April 2015
SBS Features
Members of the School of Information leadership team (l-r):
Bryan Heidorn, Catherine Brooks, and Kelland Thomas
The UA Creates School of Information

The University of Arizona is poised to become a leader in the rapidly growing field of information science with the opening of the new School of Information, which is housed in the College of SBS. Capitalizing on already strong programs in library science, information technology, and digital arts, the UA's newest school will prepare students to tackle the challenges of an information-based society as well as seize opportunities to succeed in emerging industries. More 

Megan Mills-Novoa in Hanoi, Vietnam, where she supported projects related to climate change adaptation and plant breeding among rice producers
Five SBS Students Receive NSF Graduate Research Fellowships

Five SBS students have received prestigious Graduate Research Fellowships from the National Science Foundation! "We are delighted that over a third of the NSF fellowships given to students currently enrolled at the UA went to SBS students," said John Paul Jones III, dean of the College of SBS. "This is a great testament to the quality of our graduate programs in the STEM fields." More

A round structure uncovered at Ceibal from about 500 B.C.

Archaeologists Discover Maya 'Melting Pot'

Archaeologists working in Guatemala have unearthed new information about the Maya civilization's transition from a mobile, hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a sedentary way of life. Led by UA archaeologists Takeshi Inomata and Daniela Triadan, the team's excavations of the ancient Maya lowlands site of Ceibal suggest that as the society transitioned from a heavy reliance on foraging to farming, mobile communities and settled groups co-existed and may have come together to collaborate on construction projects and participate in public ceremonies. More

Dale Kunkel
Communication Prof. Criticizes YouTube for Kids

Dale Kunkel, professor emeritus in the Department of Communication, wants U.S. regulators to take action about YouTube for Kids, describing it as "the most hyper-commercialized media for children I have ever seen." Kunkel assisted a coalition of consumer groups in preparing the complaint to the FTC alleging that YouTube for Kids is unfair and deceptive to children. Kunkel also wrote an op-ed titled "Google gaffe: YouTube for Kids disregards rules, common sense." More 

UA Student Project Tackles Poverty in Tucson

This semester, students in the Poverty in Tucson Field Workshop offered by the School of Sociology are working to collect data and insights that will be used to address the issue of poverty in Tucson. The course is part of an ongoing partnership between the College of SBS and the mayor's Commission on Poverty. "This course has made such an impact on my life," Alexis Montoya, a senior who took the course last spring, said. "I have since volunteered to provide the homeless with necessities and provide after-school care for children from families with low incomes." More

Castro with recipients of the Ra�l H. Castro Scholarship in 2008 (l-r): Dorana Lopez, Alejandra Torres, Castro, and Perla Rojas
In Memory of Governor Ra�l Castro

Governor Ra�l H. Castro, who died on April 10, was a great friend to the College of SBS. We are proud to help carry on his legacy through the Ra�l H. Castro Scholarship in the Center for Latin American Studies. "Governor Castro had an amazing life--if there's an 'American Dream' story, he epitomized it," said John Paul Jones III, dean of the College of SBS. More 

Project Launches for LGBTQ Homeless

The UA Southwest Institute for Research on Women (SIROW) has received a $1.2 million grant to launch the ANCHOR Project to support chronically homeless LGBTQ young adults. The project promotes housing stability, employment skills, educational achievement, mental and emotional well-being, recovery support, healthy decision making, and community engagement. Between 20 to 40 percent of the homeless in Tucson between the ages of 18 and 24 identify as LGBTQ. More 

Archaeological Field School at Mission Guevavi

Roll up your sleeves and visit the UA's archaeological field school at Mission Guevavi, an hour south of Tucson, where students receive hands-on training.  

Classroom Innovator:Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman

SBS News Briefs 
John Nichols and Noam Chomsky
If you missed the Noam Chomsky event during the Tucson Festival of Books, the video is now on our website here

UA anthropologist Mimi Nichter's newest book is titled Lighting Up: The Rise of Social Smoking on College Campuses. In interviews with hundreds of college students conducted over a 10-year period, Nichter set out to discover why young people continue to light up, despite widespread knowledge of the health risks of smoking. More 

Fenton Johnson
Fenton Johnson, an associate professor of English, wrote the front-page cover story for the April edition of Harper's Magazine describing his experiences and challenges living alone for 20 years. He was recently featured on NPR's "Fresh Air." More

In a story about Chris Kyle in The Atlantic, Philosophy Regents' Professor Julia Annas said moral dilemmas come down to a conflict of duties. More 

Robert Alvarez
Robert Alvarez, a student in public administration and Latin American studies, is one of two dozen fellows chosen by Humanity in Action, an international organization. More

*  Susan Briante, an associate professor of English, is "In the Spotlight" on the website of the Association of Writers & Writing Programs this month! More 

David Soren

* Anthropology Regents' Professor David Soren's investigation of a fifth century A.D. cemetery has led Yale researchers to develop a new method for identifying malaria in the bone marrow of ancient human remains. More 


David Cuillier, director of the School of Journalism, wrote an op-ed about recent setbacks to the Freedom of Information Act, including more exemptions, fees, delays, and spin tactics by government officials. More 

Migrahack photo by Aurelia Ventura
UA students and School of Journalism faculty took top prizes at last month's Arizona Migrahack, which produced a variety of digital storytelling projects that focused on immigration through the use of public data. More  

An article on the gender wage gap in finance quotes UA sociologist Louise Roth, who is the author of Selling Women Short: Gender and Money on Wall Street. More 
Dept News
Upcoming Events
"Hitler: The Sources of Myths and Facts"

Presented by the Arizona Center for Judaic Studies

April 23, 3 p.m.

Location: CESL 102


"Anthropology of Food and Nutrition: Linking the Subfields"
Presented by the School of Anthropology as part of their Centennial Celebration. Events include:

"Up in Smoke: The History of BarBQ with Host Steven Raichlen"
April 23, 7 p.m.

"The Human Appetite: A Symposium on Food and Anthropology"
April 24, 1 p.m.

"10,000 Years of Eating in the Southwest" at the Arizona State Museum
April 25, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

For details on these events, as well as a Native Foods Fundraising Dinner and a Food Tour, click here.
"The Work of Emily Dickinson as Seen by Jen Bervin"
April 28, 6 p.m.
Location: Poetry Center

Poet and UA Creative Writing MFA candidate Brianna Sheaffer leads a Shop Talk discussion on the poetry of Emily Dickinson and its interpretation by poet and visual artist Jen Bervin


McArthur Fellow Speaker Series Featuring UA Anthropologist Brackette Williams

Presented by UA Graduate Center

April 30, 5:30 p.m.

Location: Chavez 111


"Continuum: Multicultural Practices in Grief and End of Life"
Presented by the Southwest Folklife Alliance
May 2, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Location: St. Philip's in the Hills Church
Film: "Rachida"
Presented by the Center for Middle Eastern Studies
May 6, 7 p.m.
Location: ILC 130
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