Money is the last taboo! We have been socialized not to talk about it yet it
affects how we live and work, dictates how we spend time and influences our relationships. It can be a scary subject for many people, and like many important topics, such as conflict and self-image, women and men often deal with their finances differently.
We will discuss the common fears that women have around money, such as "Not smart enough", "Bag Lady syndrome" and "Being a burden" -- and what to do about them.
Robin Young, CFP� and Irene Tomkinson, MSW have created this workshop for women interested in a safe and comfortable environment to explore this topic. Please join us:
Money Fears and What To Do About Them
Date: May 15, 2013 (Wednesday)
Time: 6pm to 8pm
Place: Northstar, 112 Range Rd, Windham, NH
RSVP: May 8, 2013 by either replying to this email or
by calling 603-458-2776.
All women are welcome - a suggested donation of $25 is greatly appreciated and will be given to The Women's Fund of NH, a 501(c)(3), public foundation.
This is an evening you should not miss! Please feel free to invite a friend(s)!