaster or emergency situation. In 2011, we activated the fund to support the victims of the Japan earthquake and tsunami, the spring tornadoes in the U.S., and last year for Hurricane Sandy. When the fund is activated, the Foundation researches non-profits that are taking a leadership role in the recovery. Selected groups are best equipped to offer assistance and have a proven track record for results. Through the generosity of our donors, we raised $7,642 to support relief efforts of the Red Cross, Save the Children and Rebuilding Together.  Read more>


    Sorority Rankings Online Not Encouraged   
    Phi Sigma Sigma advises against social media sorority rankings 
    Phi Sigma Sigma, in conjunction with the National Panhellenic Conference, advises our chapters not to participate in social media outlets that promote sorority rankings.
    We have seen examples across the country of blogs and local websites issuing unflattering reports and inaccurate broad generalizations of our members. In some of these cases, the members themselves have contributed to this by making the mistake of providing information used to compile rankings and comments. 
    Neither NPC, nor Phi Sigma Sigma, encourage, abide by or endorse rankings. 


    The Creed of Phi Sigma Sigma states, "I believe in the advancement of womanhood. I will make the most of educational opportunities throughout my life and will become a woman of substance, character and influence."


    Let's take the high road and remember to always Aim High in all of our doings.


    "According to our own history, this is unacceptable practice for sorority women and we should not be party to any type of similar activity," said NPC Chairman Jane Sutton. "With the proliferation of social media, anyone who feels the need to vent can also denigrate anonymously, which may border on cyber bullying."  

    Making Chapter Excellence Fun  

    Phi Sigma Sigma membership team offers ideas for successful CE events  


    Your membership managers put together a list of successful events our members could hold to maximize their chapter excellence points. 


    Multicultural and Diversity  

    • Culture crawl (set up different rooms in a house, or if not in a house then one room with different areas as different cultures with food, snacks, information, etc.).

      Campus/Local Community Service

    • Local clean-up
    • Help at a local animal shelter
    • Host a prom night or volunteering at an assisted living home

    Click here for more ideas

    New Member Reminders  

    Keep these things in mind during this semester 

    • All new members must have dues paid on the Phi Sigma Sigma website at least one week prior to initiation. 
    • Switch new members to collegians 3 days prior to initiation to avoid fines. 
    • When entering new members, remember to check the spelling of each name - errors could reflect on a sister's initiation certificate & card. 

    Recruitment Reminders

    Reminders for our chapters regarding recruitment


    Please make sure that recruitment data is entered on the Phi Sigma Sigma website ASAP.  In order to do this, the MRC must log on to the website, scroll over "collegians" and click "recruitment data."    


    *It is important our chapters remember to complete the recap, with pictures, after recruitment.